• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 4,397 Views, 101 Comments

What Gods Fear - SCP Pinkamena

Twilight Sparkle and her friends search for godly weapons after being tasked by Princess Celestia, but what other secrets will they find when searching for them?

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Weapons of Ultimate Destruction

Fear is a heavy burden... Freedom is also a heavy burden. I cannot help you...

Celestia looked out of the window seeing her student and her friends flash in spot. The guards there tensed and placed their spears in the walk way, before slowly relaxing at Twilight's command. Celestia smiled at the sight, but frowned instantly after remembering what they were here for in the first place. Looking at the Blades of Exile, their cracked surface and flowing orange energy, she ran hoof over the blade admiring their power. She had used a spell to see what these blades saw, and both of them saw battles like no other. They have attacked creatures larger than mountains, warriors that have been launched without fault, but most importantly, she saw the owner of these blades. A bipedal man that was, what she guessed, painted white with red markings. On his left arm was golden armor that was bloodied and somewhat battle worn.

She shuddered at the thought him still being alive, what kind of destruction he would cause. It wasn't until five years ago she found these blades, around the time she saw the vision of Nightmare Moon coming back two years from then. She levitated the blades closer to herself, she knew that there were more weapons like this one, but not to the degree of this. Gauntlets that made the very earth tremble, purple claws that ripped the souls out of creatures, three bladed whip like weapons that shocked enemies. Celestia saw that the gauntlets and whip were destroyed when the biped fought another, but she had hope that the Astral image he was conversating with had fixed them.

While looking at the blades, the throne room door opened and Celestia calmed herself before turning around to her favorite student. "Twilight! Oops, or should I say Princess Twilight Sparkle?" She said with giggle and Twilight blushed at her praise.

Twilight looked past the princess and her smile and blush faded and she walked up to the blades on the throne pillow. "Princess," Twilight asked, "what are these?" Celestia was afraid she would see them right away.

Swallowing a lump in her throat she turned to Twilight. "These, Princess Twilight Sparkle, are part of the reason I'm sending you and your close friends on this journey." She said as the blades glowed in her aura. Celestia turned to the rest of the mares, showing them the fierce blades. Pinkie Pie looked saddened by them and Fluttershy just hid behind Rainbow Dash. Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash looked at them in awe, while Twilight studied them from where they were.

"Princess, I don't understand. Why do these," Twilight said gesturing at the blades, "portray to this journey your sending us on?"

Celestia took a breath and smiled. "These blades are part of your journey, because they are only one of the Godly Weapons I will be sending you to find. The name of these blades are the Blades of Exile, and they were once wielded by the mortal, Kratos."

Twilight's eyes widened at the name Kratos. These blades were his? "But how? The book I read said that he held the--"

"--Blades of Athena. Yes, I know. These twin swords are the reincarnation, I guess you can say." Celestia said, holding the blades closer to Twilight, knowing her studious side. Twilight's magic enveloped the blades and she felt the weight behind them, as well as the power inside of them.

She licked her lips and her jaw dropped. "What I would give to see what these saw..." She was drooling on the ground, the power was overwhelming! She felt so urged to just... swing them... Celestia caught the familiar gaze, and pulled them away from her. "Wait! Celestia! Please let me try them!" Twilight begged.

Celestia frowned and looked down at the smaller princess. "No, Twilight. This is the exact reason I want you to find these Godly weapons and bring them here to me. I will lock them away and they will never be used. These blades are filled with a hate so powerful, they've killed Gods and innocents alike. They're filled with power so uncontrollable, only Kratos could control them, and most of all, they've taken the lives of everything that was once on this world. They are a danger if left unchecked, and they must be retrieved under all circumstances."

Applejack and Rainbow looked at each other briefly before nodding in silent agreement, Rarity calmed Fluttershy down and encouraged her that it wouldn't take long, at least she hoped. Pinkie was Pinkie. (The author refuses to due to fourth wall damage.) Twilight shook herself out of her power hungry mind and nodded to her fellow princess. Celestia's eyes glowed and the room went black, save only a small dot of light.

