• Published 16th Jul 2013
  • 3,559 Views, 104 Comments

The Shy Girl - Lux

You meet a girl in an animal shelter that bears a strange resemblance to a certain yellow pegasus

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Cheer and Confessions

Cheering and Confessions

You and Fluttershy walked outside the cottage and stopped. You could tell that she was both nervous and excited about what was to happen next. The good thing was she trusted you and that she knew that you wouldn’t do anything to harm or upset her.

“So what are we doing,” she asked looking around.

“You are going to cheer for me,” you said with a smile.


“Yeah, you know, like at sports events?”

“I’ve never been to sporting events before. They sound too loud and crowded. “

“Ok then, well, let me give you the basic elements of a good cheer. It’s lots of control, screaming and hollering and most importantly passion. Now, what have we learned?”

“Loss of control.”


“Screaming and hollering.”

“And most importantly?”


“So now that you hear the elements of a good cheer, let’s hear one!”

Fluttershy cleared her throat and then said, “Yay” in a volume that was the same as how she normally talked.

“You’re going to cheer like that,” you said with a chuckle, “Come on, louder.”

“Yay,” she said again in the same tone.

“Louder,” you said raising your voice a little.


“Louder,” you said in an almost near shout to illustrate how to cheer.

Fluttershy breathed in loudly as if she was about to issue a loud cheer.

“Yaaaayyy,” she said still in the same tone.

You shook your head, admitting defeat.

“Oh was that too loud,” she asked.

“No,” you said, “You kind of had the same voice when you cheered as when you spoke normally.”

“Oh dear, guess I’m not that good at cheering,” she said sadly.

“It’ll come sometime,” you said as her frown became a smile. She then suddenly began to chuckle a little. Her laughter was so sweet that you couldn’t help but chuckle yourself.

“What’s so funny,” you asked her between laughs.

“This cheer thing, it reminds me of something I watched.”

“Really? What?”

She then looked around as if someone was watching her before saying, “Can you keep a secret?”

“Sure Fluttershy!”

“Do you know what My Little Pony is?”

“Yes,” you said with a smile.

“Well, I watch it. Actually I’m kind of a big fan of it. You don’t think I’m strange right?”

“Of course not,” you said, “In fact I’ll let you in on a little secret since you told me yours. I like My Little Pony as well.”
“Really,” she said as her eyes lit up.

“Yeah. So if you’re strange watching the show, then so am I.”

“Oh this is great that I know someone who loves the show! Oh, who’s your favorite pony?”

“Mine’s Fluttershy.”

“Really,” she said as her eyes went as wide as the ponies in the show, “Mine too!”

“I kind of figured that you’d like her.”

“Oh, why’s that?”

“Well, you kind of are like Fluttershy. I mean you’re not a pony, but the fact that you like the color yellow and your pink hair and the fact you’re…”

“Shy,” she interrupted, “and that I like animals? Yeah, I guess I see the resemblance. Actually I liked all those things even before watching the show, so maybe it’s a coincidence.”

“Yeah, interesting coincidence,” you said not letting out the fact that you saw the uncanny resemblance between her and the yellow Pegasus from the start. To you it wasn’t coincidence. It was as if it was the same Fluttershy just in two worlds. Both had similar appearances and acted the same yet were slightly different. Separate but the same.

“Well, I can’t think of a better pony to be like,” she said with a smile, “Oh if you’re done for today I want to show you something.”

“Sure,” you said as you followed her back into the house.

“Alright, just wait in the living room and I’ll be right back!”

You then heard her walking up the steps and into her bedroom again. To your delight you heard a little giggle of delight above you. You were happy that both of you shared another common thread and it was yet another thing that was no longer a secret. It was like with every new revelation the bond between you was becoming stronger. Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard Fluttershy coming down the steps holding a big plush of Fluttershy! It was one you saw from a department store and was really cute.

“This is my favorite,” she said snuggling the plush cutely, “I always have this in bed with me.”

“Yeah, it must be nice having me in bed with you,” you said before suddenly clamming up, realizing what you said.

“W…what did you say,” she said staring at you.

“I say that it must be nice having it in bed with you,” you said hoping that she didn’t freak out.

“Oh, ok. For a moment I though you said… never mind. Anyway, let’s have dinner.”

You sighed as you were happy that Fluttershy bought the lie. As she made dinner, you wondered what was wrong with you, why you felt so strange around her and why you were blurting out such strange stuff. You only knew her for a few days and while she was pretty and smart and kind she was just a friend. Yet it sounded for some reason that you were seeing her as more than just a good friend. Were you really falling in love with her? To you it felt like you were doing something so wrong, loving a girl like this, although you didn’t know why. You wondered if she was like you, if she loved you but was afraid to ask. You decided to let the matter drop and hopefully with the next day you could have a clearer mind with the situation.
The rest of the night you spent talking with Fluttershy about My Little pony. It was as if she had everything bottled up inside her with her love of the show and now with you confessing to her your mutual interest that she was free to let out her passion. Both of you talked about your favorite episodes, fan art you liked, fan fiction you read, and even your desire to one day go to a convention. It was like the two of you knew each other for years rather than days. As you watched her smile and laugh you knew that you didn’t want to change this moment for anything. The biggest surprise came when she started signing “What is This Place with So Many Wonders,” Fluttershy’s signature song from the show. As she sang just like the pony from the show you were lost with your own joy.

That night as you slept in pure bliss with Fluttershy’s song stuck in your mind, you dreamt of her joyfully dancing amidst a field of wildflowers singing that song to you. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day, and you hoped that the next days would be like this.