• Published 21st Jun 2013
  • 7,996 Views, 357 Comments

Sparké - moviemaster8510

A human chef looking to open a restaurant in New York gets more than he bargained for when he winds up in Equestria. While there, he reacquaints with somepony from his past...

  • ...

Chapter 13: A Melding Pot

Jake opened the door to his basement, allowing Peter inside of it. The two of them began to descend the stairs together, and upon seeing the contents inside Jake’s basement, Peter was aghast. In one corner of the room, was a very decently sized drumset. On the other corner, there was a Fender Stratocaster with a black body and a white pickguard. Next to it was a Music Man Stingray bass with a sunburst finish, as well as a Martin acoustic guitar. Finally, in the middle was a Yamaha keyboard.

“Whoa,” Peter sighed, heading right to the guitars. “These are really cool! Can you play any of them?”

“Yeah,” Jake said nonchalantly, “drums.”

“Are you any good?”

“Am I any good? My friends don’t call me ‘Bronzo’ for nothing!”


“You know Led Zeppelin?”

“Not really…”

“Man… you are missing out on some great tunes! I’ll have to show you sometime! Anyways, their drummer is John Bonham, and his nickname is Bonzo. My last name is Bronson, so… Bronzo!”

“And I’m guessing this John Bonham is good?”

“The best! Here, I’ll play you something he did!”

Jake walked over behind his drumset, grabbed a pair of drumsticks and sat down on the throne, placing his feet on the bass and hi-hat pedals. He began playing, which Peter would later learn in life was Moby Dick. Peter was mightily impressed by his fast playing, even at his age. The way he combined his snare, toms, and bass pedals was so fast it almost sounded like the uphill chain of a wooden roller coaster. Jake knew he didn’t need to play long to get his point across and stopped, leaving Peter mystified.

“Holy… cow,” he said.

“Yeah,” agreed Jake proudly. “Wow.”

“Uh… how about the guitars? Can you play those?”

“Nah, those are my dad’s. He can teach you if you want. He does it in his off time.”

“Really? What does he normally do?”

“Kindergarten teacher. And, yes, it was as awkward as it sounded.”

“How so?”

“Dude, it felt like you were having to hang out with your dad all day; it was like he dropped you off at school and decided to spend your day with you. I mean, school gives you this… independence from your home and family for a bit, and it just felt kind of weird having to spend my day with him. You know what I’m saying?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Listen, I know spending a year from your dad can make you want to be with him more, but one of these days, you kinda’ have to go your own way, and he can’t always be there.”

“Yeah, I know, it’s just that being away from him was hard for the both of us, and I want to be there for him.”

“Yeah, I get that.”

Another set of footsteps came down the stairs, and arriving inside the basement was a middle-aged man with short, light-brown hair and a goatee. He wore a Pink Floyd t-shirt featuring the Dark Side of the Moon art, and a pair of blue jeans.

“Hey,” he said in a surprisingly tenor voice for his age, “I don’t think we met. I’m Mr. Bronson, Jake’s dad.”

“Yeah,” Peter answered as he shook his hand. “These are your guitars?”

“Yes, sir. Why, were you interested in playing them?”

“Well, I did play for a little bit when I was eight, but I dropped it after a year or so.”

“Ah, I see. You know, if you’re ever interested, I’m always looking for new students to teach, so if you want to pick it up again, you’re more than welcome too set up an appointment.”

“Uh, I’ll talk to my dad about it.”

“Okay. Don’t want to rush you or anything, but… yeah, feel free to take your time.”

“Alright, I will.”

“While I’m here, is there anything I can get you boys?”

“Hey, Peter,” Jake asked, “do you want some lemonade?”

“That,” thought Peter aloud, “sounds pretty good.”

“Great! Two lemonades, dad!”

“Sounds good,” Mr. Bronson responded.

As he went up the stairs, Jake and Peter resumed their conversation.

“Your dad seems nice,” Peter said.

“He’s an even better teacher,” Jake answered. “If I were you, I’d really think about taking some lessons from him.”

“Again, I’ll ask my dad. It’s not like I have any money…”

“I’m sure we can work something out.”

Peter gave a slight, but unsure smile in response. All he knew is that he’d feel and look really good jamming on that Stratocaster. Even if he quit when he was younger, the teachings he learned back in Equestria rung in his ear, making him believe that he could actually go through with it this time.


Peter sat in the chair at Twilight’s desk as he watched Twilight and Applejack conclude their stories to their friends about Peter and how they came to know him. The four other ponies were stunned by this turn of events. They couldn’t help but give the occasional glance at Peter, still unable to believe that he and Twilight were childhood friends.