"Everypony, this image here is The Flame of Olympus. It was stronger than the Gods themselves, and the source of Zeus's power. The flame killed all who touched it, whether he be man," The image changed showing a bipedal man touching the flame and burning into it. "Or God..." The image then showed a powerful God touch them flame and fall into its fiery grasp. "The flame is a powerful force, that could only be destroyed by one thing. A being that was neither living nor dead... Pandora..."

In the misty image it showed a beautiful golden image of Pandora playing around in a field. "Her father, Hephaestus, created on the flame Pandora's Box, which held all of the Evils inside after the Great War. Anger, Rage, Lust, Envy, Mockery, Misery, Insanity, and the strongest of all, Fear... " Black mists swept the land, changing the scenery to a golden color to a rotten, molded green. "The Gods became infected them, the Evils changed them. The most noticeable was Zeus, who became infected with Fear after Kratos opened the box and killed Ares, the former God of War." The Imaged shifted showing the marked warrior grow in size and strike down Ares with a golden sword. "Afterwards, Kratos became the new God of War, but was shunned by his fellow Gods.

"Kratos paid them no mind, as his servants, the Spartans, began attacking the city of Rhodes. Zeus, hoping to trick Kratos, told him to pour his Godly power into the very blade that ended the Great War, The Blade of Olympus." An image of a beautifully crafted sword that was surrounded by a blue light. Zeus wielded it and struck it to the ground, banishing all of the larger creatures to Tartarus. The image shifted to Zeus holding the blade and striking down Kratos. "While Kratos and the Titans worked together, Zeus was filled with more fear, and Kratos, in his need for vengeance, struck down Athena, the one who made him a God..."

The image faded again showing Kratos strike down Athena with the Blade of Olympus, and him catching her as she fell. "Kratos, consumed by more of his want for vengeance, hunted down the rest of the Gods with the Titans' help. In the end, Kratos killed every God, and the Titans with the help of several weapons..."

The room lit up again and the ponies blinked and rubbed their eyes. Celestia continued despite of that. "The weapons that he used were the Blades of Exile, which you know I have. The next weapon to aid him were The Claws of Hades, purple scythe like claws that stole the soul out of living creatures, the Nemean Cestus, gauntlets worn by the mortal Hercules, the sheer force these gauntlets make the very earth tremble before them. The Nemesis Whip, a whip like weapon that would shock any foe in their path. It was enchanted by the power in Hephaestus' ring. These weapons were Kratos' prized possessions, and they are still somewhere in the world." She said looking out the window to see her land of Equestria.

"Somewhere in Equestria, they are still there, causing havoc and destruction. I fear if someone found the Blade... the destruction it would cause..." She exhaled quiet loudly, and turned back to the Elements. "That is why you are here. To collect these weapons and bring them to me, so they may never see the light of day, or bask in dark of night, ever again. If another pony is using the weapons for themselves, I order you, yes order to take him down... and kill him if need be..." The six ponies before her gasped in shock. There hasn't been a killing in Equestria for at least 200 years, the last one being a public execution. "These weapons are more dangerous than you think if ordering you to kill someone has shocked you so bad, but if left unchecked, the entire world will crumble and die... That is why I ask you to do this, the life of an ignorant pony, for the life of the entire world..."

Twilight looked at the ground, thinking over the options, before nodding her head. "If that's what it takes, I'll do it." That was the push the others needed.

"Alright Princess... though, I hope I don't haf ta... "

"Killing somepony is definitely not how I work, but if that's what it takes... I guess..."

"Oh, um... I don't suppose we could talk them into giving it to us... but what if they attack... I guess we don't have choice then... oh my..."

"I'll kill them with parties! Heya! Woo! Wacha!"

"A lady has to do what a lady has to do... I guess..."

Celestia smiled at the Elements with sadness and relief. "Thank you, all of you. Now, you'll all begin your journey tomorrow. I'll let you sleep on killing someone. I just hope it really doesn't come to it..."

Twilight took Celestia's hoof in her's. "I hope so too, Princess... I hope so too..."

Author's Note:

Fun Fact: It took me thirty seconds to get the word throne right.