• Published 1st Oct 2011
  • 4,059 Views, 58 Comments

Autumn - canonkiller

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A Proper Introduction

~Need to know how teenage Obsidian sounds? Example... um... think Soren, from the Legend of the Gaurdians. He sounds like Soren in my head, but sometimes there's WAY too much going on in there... *takes breath* So yeah. Obsidian sounds like Soren.~

"What?! I'm trying to work!" Sunrise growled, swinging at Tigerjay with sheathed claws. He got out of the way, but just barely.

"I need your advice on something."

"Like what? I'm not looking up what types of dirt are edible again."

He put his claws up and rolled his eyes. "I was little!"

She secured the tarp before turning around to glare at him. "So what do I need to do for you now?"

Tigerjay felt himself blushing involuntarily. Damn puberty... why must I be surrounded by so many girls?! "Well, I don't know if you've noticed the sky..."

"Yeah, it's dark. Been dark for the past few days. I am fully aware of this." She picked up the nails and waved a paw for him to follow. "So what's important?"

"Come." He picked her up, and held on, despite her squirming and growls of protest.

He darted out of the next hole - where Sunrise had been heading - and landed a safe distance away from the flapping sheet. Sunrise's eyes widened, her pupils shrinking.

"T-t-t-t-the sun is u-u-u-up?!?!"

Obsidian was growing. FAST. He had gone from being about the size of his father's arm to almost three-quaters of his height in a matter of days. Discord, as always, had forgotten to warn anypony about the first few days of draconequus coming into their powers - meaning for a good forty-eight hours, there would be absolutely no control over the young draconequus. The havoc had already begun to wreak itself, having turned a bunch of calm cloud houses into chocolate-spouting cotton candy, a lone bird into a pteradactyl and most of the food inside the dome into assorted snakes.

And while his father killed himself laughing, Obsidian was trying to fix it.

He put his talon over his forehead, sighing before unleashing an almost-Fluttershy-potent stare on the bunch of hissing reptiles in front of him. Keeping their attention with his unexpectedly equine eyes, a group of Unicorn stallions took their chance to revert their forms into food. Obsidian was left staring at a pile of corn.

Still being in his father's bloodline, he materialized a pair of red-rimmed sunglasses, putting them on as he looked for the 'dactyl. It was probably mad now, due to the fact that most of the clouds had been returned to normal, and couldn't eat them.

Oh look, there it goes now, screaming it's head off like a prehistoric banshee.

Cursing, Obsidian launched into the air, leaving the Unicorns to deal with the rest of the snakes. He knew he was lucky his mother was an Alicorn; his wings had developed stronger, and could actually support him without the help of levitation. Although, levitating required much less energy.

Obsidian opened one wing, rolling into a high-speed dash. He had to get to the pteradactyl's eyes. If he could slow it down, he could change it back.

Extending one claw, he managed to grab the 'dactyl's leg. Not thinking the whole manouver through, his spin failed with the extra weight, and the 'dactyl began falling. Wrestling the dinosaur's wings to it's sides, he climbed up it's back, fixing it with an upisde-down stare.

The ground was getting closer. They had already fallen past the height of the torches, which was already dangerously close in a free-fall.

He needed a few more moments... just a few... more...mom-

The creature shrank under his claws, feathers sprouting through thick skin, bones thinning. Within the span of a blink, the bird fluttered away, quite happy to be small again.

Another good point of levetation - it didn't take long to come into effect.

Obsidian stopped falling mere hairs above the roof of the tent below. Floating calmly now, he flapped his wings a few times, making sure they weren't injured, before drifting off to go help the Unicorns.

Smiling slightly, he repositioned his sunglasses.

"How did the sun come up?! Crimsonleaf can't be strong enough to move the sky against the grain, can he?"

"No, it wasn't him. I was out for a walk and there was an Alicorn, and she's a little loopy upstairs, but she just made it rise. I don't know how."

"What did she look like?"

"Silver, with a gold mane and tail. Oh yeah, her horn and hooves were gold too... and her eyes were either purple or green."

"I haven't seen her around..." Sunrise pouted. "Any idea where she is?"

"I have a feeling wherever she is will be pretty easy to tell once she starts talking."

"You could help!" Obsidian yelled, watching his father floating above. He was reclining on a cloud of his own, his head hanging back over the far edge to watch the ground.

"Helping's no fun!"

Obsidian really wished the stare worked as well on his father as it did on snakes. But it didn't.

