• Published 4th Aug 2013
  • 1,327 Views, 56 Comments

A Brave, New World (OLD version) - Biker_Dash

Can the Equestrian Socialist Union make room for a new way? Can the returning Luna bring about a brave, new world for freedom?

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(The Return)

Edited by Bad_Seed_72

The flight to Ponyville was relatively pleasant. Relatively in the sense that if it was for leisure; the clear yet warm skies would have been enjoyed by anypony. But Twilight was not on a pleasure cruise. She was all business as her and Spike traveled to their destination. “Let’s go over the itinerary once more, Spike,” she says to her one real friend.

“Right! First off, we are supposed to go check in with the Mayor and ensure that she has everything together on her end. Then, we need to head to Sweet Apple Acres and see an Earth pony mare named Applejack about the food situation for not only the celebration, but also the guards who will be stationed here for the celebration.” Flipping through his notes, he continues, “We then need to find Rainbow Dash, and check on the weather situation. Heh, seems that her job should not be too difficult.”

“Not necessarily so, Spike. She not only has to keep the skies nice and clear, but she also needs to ensure that the temperature and humidity is right in the most comfortable zone for this. Not an easy thing to balance when you have to throw in the other factors. And she has to do this while making sure that the farmlands get the water that they need to not lose production.” She had read up on this one. Rainbow Dash was stubborn and arrogant, but she was also highly competent in what she did, and she was loyal to a fault. Her loyalty is what had nearly gotten her into serious trouble while she served in the Equestrian Air Force. Striking an officer is never a good thing, but she did so anyways, because the officer was not only drunk, but talking disrespectfully about the military, how it was run, and even worse, he was disrespectful to the Empress.

After hearing of this, Celestia decided to grant some clemency to the Pegasus, which is why she is now listed as honorably discharged. In a way, it was a shame that Rainbow Dash was as good at her current job as she was, because with her level of loyalty, and her desire to rejoin the military, she would actually be potentially good officer material. According to her file, she has aspirations of making it into the Wonderbolts. “Who follows Rainbow Dash, Spike?” she asks.

“Rarity and Octavia. Let’s see... Rarity is in charge of all decorations and the stage, and Octavia has been assigned to orchestrate the music for the Empress.” Closing the folder, he turns to the Unicorn. Twilight looks motivated, he thinks. She has a mission to complete, and that gives her purpose. Even a task as simple as this assignment has meaning for her. As long as she is serving, then she is happy.

Minutes later, the two Pegasi towing the sky chariot reach Ponyville and come to a landing in front of the town hall. Hopping out, the Unicorn and Dragon acknowledge the two drivers, and head inside to their first meeting.

* * * * *

The day’s meetings had gone well, and now Twilight was relaxing in the town Library. Mayor Mare has done sufficiently well with her organizing that she actually did not have a whole lot that she needed to do at the moment. Currently, she was waiting for the arrival of the security attachment of Royal Guard, so that she could have everything set for the Empress’s arrival a little before dawn.

Her peace is interrupted by a knock at the door. “I got it, Twilight,” her faithful assistant informs her as he heads to answer. Upon answering, he lets several ponies in. Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash have decided they want to get to know the visiting representative of Empress Celestia, and with them, arrive two friends.

“Evening. What may I do for you?” Twilight asks in greeting. She was not looking forward to visitors, but she was also bored, waiting around.

“Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and I thought we would stop b, and get to know you better. And we have a couple other friends that would like to meet you as well,” said Rarity. Turning to the two ponies Twilight has yet to meet, Rarity makes the introductions. “I would like for you to meet Fluttershy, the town veterinarian, and Pinkie, the resident party pony.” The two ponies, a canary-yellow Pegasus and a bubblegum-pink Earth pony step forward, one shyly, and one bouncing with enthusiasm.

“Good meeting you two, but I really don’t have a whole lot of time for socialization. A Royal Guard unit should be arriving soon. I should head to the train station soon to meet with them and make sure that they get themselves settled and set up.” Pulling a map of the town from her saddlebags, Twilight moves to the desk to review the layout of the town. If there were to be any attack on the Empress, it would be best that she knows the most likely locations of attack so that they may be closely guarded.

“Well, if you are busy right now, maybe we could get together after the Celebration?” Rarity offers, receiving a distracted grunt from Twilight.

