• Published 26th Jul 2013
  • 7,213 Views, 254 Comments

Octavia is Pregnant! - Redbook

What happens when an Upper-class pony like Octavia is pregnant and Vinyl is the father... wait what?

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Chapter Three

Octavia was going crazy, bouncing from one side of the house to the other. Vinyl was really scared. Her legs were shaking a bit, she never once had she seen Octavia act this way about the house not being clean enough for her parents. In a middle gallop to another room to clean, Octavia turned and glared at Vinyl. “Why are you not helping me with cleaning, Vinyl? This is partly your fault that my parents want to come and visit.”

The stare Octavia was giving Vinyl, made her feel kind of small to the gray mare. Vinyl moved slowly back into the chair she was laying in. “I don’t know, Octy. You’ve been like super crazy about getting the place like an EASA clean room. Maybe if you, I don’t know, tell me what the buck to do, I would do it. As long as it’s not cooking. I only cook for one pony besides me and that is you. My lovely hot flank, you,” Vinyl said as she give her a little wink.

Octavia was still getting around the idea that she was pregnant and would be having a foal. The ‘being a mother’ part gave her an overwhelming feeling of joy, but she still super mad at Vinyl for the means of having this joy. For that reason, Vinyl would be finding herself sleeping on the couch for the next few nights after her parents came over. She didn’t need them finding Vinyl not ready when they arrived.

Octavia didn’t have time to waste trying to explain to Vinyl what all the things where they needed to do. The list would go on for hours. So the best course of action was gently biting down on Vinyl’s ear and slowly pulling her to the bathroom. At this Vinyl let out a ‘meep’ and growled as she was dragged away.

“You can scrub that gel stuff you let drip all over the sink every morning when you style your mane.” This resulted in a loud groan from the white unicorn. Before Vinyl could even try to argue about it, Octavia was out of the door and had it closed. Vinyl was glad about one thing, she was a unicorn and didn’t really have to lift a hoof to clean up.

DJing had really given her the training she needed to work on multiple things at once. Vinyl closed her eyes as the beat in her head began to play. The brush was slowly engulfed in her light blue magic. Then it spread over to the other things Octavia left for her to use. The music in her head grew louder and faster. Everything began to dance to her inner song. Her head was banging back and forth.

The world around the DJ was gone and the only thing she could hear was the beat playing inside her head. While Vinyl was now checked out, the cleaning supplies began to do what Vinyl had wanted them to do, they cleaned. They cleaned to the beat of Vinyl’s inner beat. It was sight to behold. Octavia would have just been speechless at the fact that Vinyl was doing what she had asked. As the beat came to an end, so did the cleaning. With the last of the beat, the cleaning supplies were put where they were when Vinyl got pulled in.

It had been about a hour or so and Vinyl hadn’t come out of the bathroom to complain about how cleaning it was lame and try something to get out of cleaning. Octavia was getting kind of worried. Did something happen to her? Well Octavia had open the door right as Vinyl’s magic was putting things away. The gray mare looked around and saw that the whole bathroom was clean and not just the one spot she had pointed out. The little duster she held in her mouth just dropped to the floor. She couldn’t believe Vinyl had did more cleaning the what was asked of her.

“Oh wow, Vinyl. I never in my entire life imagine you cleaning. Now I wonder what I have done to get you to clean?” Vinyl was about to protest at that statement, but Octavia smiled and walked over to plant a gentle kiss on the side of Vinyl’s muzzle. This made Vinyl’s mouth drop open.

Octavia had come to terms with what happened. Between all the cleaning she had been doing, she also had been thinking of how to get back at Vinyl for what she did. And Octavia had come up with the perfect idea on how to do that. Vinyl had a one tracked mind about some things. The list of items that are always on Vinyl’s mind, sex and food.

So now that Octavia gotten Vinyl where she wanted her. Octavia walked to the door, she gives her flank a little shake. Octavia want back to making sure the rest of the house was in order before tomorrow. Vinyl stuck her head out of the bathroom and was grinning ear to ear. “Octy I must say, you have one hot flank that make me want to shudder. So how about you take a break from cleaning and we meet up in the bedroom?”


“I will see you there...” Vinyl was about halfway to the bedroom when things clicked a bit. “What do you mean no? You just the kissing on my cheek and the thing with your flank.”

“I know what I did, Vinyl. The kiss was for doing such a good job cleaning and I don’t know what you mean by the thing with my flank. I don’t even know why you would be staring at my flank for in the first place.” Octavia never really stop what she was doing to look at Vinyl as they were talking. Octavia really couldn’t stay mad at Vinyl for long. “I might be nice enough to let you sleep back in the bedroom tonight if you help me make sure the house is up to my standards of cleanness.”