As well as his previous Unicorn force, when he had returned there had been an Alicorn mare as well, prancing around the snakes and somehow avoiding being bitten. In fact, they seemed to be avoiding her at all costs. Ignoring this as the kind of thing he had heard happened around the pony known as 'Pinkie Pie', he had proceeded to stare the snakes down.

"Oh, you're doing it wrong, silly!" The Alicorn protested, shoving him out of the way with her flank.

"Yeah? And how do you suppose we should do it?"

She sighed and shook her head, as if that was the stupidest question in the world. "Like this!" And she fixed the snakes with a red-iris stare. Without any movement from the Unicorns or her own magic, the snakes simply coiled up, shrinking away from her gaze, and faded back into their vegetable forms.

Obsidian couldn't lift his jaw off the ground. He could hear the stallions laughing, but at that moment couldn't do anything to stop them. The Alicorn stood up straight again, flipping a few strands of her mane back behind her ears. Her eyes had faded back to a purple color, although nopony noticed.

"That's how you do it. No wings, no magic, as your father used to say." She added the last as a snide remark, and was not surprised when a stream of angry growls floated down from above, including a few choice sayings that Obsidian wished he hadn't heard.

Rolling her eyes, the Alicorn flared with sudden magic, making the cloud Discord was lying on - or, as of now, standing - flip completely upsidedown. The dragonequus didn't fall far, but it was enough to severly damage his normally perfect facade, and hear the laughter that was being exchanged below.

Glaring down over the edge of the cloud, Discord let loose a rage-powered kick, sending a few stray bolts of lightning and a downpour of chocolate milk on the ground below. It didn't stop them laughing, but it made Discord feel better. Taking this chance, Obsidian spiralled silently up, stopping under the far edge of the cloud. Almost holding his breath, he somersaulted, pushing away from the bottom of the cloud with his back legs.

Unfortunately, Discord knew he was coming. Leaping off the edge of the cloud, he waited until his son was already flying away before throwing the cloud, letting it spin through the sky with the speed of a frisbee and a trajectory to match. It hit Obsidian in the back, and stayed stuck as he tried to shake it off. As the laughter changed targets, Obsidian returned the cloud, finally managing to get it off his back. When Discord caught it, he used the momentum, flinging it back at Obsidian with double the speed.

They were all laughing at this insane game of catch. As the two Bearers of Disharmony tried not to catch the spun-candy nimbus with their faces, the sun was setting - with the normal bend of nature returned, the crops that weren't snakes had begun looking better, feeling the presence of the sun, ponies were heading into their huts for some sleep, and somewhere, beyond it all, the second Creator waited.

He was known for his patience.

When he was patient, glaciers seemed like they were faster than the great tornadoes that ravaged the new planet before Order was created. When he was patient, lives began and ended in blinks. When he was patient, he could outlast even the supposed immortal. He had done this many times before.

And under his feathers, he could feel his inner fire stirring, and had almost cried out in shock. In had been millenia since that fire had sparked at all. Now, he could feel it dancing around, hot tongues running up the sides of his core, ember drifting lazily up his throat, only to be extinguished by the subtle chemical tang in the air. He suppresed a laugh. The ponies and the other would question him if he laughed, for the only time he had spoken was before he killed the Alicorn.

He did regret that. A Queen for a hostage worked much better than the ragtag group that represented the original recepticles of the Elements of Harmony. And in the omniscient way he had grown to accept, he knew that the other Queen was dead as well, and that the new King was a Bearer of Disharmony and minor levels of Chaos.

What made him truly angry was that this new king had once been his most treasured possesion, had taught the young creature unstable old magic until Fulmen had found out and took him away. And, true in his anger, he had given the runt much more old magic than was allowed, until he was more powerful than the two Goddesses. The runt grew stronger in his chaos, could not fully control it as of the time he was encased in stone. When he was released, that was different. He knew what he could do, had tested his limits trapped in that solitary prison, and did not wait upon his release. As cotton candy and grey coats expanded over the land, he had laughed in this infinite darkness, feiry eyes fixed on the images in his mind. But after the second time the new God was trapped, he decided to revolt. He tore away from the cold, infinite embrace of absence and began making his own choices.

And that would have been fine with him, if the God had not continued using the powers gven to him. He could have fit in, been powerless yet regal, ruling for much longer than the pitiful Alicorns who had all but vanished, giving with a kind paw and empowering with steely talons, but he had not shirked the powers he had been given. This is what truly angered nothing. So he had forced a son that would kill the last Equestrian Queen, who in time would become stronger than his father, in time...

He had time.