As the five guests are getting ready to leave, there is another knock at the door. Once again, Spike answers it. This time, it is Mayor Mare, and she has an urgent look on her face. Wasting no time, she heads straight to Twilight. “Sorry to interrupt, but there is a problem. I have just been informed that the train from Canterlot has not radioed in for a couple hours. A couple of Pegasi have flown up the tracks some, and saw no sign of it coming.”

“Shit! Why was I not informed of this sooner?” Twilight demands. There could be many reasons why the train was delayed and had not radioed into the Ponyville Station. Almost all of them were trivial, but her mind quickly settled on one possible reason: the train had been attacked. That meant that Empress Celestia was in jeopardy if she was to come here.

There wouldn’t have been an attack on the train if there weren’t plans to station rebels within Ponyville ready to make a move against the Empress. But the rebels in Ponyville had been rounded up. However, with the number of ponies coming in from out of town... damn. Any of them could be part of a cell, or part of an assassination attempt.

“SPIKE! Take a note. Label it urgent. This is going straight to Celestia. ‘Do NOT come to Ponyville. I suspect that the train carrying the Guard unit has been attacked en-route and is incapacitated. Furthermore, I suspect that Ponyville is NOT secure. I repeat, Ponyville is NOT secure.’”

Once Spike confirms the content of the message, she has him send it. With a puff of green flame, it is delivered through his Dragon magic.

“I’m so sorry. I just found out myself from the Station Chief about this. I should have him brought up on charges!” the Mayor proclaims.

“That can wait,” Twilight tells her. Turning to her guests, she says, “Rainbow Dash, you’re the fastest flyer around. I need you to fly along the tracks towards Canterlot and find out what happened with the train. I need information, and I need it yesterday. Get going, and be careful. Knowledge is more important than any heroics,” she adds, knowing the Pegasus’s tendencies to jump into situations without fully thinking things through, according to the report on her.

As Rainbow Dash heads out the door and flies off on her assignment, Applejack turns to Twilight, asking, “Is there anythin’ that we can do ta help, Twilight?”

“I don’t know right now, Applejack. If you stick around in case that you are needed, I would appreciate that,” she replies. Turning back to her desk, she declares, “I need a drink!”

“YAY! We can have a party while we wait!” Pinkie Pie exclaims, pulling out a bottle of Foalitchnaya Vodka from her mane, as well as a jug of apple cider and several red, plastic cups.

Turning to the Mayor and the other four ponies, Twilight silently asks how Pinkie did that.

“Don’t ask. Just nod yer head an’ don’t ask, sugarcube,” Applejack instructs her.

* * * * *

About a thousand feet above the ground, at the edge of the Everfree Forest to the right, and Whitetail Woods to the left, Celestia flew in her chariot with two Unicorn Guards. Three more in another sky chariot followed immediately behind. Surrounding them were eight Pegasi Guard ponies. Considering who was expected to return later, Shining Armor had just about demanded that the Empress travel with a whole Battalion escorting her, but she did not wish to do so. It would have caused more of a disturbance than she wanted. Since she was leaving early, she should be safe in Ponyville well before the time that her rebellious sister was expected to return.

With less than ten minutes to go before her arrival in Ponyville, a scroll pops into existence above her head. There is only one being who can deliver a message in this manner, and that would be Twilight Sparkle’s assistant, Spike. Unfortunately, with the speed that they are traveling, by the time she realizes what it is, it is well behind her. Fortunately, one of the Pegasi flying with the Empress is intelligent enough to know to retrieve the scroll.

When she finally has the scroll in her telekinetic grasp, she unfurls it to read. Given how close they are to Ponyville, she decides to press on. Unfortunately for her and the guards, they should have left even earlier.

Out of both wooded areas come huge swarms of bees, hornets and wasps. Literally every flying insect with a stinger is flying up to meet them. When the millions of insects arrive, they immediately attack, stinging at every pony in the formation.

Not only does this painfully distract the Pegasi flying guard around the chariot, but it slows all of them. Within seconds of the swarm hitting them, yet another swarm emerges. Thousands upon thousands of birds fly out of the forests and attack, going for the eyes in particular. The chaos is immediate.

Celestia tries to order a retreat, but is unable to do so while being attacked. On top of that, the Unicorn guards in the chariots barely have enough time to try to defend themselves and their Empress before the Pegasi towing the vehicles lose it, causing the chariots to capsize, dumping the unfortunate wingless ponies to their deaths.