And with that Vinyl was by her side trying her best to help. The possibility to getting off the couch and sleeping in a real bed was too good to pass up. The couch wasn’t the best place to fall asleep on. It was worse if you were made to sleep on it. So with Vinyl’s touch and Octavia making sure she didn’t just slack off and did it only halfway, the cleaning was done in no time at all. Octavia was true to her word and let Vinyl sleep in the bedroom that night, but stop Vinyl everytime she want to do something besides sleep. Vinyl grumble and fall asleep a little sad that she didn’t get to have any fun, but was happy to alease be in a bed with Octavia.


Celestia’s sun was just being to rise, but Octavia was already out of bed. She would have still been in bed, but Octavia’s nerves just keep her from enjoying anymore sleep. Her parents were like most ponies in Canterlot, which meant that being open mind about her being a fillyfooler was not very likely. Octavia knew that they wouldn’t shawn her, but they would be very disappointed in her for it.

Octavia looked over to see a snoring Vinyl spared over most of the bed that one pony could take without knocking another pony off. She put her forehooves up and try to cover the little giggle that wanted out. Vinyl did look very cute the way she was laying. But don’t let Vinyl know that Octavia was thinking that about her.

Letting out a little sigh, Octavia slowly made her way off the bed and out of the room. She really didn’t have to be quite as she moved. Vinyl could sleep through her own music if it was playing full volume next to her ear. Octavia wish she was that lucky. She looked at the clock and sighed again. There was still another three hours before her parents would be here.

That would give her enough time to do some last minute touches to the house and have here and Vinyl shower. The house seem in order and now it was time to get a shower. Octavia shoved Vinyl off bed. There was a meep and a four limbs waving in the air trying to get out of the sheets. Vinyl’s head popped up and glared at Octavia.

“What the hay was that for Octy?”

“I only had a few choices in getting you up. I chose the one that seem be fun and I knew would work.” Octavia was trying her best not to giggle.

“I’m so glad that somepony is loving my pain.” Vinyl was trying her best at pouting and even throw in a little whimper. Octavia just sigh and moved over to Vinyl.

“It’s time for you to take a shower. I’m letting you go first this time.” Vinyls mouth drop and was about to burst out laughing.

“Octy are you feeling out? You never let me shower first.” Octavia just sighed and pulled Vinyl by the ear to the bathroom. Vinyl was digging her hooves into the floor, but was no match for the earth pony’s strength. Vinyl was glad for one thing, she had strong ears. And the fact that she kind of liked when Octy would nibble on them.

As Octavia was closing the door she could hear Vinyl say something about not needing a shower and that she didn’t smell that bad. A fly was passing by and dropped right to the ground. While Vinyl was showering, Octavia would be getting things ready, like snacks, drinks, and a note telling Vinyl that she even touch them. That she would be a dead mare after her parents left.

Everything was laying out and ready to go when the door to the bathroom door open to show a still wet Vinyl holding a towel in her magic. Octavia’s jaw dropped and some odd sounds came out. She think that she was trying to say something but failed in doing so. Octavia couldn’t believe her eyes. There was VInyl with her mane laying down and to her surprise it was kind of long. Octavia’s mind try to think of why her mane was long now.

“Vinyl, your mane is so...”

“Long?” Vinyl grin and give Octavia a sexy look and walked back to the bathroom. Had Octavia not notice that Vinyl had let her her grow out. It’s was kind of shocking to see that all the time they had lived together and she never once notice Vinyl’s mane growing out. Octavia felt very thick headed at that moment.

There was a giggle that brought Octavia out of her own thoughts and to the world around her. “I didn’t know you like a long mane on a pony. Then I would have let it out a long time ago.” Octavia didn’t really know what to say to that. Vinyl had a totally different look with her mane like this. Vinyl looked like a mare, not like she wasn’t before. But she just had a look that give her a male feel.

“Are you just going to stand there or do you mind telling what’s going on?” Vinyl had a sly grin on her face. It didn’t dawn on Octavia that her face was glowing. She moved past VInyl and give a gentle buck this time out of the room.

“I think it’s my turn for a shower, Vinyl. My mother and father will be here in about an hour. If I’m not out and ready by that time. Please let them in and offer them some of the snacks and drinks I have sitting out.” With that said, the door to the bathroom was closed and water was turn on.

Vinyl seat in the living room and waited for either Octavia got done or when her parents got her. She didn’t really want to be with Octavia’s parents alone. Vinyl had spent a few minutes in front of the mirror in their bedroom to see what she could do with her mane that wouldn’t get Octavia mad at her.

