• Published 16th Aug 2013
  • 4,230 Views, 72 Comments

Rainbow Dash Wants To Fly - Scantrel

It is a few weeks after the Fall Formal, and Rainbow Dash has been feeling a little down as she remembers the magic of that night.

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Ch 1: Food for Thought

Tic...Toc, Tic....Toc, Tic.......Toc.

For the twentieth time in as many minutes, Rainbow Dash stole a gaze at the wall clock near the door and her face settled into a grimace. She could swear that the second hand was moving slower and slower with each passing moment. As she absentmindedly twirled her pen along the blank page in her notebook without taking notes, the monotone voice of her teacher continued to drone on seemingly without end.

"And in 1881, the first construction of the Panama Canal was undertaken by French developer Ferdinand Marie de Lesseps, who had successfully overseen the completion of the Suez Canal in 1869. However, this effort was not successful due to the underestimation of several factors, primarily the..."

Rainbow groaned inwardly. All she wanted was to be saved by the bell and get out of class. The minutes crept by until finally the lecture was over. As the bell rang signaling the end of the class period and the start of lunch, the teacher looked over the class and said "And remember, your essays on the impact of the Suez and Panama canals on shipping and trade in the 20th Century are due on Monday. Class is dismissed!"

Rainbow Dash quickly stuffed her things into her backpack, and bolted from the classroom as fast as she could, deftly dodging past a couple of students who were pausing to chatter near the door. As she made her way to the cafeteria, she found herself lost in thought...again.

"History is so uncool. Only an egghead could enjoy this stuff." she murmured out loud with an air of disgust. The prospect of now having to write a paper over the weekend wasn't helping her mood. Rainbow knew she had been neglecting her studies a bit of late, and while she wasn't in danger of failing any of her classes, she knew she had to keep up with them so as not to face any academic ineligibility issues.

As she walked into the cafeteria and passed through the serving line, she almost didn't see the hand waving at her from a nearby table. But after paying for her lunch, a smile crossed her face as she caught sight of her best friend flagging her down, and Rainbow walked over and took a seat across from the blonde-haired girl.

"Howdy, partner!" Applejack said warmly, popping the cap off of a bottle of fizzy Apple Cider to go with her meal, beaming a bright smile at Rainbow Dash.

"'Sup, AJ?" Rainbow asked, flashing her trademark grin. She was always glad for the chance to hang out with Applejack, it felt like making up lost time ever since the incident over the bake sale. Rainbow had vowed to herself that she would never allow anyone to ever come between her and her closest friends ever again, and she and Applejack had become almost inseparable since.

"Just glad to get to set a spell, I reckon what with the holidays comin' soon, we're just goin' to get more an' more homework." Applejack paused to take a bite of her salad, and washed it down with a swig of her cider. "What about you, Rainbow? How was your mornin'?"

Rainbow Dash gave a sigh that was almost worthy of Rarity and slumped a bit in her chair a moment. "It was so not awesome. I stopped by the gym to see when signups were starting for Volleyball, and they said it wouldn't be for at least another two weeks. Like, how can they expect anyone to start training for the new season if they aren't making the team until the last minute?" Rainbow speared a piece of fruit on her plate with a fork as if to add emphasis to her question. "And now I have some stupid paper to write this weekend about canals and shipping." She rolled her eyes and waved the impaled fruit like a weapon. "Who cares about some dumb shipping?!?!?"

Applejack gave a little chuckle as she listened to her best friend's animated response. "Well, you know History ain't my favorite subject neither. But at least I'm not stuck with an essay to write this weekend."

The two exchanged more small talk while they ate their lunch, eventually the topic moving back to sports, as was common for them. Rainbow Dash thrust the last of the fruit into her mouth and chewed it, hardly tasting it at this point. Swallowing it down, she said "I hate Football season. It’s totally not fair they won’t let girls play on the Varsity team. After all, I would be an awesome receiver!"

Applejack grinned, and said "Well, I betcha’d get teased a mite about being a ‘tight end’.” Ignoring Rainbow’s scowl, she said, “Seriously though, there's not too many that could do it, other'n you I reckon. But that's what's got you all riled up? You're achin' for some competition?"

Rainbow Dash pondered that for a moment, and then said "Well...yes...no. I mean...of course I am because I am the most amazing athlete in all of Canterlot High, but...it's not that as much as something else that's been on my mind." Rainbow paused to eat another bite of her lunch as she tried to wrap words around her thoughts.

Looking back up at Applejack, she finally said, "It's more like...well, you remember the Fall Formal. And everything that happened that night?"

Applejack had set her fork down, and was looking at her friend with curiosity. "Of course I do, I don't think that'll be anythin' we'll ever forget."

Rainbow nodded vigorously, the happy memories of that night flooding back through her. It had been the most awesome night she could remember, but the aftermath had been hard for her. She hadn't shared her disquiet with anyone, not even Applejack. But it was a feeling that had been weighing on her more and more as the weeks passed.