Empress Celestia is no fool. She knows that if she is to survive this, she must flee, and do so immediately. Abandoning her chariot, she attempts to fly back towards Canterlot. Only three of the Pegasi Guards are able to fly with her now. The others have succumbed to the attack and fallen to their deaths.

They do not get far before the swarms of insects and birds force them to the ground. Once they reach the ground, the birds and the bees back off, giving the Empress and her three remaining guards a quick respite.

“Your Majesty, we must get you to safety,” croaks one of the soldiers. He does not have an opportunity to say any more when the four of them are attacked by a pair of Manticores and several Timberwolves.

The Pegasi attempt to fight off the attacking creatures, but are quickly overcome. The animals prove to be no match for Celestia though. Even as weakened she is from the stings, beaks and talons of the previous attack, she is mighty. Firing up her magic, she sends blasts into each Timberwolf, incinerating each one with her energy. She also gets one of the Manticores as it charges, blasting its head from its body. The other one evades the blast and manages to sting her in the chest.

The effect is too much for the Alicorn to withstand, and she collapses onto her side. At this point, the Manticore ceases its attack, and waits for the one who controlled it to come out.

In an attempt to summon help, she grabs a scrap of paper, scribbles a quick message with her pen, and sends it off. It is then that the pony who commanded the creatures steps out into the clear.

The Alicorn’s coat is black as night. Her mane and tail seems to be made of the nebulous Milky Way in the heavens above. Unlike the Empress, she wears a chest plate and helmet made out of silver-plated steel instead of the jewel-encrusted gold crown and necklace that the white Alicorn wears. Sitting next to the stricken Empress, the attacker looks down upon her with a sad look upon her face.

“I should have known it was you, Luna. Only you had the power to summon and control creatures like that.” Coughing a bit from the venom within her blood, Celestia continues, “I suggest you flee now. I have sent for help. And when it gets here, you will not last more than a few minutes.”

“I never wanted war, sister, but you left me no choice. And I am guessing that, from all I have witnessed during my banishment, you have not changed at all. I am afraid that tonight it will end. You will disappear, and in the confusion, the Solar Empire that you have built will fall.”

Sighing softly, Luna lifts a forehoof and sharply strikes Celestia in the head, knocking her unconscious.

Knowing that it is only a matter of time before help does arrive, Luna uses her magic to levitate her sister onto her back, then sets off into the Everfree Forest. She has a particular place planned, knowing that there will be a battle tonight. She figures that the old ruins would be the best place for the skirmish.

A short distance down the road and hiding in the bushes is an orange Pegasus filly. She had just witnessed the entire battle and was terrified that she would be next. Like everypony, she knew the stories of Nightmare Moon, and heard the rumors that she was supposed to return. Now, she knew the stories to be true. So very true. She feared that she would be the next pony to fall victim.

While Nightmare Moon carries the captured Empress off into the Everfree, Scootaloo grabs her scooter from the hiding spot and hauls ass down the road to Ponyville. She needs to get help quickly if the Empress is to be saved.

* * * * *

Twilight did not have to wait long for a reply from Celestia. The reply she received was not what she had expected. She had no clue that the Empress decided to head out early, and that her worst-case scenario would become reality. The message was short and to the point.

Attacked en-route.
Between Everfree and Whitetail.
Suspect Luna.

Damnit! She had warned Celestia that she suspected that Luna would make her return in the Everfree, and that it was not safe. And yet, she insisted. She had failed her Empress. Her one duty was to ensure the safety of Her Highness, and she failed to do so.

“Ladies, I need you to wait here. Something has come up, and I must go,” Twilight tells the mares in the library with her.

Applejack is the first to speak up. “Hold on, Twilight. Ah may not know all the details, but Ah can add two an’ two together. Ah’m gonna guess that the Empress is in trouble, an’ that the rumors o’ Nightmare Moon are true. Is that the case, sugarcube?” she asks.

“It’s not your concern, Applejack. This is something that is my responsibility.” Twilight did not want them getting in the way--something that was very likely. She also did not need the risk of them becoming exposed to the truth.

Twilight knew the truth, but only because, being the Empress’s primary troubleshooter, she had to know in order to be able to take care of business. She understood the reasons why Celestia had the histories changed, and they did not matter to her. What mattered was that she was devoutly loyal to her ruler, and nothing could change that. But Twilight couldn’t reveal the secret. To do so would place the status quo at risk.

