• Published 1st Oct 2011
  • 4,056 Views, 58 Comments

Autumn - canonkiller

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Scootaloo flew around the seemingly endless tunnel, avoiding the bat-like creatures around her. There were so, so many. They weren't attacking her, but the constant foggy drifts obscured them until they were almost on top of her. She could see others running along the ground, without wings, and some even fired acid at her! It was pretty sparkly acid, more like magic, and she couldn't understand why the only finite surface was the ground. She could fly up, left, right, forward, backward... and never hit a wall. They just kept moving.

Obsidian's illusions were falling apart at the seams.

He had been kind of distracted of late.

So, did any of the ranged patrols bring back anything? At all?

Celestia looked up from where she had been kicking a twig in circles. Oh, I'm supposed to know all of this? Why don't you get off your lazy butt and go ask them?

Obsidian glared down at her from his cloud hammock. You're my minion. He paused, before continuing with a much lower tone. Now go.

The Alicorn got to her hooves, glaring one last time at Obsidian before vanishing into the fog with a flap of her scantily feathered wings.

He cleared the fog above him, looking up to the eternally suspended sun dying in space. It was kind of depressing, but he needed to check on it. After all, since the Nightmare hadn't escaped when Celestia died, maybe when the sun itself dying would work. And there was always the factor of travel time. But soon enough, Obsidian would have something closer to his own power to work with.

Yes, the Nightmare would make a good ally.

But, as Celestia sauntered back into the clearing, three Pegasus in tow - two pulling a curious chariot that looked expensive - and a scowl on her muzzle, Obsidian realized that he had to work with what he had.

Unless you want one of my old chariots, she swung a hoof towards the last two Pegasus, which blushed and glanced down at the loose metal chains hooking them onto the golden bowl, they've got nothing. Surprising, actually. They did go to Canterlot, after all. There's lots there they could have stolen... ahem, borrowed.

Whatever. Melt the chariot down into tooth fillings, for all I care. The Pegasus left quickly, not wanting to unintentioanlly anger the draconequus. Celestia shuffled her mutant hooves. What is it? You look like you're about to bite off your tongue.

No, I just hate telling you things. But I can't help it because of your faith spell.

It's a doozy, isn't it? Obsidian let out a weak laugh.

Anyway, you've been kind of... out of it, lately. Like your mind is somewhere else.

It is.

And you look really weak. Is that why you sent me after your minions? Have you been eating?

Obsidian just lay back for a few seconds, folding his claws over his chest. Yes, no, and why do you care?

This time it was Celestia's turn to be contemplative. Because... because you haven't hurt any real ponies. Well, there was the one Griffon, but... well, you've created half-life from death, and you're either nice to them or you kill them... I mean, release their souls. I just think that somewhere in there, you're still nice. You're still good. Don't die. There are still ponies... well, not exactly ponies, but you get the point... ponies that love you.

Are you one of them?

Of the ones that love you?


Yeah, I guess I am.

Sunrise leaned on Discord as she emptied her previous lunch into the bushes. He sighed, leaving his paw on her back as she backed up, scales pale.

"That's what you get for getting pregnant. It's completely your fault."

She smiled slightly. "It'll... be worth it."

"That's a matter of opinion." Discord continued. "What if the little runt grows up to destroy the world?"

"Then he'll be just like his father." The dragonness sighed.

Tigerjay swayed on his claws. So much to take in.

His trembling form started convulsing, hitting the ground limply - strange, there was no pain - claws streching into the open air. The fog had finally penetrated his air bubble, digging pale daggers into his sides, trailing down his throat like a hazy snake.


So, this is how it ends... the Griffon thought, holding onto his concious mind for a few precious moments.

"Discord! Help him!"

"On it."

The draconequus and his precious cargo broke through the fog, casting a faint shadow over the fallen Element. One unfocused green eye opened, trying desperately to igure out what these newcomers were. Dragon he smelled dragon dragons hunt Griffons he could be hunted eaten even gotta get away gotta get away dragon gonna eat me gotta get away-

"Discord! Hold him down or something, before he hurts himself!"

The God snarled. "I told you, I'm on it!"

-no no trapped can't run stuck stuck is bad dragon gonna eat me no no no no can't get eaten eaten bad eaten very bad gotta run go go go go legs go go go wings I have wings gotta fly c'mon fly fly fly on the ground can't be on the ground gotta go go go c'mon go go dragon gonna eat me other one gonna eat me buffalo pony griffon bird bat lion snake dragon gonna eat me gotta run gotta go dragons go go run run run not running not running-

Discord's talons - sheathed in a thick yellow haze - held the struggling Griffon to the ground, withstanding every kick, bite, and scratch, a small part of him beginning to believe they had been too late. Madness. This fog caused nightmares and madness.

-run run run run... run... run... ru... ru... rrr...-

"He's coming back around!" Sunrise squealed, hanging over Discord's shoulder. "See his eyes?!"

"Yes! I see them! Now pleeaaase stop yelling in my ear!"