"AJ, I just can't describe what it felt like...it was weird and wonderful and awesome, and..." She paused a moment, not sure how best to describe the odd sense of loss she had started feeling afterwards. "Oh come onnnn, Dash!" she told herself. "Just spit it out already!"

But despite her sudden need to share her feelings, she struggled to find words that could adequately describe the rush of that moment, and what it had felt like afterwards. She twirled her fork around idly on her plate as she tried to think of a way to explain it.

"Aww, sugarcube, I know, I felt it too...it was the most amazin' thing ever. An' you know, I still feel it, deep inside, especially when you and the other girls are close."

Rainbow gave a little smile, though her thoughts were still swirling like a storm inside her head. "Yeah, but it's more than that. I just...." She paused a moment, and then continued. "It's just that I really, totally miss...."

Applejack interrupted Rainbow and laid a hand on her best friend's shoulder, a wistful look on her face, and said gently "Yeah, I feel the same…I really miss Twilight somethin' fierce too."

Rainbow looked up with just a little hint of embarrassment, as the words tumbled out in a rush. “I miss my wings!”

Applejack cocked her head and blinked in surprise at Rainbow Dash, not quite certain she had heard her correctly. After a moment, she finally found her voice. "Your...wings?" Applejack stuttered, giving her friend a look that clearly showed that wasn’t what she had expected at all.

Rainbow Dash nodded enthusiastically, an excited grin starting to spread on her face. "Yeah! My wings! Being able to fly was just...so...AWESOME!"

Rainbow paused just for a second to catch a breath, and then seeing the look that had formed on Applejack's face, she quickly added, "Oh...and uh, yeah, I miss Twilight a lot too!" Rainbow extended the grin as wide as she could with a contrite look.

Applejack just shook her head slowly and her features took on her usual look of practicality. She puffed out her cheeks and said "Rainbow...people just ain't supposed to fly. At least not like that. Surely you know that was somethin’ downright unusual?"

“Yeah, I know, AJ” Rainbow admitted, but she just couldn’t keep a little edge out of her voice that underscored her exuberance. “But I did, and it felt completely natural.” She scrunched her eyes together for a second as she thought, then said “Not just natural. It felt right. Like I was always supposed to fly!”

Applejack pushed her lunch tray aside and leaned forward, setting her elbows on the table and resting her chin on the back of her hands. “An’ that’s what’s got you all churnin’ inside, ain’t it?” she asked. “You’ve gone and gotten yourself all worked up because you can’t fly no more.”

Rainbow Dash leaned back in her chair and looked up at the ceiling. “Yeah, I just can’t stop thinking about it. The freedom was unlike anything I've ever felt. The speed, the adrenaline, the wind in my hair. I liked it! A lot!”

The two sat in silence a moment, as Applejack took her hat off to run her fingers through her hair as she thought it through. It did make some degree of sense to her, knowing Dash’s thrill-seeker spirit.

Applejack set her Stetson back in place and said “Well, I guess I can’t be one to say somethin' against that. What Twilight caused was magic, real magic, not like somethin’ in a movie. An’ I can only imagine how wonderful it must have been to have wings an’ fly.”

She looked over at Rainbow Dash, and gave her an understanding smile. “I reckon it must have been mighty fun to be able to do somethin’ like that. An’ I can understand how you’d miss it when it’s gone.”

Rainbow only nodded, still looking skyward. Applejack suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and her smile turned into a broad grin.

“An’ I think I have just the thing to help you, Dash. You busy this weekend?” Applejack asked with a playful look on her face.

“Err…let me think." Rainbow pondered as she looked back towards her friend, noting the look. "I have some things to do tomorrow, and that paper to finish before Monday, but that will be a breeze, why?” Rainbow answered curiously.

“Now, now, you just leave everythin’ to me. You come on out to Sweet Apple Acres after lunch on Sunday then an’ we’ll see about gettin’ you some air-time.”

“An’ I promise it won’t be anythin’ crazy like Apple Bloom might dream up.” Applejack said with a smirk.

Rainbow was so surprised by Applejack’s offer that she leaned forward suddenly, causing the legs of her chair to land against the cafeteria floor with a loud clang.

“Really, AJ? You’d do that for me?” Rainbow gushed. “Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, this will be sooooo awesome!”

Before Applejack could reply, the bell rang indicating the end of the lunch period. Both girls started a bit at the sound, and then got up from the table to gather up their trays to take them to the disposal line and make their way to their respective classes.

Even the prospect of a chemistry quiz the next period couldn’t wipe the smile off of Rainbow’s face. She had no idea what Applejack could be thinking up, but it didn’t matter. Her best friend was going to help her fly again.

Author's Note:

Nothing ventured, nothing gained I guess. Might as well put this out there and see what feedback it gets, if any.

Edited to consolidate the too-short transition "chapter" I had added.