“Actually, since we are loyal subjects o’ the Empress, if we know that she is in danger, it is our duty ta help out in any way we can. Especially me, Pinkie, an’ RD, who all served in the Equestrian military. Maself an’ Pinkie as Rangers, an’ Rainbow in the Air Force. An’ Fluttershy too, since she is trained in medicine. She had ta learn pony medicine before she could move on ta become a vet.”

“And do not think that I will just sit idly by while you go on this mission. I, too, am loyal to the Empress, and I will do my duty to help as well,” Rarity adds. “It would be uncouth of us to let you do this on your own.”

Twilight ponders this for a short moment. In seconds, she makes her decision. “Alright. You can come along with me. But you WILL obey my orders. Is that clear?” She receives nods from everypony present.

Turning to Mayor Mare, she gives out specific instructions. “I need you to wait here for Rainbow Dash to return. When she gets here, have her follow the road to Canterlot and catch up with us. Also, I will need you to maintain the peace. If we do not return with the Empress, then we do not want everypony to panic. Especially since everypony expects the Empress to raise the sun. That will be taken care of by Priestess Cadenza if Empress Celestia is unable to do so.”

Twilight actually knew the truth about the rising of the sun, but that was another tidbit of information that she was not about to share.

“Spike, I need you to send a message to Shining Armor. He needs to know the situation, and that he needs to get the Guard mobilized and down here IMMEDIATELY! He will also need to contact the Priestess.”

As Spike wrote and sent the message off to her brother, Twilight made certain that she had everything she needed.

“Applejack, you lead the way. I do not know the area well enough. The road is the one leading to Canterlot between Whitetail Woods and the Everfree Forest. I do not know how far it is up the road that we’ll find them, or what else we may find, so keep your eyes open. That goes for everypony.”

With that, they set out the door.

Twenty minutes of running pass by before they just reach Fluttershy’s cottage. With a surprising burst of energy, Fluttershy runs past them, then stops, bringing them to a halt.

“What in Tartarus, Fluttershy? We don’t have time for this! We need to move our flanks NOW!” Twilight yells at the Pegasus, extremely irate at being delayed.

“I just need to grab my emergency medical pack in case anypony is injured,” Fluttershy replies demurely.

“I concur with Fluttershy, Twilight. It will only take a minute. She keeps the pack ready by the door normally,” Rarity adds.

When the other two nod in agreement, Twilight relents, “Fine. Make it quick.”

Fluttershy does not waste time. She heads inside her cottage, and in less than a minute, she returns with an orange set of saddlebags marked with red crosses on either side. “All set, Twilight.”

They were just about to continue when a terrified filly on a scooter came around a turn in the road and nearly collided with them. Nearly breathless from fear and the exertion of propelling herself down the road at breakneck speeds, it takes a couple moments before they are able to get any coherent words from her. Finally, Fluttershy and Pinkie are able to get her to speak about what she had witnessed.

“N-n-Nightmare M-m-m-Moon... I s-saw her! S-she k-k-killed a b-bunch of ponies, a-and she c-c-captured...” was all they were able to get from Scootaloo before she broke down.

Applejack sits down next to Scootaloo, speaking encouragingly to her. “Scootaloo, ya’ve done good. Better than most fillies yer age could do. Don’t you fret. We’ll save the Empress. Take pride in how much courage ya showed gettin’ here ta tell us this,” she says, draping a foreleg over her shoulder.

“Do you really mean it?” Scootaloo asks, looking up into Applejack’s eyes.

“Yes, Ah do. Now, Ah need ya ta go do somethin’ fer me. Can ya make it ta mah farm?” When the filly gives her a nod of affirmation, she continues, “Good. Ah need you ta go there an’ let mah family know Ah’ll be late comin’ home ‘cause Ah have business Ah gotta tend ta.”

The young Pegasus promises that she will do so and takes off down the road, veering off towards Sweet Apple Acres.

“Thank ya, Twilight, fer bein’ patient. That filly was scared outta her mind,” says Applejack.

“I’m not heartless. And she was brave to get away to tell us what she saw. Let’s get moving.”

They get about four miles down the road when they find a body. It was a Pegasus Guard Pony who had been one of the Empress’s guards. Upon reaching the body, Fluttershy quickly checks it over. It is not a pretty sight. The eyes have been gouged out and there are deep scratches all over the body, in particular around the face. Furthermore, the stallion’s entire body is covered with welts from thousands of stings. It was also crumpled together in a way that an equine body is not supposed to be, having impacted the ground from rather high up.

