• Published 16th Jul 2013
  • 3,557 Views, 104 Comments

The Shy Girl - Lux

You meet a girl in an animal shelter that bears a strange resemblance to a certain yellow pegasus

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Date and a Dilemma

Date and a Dilemma

The two of you returned to the cottage after performing the test you planned. Both of you were nervous and excited at the same time, although for different reasons. Fluttershy felt this way in anticipation of what was to come, as if butterflies were literally in her stomach. You were equally as nervous as you prepared for the next part.

“Fluttershy,” you said to her, trying to muster the courage you had.

“Yes,” she said staring at you with those bright blue eyes.

“Would you like to go to dinner with me?”

“Oh, are you hungry? I can start dinner right away.”

“No Fluttershy, what I mean is I want to take you out. You know, to a restaurant?”

“R…really,” she said surprised.

“Something wrong?”

“No one has ever taken me to a restaurant before,” she said looking down at the floor, “Most of the time when I do go out to eat I eat alone, or maybe a friends eats with me. But I’ve never had someone take me to a restaurant. So… yes, I’d really like that.”

“Great,” you said, “Where would you like to go?”

“Well, I usually go to the Clover Cafe,” if that’s alright with you.”

You remember passing by the Clover Café. It looked like a typical family restaurant, nice but not formal. It was definitely not somewhere that you’d envision taking a girl you loved to, but Fluttershy seemed ok with this. Plus a fancy restaurant might make her nervous of doing something wrong and have her get embarrassed.

“The Clover Café is fine,” you said with a smile, “Before you go, I think we both need to clean up after, you know, us rolling on the ground.”

“Oh that,” Flutttershy said with a little laugh, “Ok I’ll go get ready.”

“Wait, there’s one more thing I want you to do. I want you to dress nice.”

“Nice,” Fluttershy said confused as she looked at the clothes she was wearing, “I thought that what I wear normally is nice.”
“You are, I mean the clothes you wear are nice, but I want you to go all out when we go to the restaurant. So find something that you really love and wear it, maybe something that you don’t normally wear while feeding the animals. Trust me, you’ll feel really confident when you do.”

“Ok,” she said as she slipped up to the bathroom. Now there was no going back, no second guessing. The more you thought about it the less you seemed to worry about taking Fluttershy out to dinner. Sure it was a gamble and losing might end your friendship, but it was time that you and Fluttershy set everything out on the table about how you felt about each other. She did appear excited to go, so that was a good sign.

“Um… I’m out of the shower now,” Fluttershy voice was heard from the top of the stairs, “You can go in if you want.”

You waited for a moment or two so that Fluttershy could head to her bedroom. Although you didn’t mind seeing Fluttershy draped in a towel, she might be so flustered that she’d lock herself in her room, ending your date before it started. When you heard her door shut, you began to get ready, picking the best clothes out of your limited wardrobe. After showering, you made a beeline to your bedroom, quickly changing as you wanted to go out with her as soon as possible. Finally you went downstairs and waited for her to appear.

As the minutes passed by, you wondered what was taking Fluttershy so long. You guessed that she was fretting over something nice to wear. You hoped though that she wasn’t having second thought about this date, that she would tell you that she didn’t want to go. Then you hears footsteps going down the stairs and when you turned you were amazed at what you saw! Fluttershy stood wearing a beautiful yellow dress with a green ribbon around it, that while still modest for her it showed off every beautiful curve in her body. Her pink hair was redone, cascading down her bare shoulders and accentuated by butterfly clips. You knew she was beautiful, but the way that she was dressed transformed her into the most attractive girl you ever knew.

“How do I look,” Fluttershy said nervously.

“You look beautiful. I mean you were lovely before, but now… wow!”

“Oh, well thank you,” Fluttershy said blushing a little as you could tell she liked the compliment, “You look nice too.”

The two of you drove to the Clover Café, your presence turning heads of all the patrons like a celebrity walking the red carpet. Those that saw Fluttershy eat there before were equally intrigued seeing the once cute girl now look stunning and with a guy to boot.

“Um… why is everyone looking,” Fluttershy whispered as the two of you found a booth.

“They are looking at you,” you say, “You are a wonderful girl Fluttershy, and it’s time that everyone knows it.”

“Oh, well thank you,” she said as she read the menu, “I can’t thank you enough for helping me with the animals and helping get confidence.”

“Fluttershy, I can’t take the credit for you being this way. You had it in you all along. You’re smart, beautiful, kind, and confident. I just had to help you remember that. Now that you know who you are don’t ever forget it, ok?”

“Ok,” Fluttershy said with a smile.

The two of you ate your meal amidst idle conversation. Both of you though appeared to have something on your mind although neither of you were willing to say something. Despite it all there was a wall preventing you from saying what you heart felt, and you thought that it was the same way for Fluttershy. Finally the dinner ended and the two of you journeyed home in silence. Although you enjoyed your time together, it was as if you time out was not what you expected. You knew what it was for you that you missed; those three words that you wished Fluttershy would say but never came out. You thought that maybe it was meant to be, that you two would be friends and nothing more. It wasn’t a total lost, but you certainly felt that you two could be more.

“I had a great time,” Fluttershy said with a half-smile as she opened the door.

“So did I,” you said as you followed her in. The more you stared at her, the pressure inside your mind and heart began to increase like a soda bottle being shaken. You had been holding back the entire day as that pressure built to an alarming rate, increased the more you stared at that shy girl you loved the moment you laid eyes upon her but were too scared to admit. Finally you could stand it no longer.

“Fluttershy,” you said.

“Yes,” she said turning towards you as if she wanted to hear what you had to say.

“I want to tell you something.”

“Actually I want to tell you something too,” she said.

“I love you,” the two of you said at the same time as your hearts and minds opened up.

“You… you love me,” Fluttershy said surprised about that more than the fact that she told you the same thing.

“Of course I do! You’re the greatest thing that ever happened to me, and I loved you the moment I first saw you. I guess I was scared that you didn’t think the same way about me.”

“I felt the same way too,” Fluttershy said, “No one has loved me before and when I saw you I fell in love too, but I was scared that I’d be made fun of. But I love you, and I never want to let you go!”

You leaned over and kissed her on the mouth as Fluttershy’s eyes went wide with surprise. It was the best feeling you ever had a sense of love and joy all rolled into one when your lips touched. When you separated the two of you were still reeling from the kiss, not sure what to think or do next.

“That was… wow,” Fluttershy said.

“Yeah,” you replied trying to catch your breath, “Wow.”

“Could you… do that again,” she said with a smile.

The two of you embraced in a hug, holding each other close as you kissed for what seemed like an eternity. The rest of the night was a blur for both of you, although the last thing you could remember clearly was seeing there on her one hip, just below the waistline so that no one would see except for her and now you, was a tattoo of three butterflies, just like Fluttershy’s cutie mark from the show.

Author's Note:

One more chapter to go.

I had planned that Fluttershy would reject the protagonist first and then declare her love, but this turned out much better than that. So enjoy the last chapters as I wrap up this story.