• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 4,397 Views, 101 Comments

What Gods Fear - SCP Pinkamena

Twilight Sparkle and her friends search for godly weapons after being tasked by Princess Celestia, but what other secrets will they find when searching for them?

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The Tale of Kratos, The God Killer

Your obsession with this... this THING has become somewhat of a nuisance, my son.

Twilight Sparkle, the protege of Princess Celestia, and owner of the Golden Oaks Library, was busily rushing about looking for books to study. "Ohhh Spike! Find me the Reference Guide to Mystical Weapons and Gods now!" She said picking books off the shelves and leafing through them. She heard a groan of annoyance from the other side of the library before the little green and purple dragon, named Spike, walked in with a large tome in his claws.

Twilight smiled, and using her magic picked up the tome and opened it, studying the Gods and weapons inside. Spike looked at her curiously. "Why do you need this book anyway? Are going to try to copy them?" He asked, tapping his foot and his arms crossed. Twilight looked up from the book briefly before smiling sheepishly. She remembered the last time she copied a spell, granted it made her an Alicorn, but still she practically died first to do so. She shook her head, and Spike eyed her for a few more seconds before seeming satisfied. Ever since that note from the princess came, Twilight has been running around researching old myths, the dead languages, and now studying the old weapons that they might've used.

Twilight smiled and patted Spike on the head. "Don't worry Spike, I wont do any of that. After all, according to the book it says that these were Godly Weapons, not just mystical. Like this one right here, "The Thunder Bolt of Zeus". The bolt was the strongest weapon that the god Zeus ever had, and it was only triumphed by one weapon that, sadly, is not in this book."

"Do you think that they were real?"

"Maybe? Who knows Spike? For all we know, the Gods could still be alive just somewhere else. As for the Godly Weapons being real... I'm not sure. Like this one, "The Blades of Athena". These blades were used by the mortal Kratos when he became the God of War, these same blades were used by him in the Siege of Mount Olympus. When the Gods believed him dead, the Blades were destroyed never to see battle again."

"Wow... Do you think this Kratos guy is still alive?"

"Not likely, since in a foot note it says that Kratos was turned mortal again by Athena, Goddess of Wisdom." Twilight said with a small frown. She flipped the page and was jumped back at the picture. When Spike saw her reaction he took a look too. He fell to the ground in fright.

"Well... this lovely creature here, is Hades, God of the Underworld. His methods of torture were to punish the souls who had committed sins against him, the Gods, and anyone else. He would take the souls of living beings by ripping them out and absorbing them into himself." She looked down at the page to read the next sentence, but she read to herself first, her brows furrowing. "That's weird... it says that Hades was killed and had the soul stolen out of him by his own weapons, The Claws of Hades, by... by the mortal Kratos..."

This was new... a mortal, killing a God and survived to tell the tale. Who ever Kratos was, he must've been brimming with pride to kill the God of the Underworld...

"Anyways, next we have the brother of Hades, Poseidon, the God of the Sea. Poseidon was loved by mortals and on Olympus, Medusa loved Poseidon, but when his wife found out, she cursed Medusa by making her ugly and giving her lovely hair snakes, and ever time a man looked her in the eyes she would turn them to stone. Poseidon was their at the Siege of Olympus... but... but was ultimately killed by the mortal, Kratos..."

A sneaking suspicion wormed its way in her head and Spike, who saw this, began to slowly back up in case something bad happened. Twilight leafed through the Gods and listed them off one by one.

"Helios, the God of the Sun, fought valiantly in the Siege of Olympus. When they thought Kratos dead, the Titans began their attack. Helios's untimely death was met by the mortal, Kratos, after he brutally ripped his screaming head off. Okay, one, ew... two, how is a mortal killing Gods!? This doesn't make sense! Hermes, the messenger of the Gods, fought against the Titans and Kratos, but was killed by Kratos, having his legs cut off and taking the Boots of Hermes as his prize."

Twilight couldn't believe it... a mortal killing immortal gods... By himself no less!

"Hercules was not a God, but he inspired to be one, and this was enough of a reason for Kratos to kill him. Hercules and Kratos fought to the death, with the cheering of Hera, the Queen of the Gods. Like all the others before him, Hercules met his death by his own weapons, gauntlets named the Nemean Cestus, wielded by Kratos. Hera later fell, and while she did not fight, Hera provoked Kratos to the point of her death."

Twilight sat back and tried to put this all together... Myth or not, a mortal killed immortal Gods with either their own weapons, or his. It was almost unfathomable, whoever this Kratos was, he was anything BUT mortal.

"Zeus the King of the Gods and the God of the Sky fought as well in the Siege of Olympus, and won. But Gaia, the mother Titan, refused to give up and began climbing up the mountain once more, and found that Kratos and Zeus were fighting each other. When Gaia ripped the lookout from the mountain, she told the warrior that she never sought his death, but she left him no choice because he was making her world bleed. Kratos and Zeus had their final battle inside of Gaia's chest, and the mortal Kratos eventually killed both Zeus and Gaia. When Kratos realized that the power to help kill Zeus was the power of Hope, he made the ultimate sacrifice and killed himself, spreading Hope across the Chaos filled world, and the vengeance that he had sought was finally over..."

Spike and Twilight were silent for a time before she flipped the page and it showed the index of Godly Weapons. She flipped to a random page, and showed a fierce looking weapon. The name was the Nemean Cestus. Spike and Twilight look at each other before looking down at the artist's representation.

Twilight looked at the picture and felt the power flowing off of it, while Spike gulped at its furious look.Twilight was about to flip the page until a knock came to her door. "Coming!" She called and opened the door to see her friends, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash.

"We're all set Sugercube."

"Yeah! Party at Canterlot Castle! Woo!"

"I'm ready... if that's okay with you. If it's not I understand..."

"Well, I certainly hope they have room service there. I'm going to need a lot of things if we're going to travel like the Princess said."

"Aw yeah! Can't wait to kick some old God butt! Come on! Put 'em up you old... God... Okay, not the best I had in mind..."

Twilight smiled and turned to Spike. "Can I trust you to watch the library?"

"You can count on me Twi! I wont let you down!"

"Alright girls! Let's go!" Twilight said before her horn glowed and the six of them teleported to the front gates of the castle.