“I say that it is likely that he died before he even hit the ground. From the sheer number of stings, I would guess he ended up going into anaphylactic shock and died in the air,” Fluttershy tells Twilight. Feeling around the dead pony’s throat, she confirms the reaction to the many stings. “If you feel down here, you can feel how his trachea is swollen shut. Either he passed out from suffocation, or his heart stopped from all the venom in his system. And it was not just bees, but wasp and hornets as well. You can see all the scratches on the body, in particular on his face, and how the eyes have been plucked out. It was birds that did that. And he was still alive when it happened. This was a coordinated attack, and somepony was in control of the creatures.”

Twilight nods her head in affirmation. “That takes magic abilities beyond that of even an Alpha+ Unicorn like me. Only an Alicorn has that capability.” She lets that thought hang in the air as she uses her magic to roll the dead pony onto its other side. “Damn. I was hoping that his shotgun would be serviceable, but that was damaged when he hit the ground.” She points to the gun strapped to the side of the guard with her hoof. The receiver and barrel are both bent out of shape, rendering it inoperable.

“How many Royal Guard would have been traveling with her?” asks Fluttershy.

“Two chariots with four drivers each, plus five Unicorns between the two, and eight Pegasi flying in a perimeter formation around the two chariots, for a total of twenty-one guards in all.”

“Whoa! That pony’s road pasta!”

They all turn to see Rainbow Dash hovering behind them.

“Really, Rainbow Dash? I think that was rather uncouth of you to say,” chides Rarity, who is looking a bit green in the muzzle. “I know it is against your nature, but try to show some respect.”

“Sorry, Rares,” Dash says. “So I got to where the train was, and there were no survivors. It was attacked. A well-coordinated attack too from the looks of things. They blew the tracks just as the engine was passing over. Numerous rockets hit the remaining cars. Somepony must be supplying them with some serious hardware to do this. I did not see any signs of the attackers still being around, but I figured I better get back here pronto.” Pointing to the cadaver on the ground, she asks, “Was he one of the Empress’s guards, Twilight?”

“Yeah, he was,” Twilight confirms. “Let’s go. Rainbow Dash, scout ahead for us. Let us know what you find.”

And with that, they continued further down the road. They did not get too far until they came upon three more dead guards, as well as the charred remains of several Timberwolves and a headless Manticore.

The bodies of the guards here were in just as bad shape as the previous guard, though the fatal wounds were different. Timberwolves have a habit of going for the throat, and all three were nearly decapitated by the viciousness of the attacks.

This proves too much for Rarity, and she rushes off into the bushes, emptying the contents of her stomach. Twilight and Rainbow both feel their stomachs turn a bit at the sight, but Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy seem unaffected by what they see. Applejack and Pinkie Pie are stoic because of the things they have seen and done while on various operations as Rangers. Fluttershy, having dealt with enough death and gore as a medical intern, and then as a veterinarian, could remain calm in situations such as this.

Twilight commands them to check the bodies for shotguns and ammo. She has a distinct feeling that they will be needed. Three guns may not be much, but at least it would give them an extra punch. As they do that, Twilight looks around the scene. She can tell that the guards stood no chance and were taken out immediately by the Timberwolves. At least one of them had been stung by a Manticore. That part had been brutal and quick.

Celestia’s attack on the creatures had to have been just as quick and brutal, as evidenced by the burnt--and headless in the case of one animal--remains. There were signs of two Manticores, though, so the surviving one had probably evaded the Empress’s attacks and stung her. There was also hoofprints of an unknown pony. They did not seem to be Celestia’s, but they were larger than a normal pony’s.

That left only one possible pony--an Alicorn. One that has not been in Equestria for a thousand years. The tracks led into the heart of the Everfree Forest.

“We got three shotguns, Twi, an’ a dozen rounds o’ buckshot fer each,” Applejack says, coming up to her side.

“Good. You take one and hand one to Pinkie and one to Rainbow. We’re going into dangerous territory now.”

Author's Note:

Once again, I have my friend, and fellow author, Bad_Seed_72, to thank for her assistance with this chapter. She was critical in getting Applejack's accent down pat.

Thank you, my friend. I am very grateful that you took the time to help me make this chapter worth of my fans.

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