• Published 1st Oct 2011
  • 4,059 Views, 58 Comments

Autumn - canonkiller

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The quill swung easily over the surface of the paper, back and forth, back and forth, with a rhythm that sang of practice and sadness and abandonment. Not that the writer was being abandoned, but that he was doing the abandoning in a cruel twist of fate. Left behind by his mother, and now leaving everything else behind.

Karma had a sick sense of humor.

I wish I could stay. But I can't. I can't put you in any more danger than I already have. Keep moving, keep running, never stop until everything's back to normal. You'll know when the time comes what I mean. Just... stay safe. All of you. And don't wait for me. Never wait for me. I'm not... The quill paused, hovering over the last few words and threatening to drip ink over the clean script. ...I need to explain how hard it it for me to write this. Every part of me screams that I should stay, and protect you, I'm not calling anyone weak, but none of you, no matter how strong, will ever be able to stand a chance against what I will have to face. I will think of you all of the time when I am gone. And I am writing this so you will move on. Do not hope of my return because it will not happen. I'm not coming back.

This time, the quill lifted only for a moment, before scrawling a signature and dropping to the dusty ground. The claw once holding said dropped item gently rolled up the paper, before the holder of both the paper and claw exhaled a soft breath of green flame. The meager light flickered over the rolled paper and floated away on a nonexistent breeze.

There was a sigh, and Obsidian looked up from the burned-out shell of a building. It had started raining, and his energy had been depleted greatly by the long teleportation, but this place, this stone-flooded town, seemingly obliterated by the nearby power of the mountian, and the magical healing energy eminating from that spot had a sheen Obsidian had only seen on his father's strongest spells.

A Godly sheen.

Yes, this place was the last known spot where a being similar to him hed been standing. A Firstborn.

A creature that, even at the best of times, couldn't even begin to challenge him, and instead, feared him.

Kha had grown surrounded by fear, in the devilish things seen in his mind, and did not care about the presence of more. Obsidian, however, was ethically shaken.

Obsidian did not like fear.

Spike jolted upright, some forgein material having decided his throat was extremly comfortable and was clumping in a massive wad in said organ. As he coughed and gagged on the clump, the numb tingle running through his mouth detected magic, something he was used to dealing with when he was young. Of course, the magic Celestia used had been a lot less stubborn.

With a louder cough, the green flame drooled miserably out of his jaws, congealing into an unsealed scroll. Running one claw over his throat to clear it, he examined the letter itself, half-expecting it to begin with 'Dear Twilight Sparkle,'. Sadly, as we readers know, this was not the case.

Spike's pupils grew smaller with every further word, only lifting from the paper to check and see if this was just a joke, if the young draconequus was just kidding, but there was powerful magic around, and not from the delivery or the burning carcass of a town.

Gently rolling the paper back up, Spike sighed and clicked his claws together nervously. Something stirred below him, but he was staring off into the distance, lost in thought. He was snapped out of his thoughts with a sentence of common, friendly words.

"Spike, take a letter."

The elder dragon facetaloned and begrudgingly pulled both a blank scroll and inked quill out of seemingly nowhere, sighing as he crouched to write.

Obsidian sat up against the shell of the house, waiting for dawn of some sort. His tail was wrapped around his feet, and he had pulled his knees up to his chest. His wings were folded neatly at his sides, and his hands locked in front of his legs and held them in place.

He couldn't rock. It was not the way he was sitting, but Kha, mentally embarrassed at his host, had disabled all further non-vital motor functions. And the draconequus hadn't even noticed, just continued to stare into space and breathe slightly faster than usual.

Kha sighed again, huffing leftover magic smoke from his host's mouth, and waking him up from his stupor.

"Hm?" His eyes brightened, and he glanced around, moving his head and everything. "What do you want?"

Needed to make sure you were still alive.

"Ha ha." Obsidian growled, releasing his numb grip and streching his stiff legs. "How long was I sitting like that?"

There was a psychic shrug. I don't exist in time, remember? And whatever you were staring at, I didn't want to disturb you from.

"Well, you disturbed me. Ugh, my head hurts." He rubbed his forehead with his paw. "Did I blink at all?"

No, I disabled that. You didn't need to blink to live.

"It sure helps!" Obsidian shouted, before instantly regretting the soundwave hitting his ears. "Dear sweet Equestria that hurts." He squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed the side of his head with his hands. "Ugh."

I feel magic.

"We're surrounded by it, idiot." Obsidian winced, opening one eye. "Oh. That." He swung a claw, hooking the floating green ball of flame and congealing it in his palm. "I don't want to reeeeaaaaad." He whined.

Fine. I'll read it. Kha huffed. Obsidian felt the lack of control resume, and the pain in his head subsided. The new being unrolled the still-flickering scroll. After scanning a few lines, the being tore his eyes away and rolled it back up, mentally turning to Obsidian. "I kinda think you should be reading this, not me."

"Why? It's just from Spike." Obsidian realized he was in control again.

There's a second scroll, magickally affixed. It was added after the initial sending. Ever heard of email? Where the newer message shows up first?

"I understand the message part. What's an email?"

Forget I said that. It's not from your omniverse.

"Ah." Obsidian shook his hands a few times to make sure there were no numb muscles, and slowly opened the double scroll. Just as Kha had said, there was another sheet in front, smaller than Spike's and with much looser writing.

Dear Obsidian...