Vinyl got really lucky and that Octavia was done and checking everything was in the right place. Not like it would moved after the first ten times she had checked them. Octavia looked up and a smile and blush came to face. “Well I guess that was what you been up to while I was in the shower.” Before Vinyl could say anything, there was a knock at the door.

Both mare froze in place and then the knock came again. Octavia’s brain kicked into gear and she was at the door in a blink of an eye. “Hello mother. Hello father. I’m so glad that you both were so nice to come and visit me.” Octavia moved out of the way as two unicorns made their way into the house. To say that Vinyl was shock to find out that Octavia’s parents are both unicorns and she was an earth pony.

“Oh curse, dear. When we got your letter in the mail we had to come and see you as soon as we could. So where is this stallion that has given us a grand foal?” The mare unicorn looked around the room only to find that the only other pony in the room was Vinyl.

“Mother I would like you to meet Vinyl Scratch. And well... She is the stallion you are looking for.” Octavia looked at the ground as she try to make circles with a hoof. Octavia didn’t want to see the look on her mother’s face when she told them that Vinyl was the one that got her pregnant.

There was a long moment where nopony was talking. Then there was a cough and Octavia looked up to see that her parents had a smile on their face. “Oh, it’s very nice to meet you Vinyl. I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say that little horn on your head has something to do with this?” Hearing that the comment about her horn. Vinyl jumps up and moves to them.

“My horn is not that small. I don’t think Octavia is complaining about my horn. Ouch. Octay what was that for? “ Octavia move next to Vinyl and give her good whack in the head. Octavia face was red enough to give an apple a running for it’s money.

Octavia’s parents look at each other and try not to giggle. Both Vinyl and Octavia looked at them like they are crazy. Octavia was the first to speak. “What are you laughing about mother, father?” It took both her parents a few minutes to calm down enough.

“Well my little sweet. We kind of thought you two were an item. Just being good parents and wait for you to come out and tell us. What did you think would happen? We would disown you?” Her father said while trying to keep from laughing with his wife. The one thing Octavia thought would happen if they found out. But here was her father telling her that she was wrong and that they were just waiting.

Octavia just nod and was in a state of shock. Octavia always thought they were like every other pony in Canterlot. She didn’t know why, they never showed that they thought along those lines. Great, Octavia was just like every other pony. Just thinking that anypony from Canterlot was like that.

After the very long time of not talking. They found themselves in the living room drinking some tea. Nopony remember how they got there. Octavia slowly took a smile slip of her tea. “So what do you think of being a grandmother and grandfather?” Both of them lower their cups and looked at each other.

“I guess we are happy as any parents would be to find out that their daughter is having a child. It may not be the way we thought it would happen. Me and your mother just want to make sure that you are ready for what is about to come and to let you know that you can come to us if you need help.” Her father said as he picked up his tea cup in a somewhat shaky magic grip. Octavia couldn’t tell if it was from nerves or was he just scared of being a grandparent.

“Thanks, it’s really kind offer and all. I will make sure that Octavia is taken care and if things get bad. I will give you a call.” Vinyl said after taking the first drink of her tea. She had just been sitting there and while the others had been drinking their tea. Octavia was glad she had been wrong about her parents.

Octavia could see her father looking around the room and another grin growing on the stallion’s face. “I see you’re still like your mother when it comes to cleaning. It’s like an EASA clean room.” As soon as he said that Vinyl’s face lit up.

“I told her the same thing the other day. It’s crazy how the whole house has to meet this super unknow stander of cleanness.” Both Vinyl and Octavia’s father laugh a bit before two glaring mares stared them silent.

“What am I going to do with you?” Octavia and her mother said at the same time. It kind of scared both Vinyl and Octavia’s father. It looks like both of them are in the doghouse now. Then there was asked a question that made Vinyl’s heart skip a beat.

“So Vinyl dear, what has your parents say about you two being proud parents?” Octavia’s mother voice was so sweet and oddly like Octavia when she wants to find out something. Vinyl’s eyes just dart around the room. She really didn’t want to talk about this. Octavia looked at Vinyl and waited for her to answer her mother.

Vinyl could feel every pair of eyes on her. This wasn’t like one of her gigs. There she was just DJ PON3. Playing great music and keeping the ponies happy. But here, this was just three other ponies looking at her and want something she didn’t want to really give. But she took a long deep breath. “They don’t know anything about this. They don’t even know that I’m living and dating Octavia.”

The looks each one give her made her look down. The looks Octavia’s parents give her showed that they didn’t understand why she hadn’t. But the look that Octavia give Vinyl was one that just made her feel not so good. Octavia looked hurt and worried all at the same time. Vinyl only hope that she could wait and explain things to Octavia alone after her parents had left.