“And so,” concluded Twilight, “Peter is now going to be living here in Ponyville with me. Depending on how much help we can provide for him, he can open up his restaurant really soon. So if you could all be so kind as to introduce yourselves to him, I’d really appreciate it.”

The other ponies looked at each other, still a little confused about Twilight’s story despite their trust in their friend or the words from Princess Celestia. However, the first to react was the pink pony as she giddily bounded up to Peter, freaking him out some as he leaned back in his chair with widened eyes.

“Hi!” she chirped, putting her hoof out for Peter to shake. “I’m Pinkie Pie. I’m sure I’m not the first, or the second, or the third…”

As she continued, she sounded a bit more unsure of herself.

“…or the fourth, or the fifth, sixth, seventh, or eighth. Anyways,” she squeaked, back to her chipper attitude, “I’d still like to be one of the many ponies that welcomes you to Ponyville!”

“Settle down, Pinkie,” Applejack said. “Let Peter say ‘hey,’ to the others now.”

“Alrighty!” she said with a closed-eyed smile as she bounced away, leaving the white unicorn to come up next.

“Jesus,” Peter muttered.

“Yes,” agreed Rarity, “she can be a bit of a handful. But enough about that. Rarity’s my name, and it’s a privilege to make your acquaintance.”

“Honestly,” Peter said, shaking her hoof, “the privilege is mine. After meeting Applejack, I really couldn’t have found a nicer place to live than here.”

“Don’t be so quick to attach yourself, darling. There are plenty of other ponies with class and good taste such as myself for you to meet.”

“Good tastes, huh? Then I expect you to be a regular at my restaurant?”

“Speaking of,” the blue pegasus mentioned, flying up next to Rarity, “what kind of food are we talking here? Anything good?”

“Only the finest,” Peter answered. “I don’t think we were introduced yet.”

“Oops! Sorry, there. The name’s Rainbow Dash,” she said, letting Peter grab her hoof for a shake which she promptly pulled away. “Whoa…”

“Whoa what?”

“Those claws are really weird! They aren’t hard or scratchy like Spike’s. In fact, they’re kind of…”



“Here,” Peter said, offering his hand again, “want to give it another try?”

Rainbow Dash, feeling a little embarrassed in front of the proper Rarity, redid her hoofshake, letting out a small, shuddering chuckle as her hoof was grasped by Peter’s fingers.

“That must make cooking things a whole lot easier!” Rainbow Dash said.

“They certainly do. In fact, I wish I could have you all over for dinner so I could make something for you all.”

“I don’t got a problem with that!”

“I too am interested to see your culinary prowess,” Rarity answered. “Celestia wouldn’t sing your high praises for nothing, you know, even if she did raise you for a year. But tell me, Peter, why would you wish for us to come over? I’m certain Twilight wouldn’t mind having us over a housewarming dinner for you.”

“It’s just that I still have all my stuff at Applejack’s and I need to unpack…”

“Well shoot,” Applejack exclaimed walking over, “I can just get Big Mac to help me lug that trailer of yours here.”

“Besides,” Spike said, walking up as well, “you said all you really have is your clothes and a couple of other things. With our help, you’ll be moved in in a jiffy!”

“…Eh, I guess you’re right. Other problem is, I don’t have any money, so getting groceries is going to be difficult.”

“Princess Celestia is letting me purchase anything you need for the time being,” answered Twilight. “She’s going to reimburse me, so don’t feel too worried about it.”

“Well, tell you what,” suggested Applejack, “while I go out to get the trailer, you and Twilight can do your shopping. How’s that sound?”

“That sounds pretty good,” answered Peter, “but I still have my other luggage in my car, and I’m certain I locked it before I left for Canterlot.”

“Well why in the world would you do that? You don’t trust us or somethin’?”

“It’s honestly out of habit. Sorry. I’ll give you my keys before you leave Deal?”

“Alright, buster, you got yourself a deal.”

“Sweet!” Rainbow Dash squealed. “Dinner couldn’t come sooner!”

“But it’s not even lunch yet!” exclaimed Rarity.

“Big deal! I can make a plain-old daffodil sandwich at home!” she said before wrapped her arm around Peter’s ribs and nudging her other hoof into his chest. “But if this guy’s going to cook, it’s going to be something special!”

“Well,” admitted Peter, “you haven’t eaten any of my food yet…”

“I have,” Applejack said, “and don’t worry Rainbow Dash, the grub Peter cooks will make your fur stand on end!”

Peter warmly smiled at Applejack’s positive review.

“In the meantime,” Twilight said, “why don’t we get going. The marketplace will be dying down in a bit.”

“Sounds good,” Peter answered. “Let’s get cracking.”


As Twilight put her straw double-basket-saddle on her Peter explained the remote on his keychain to Applejack.

“That button with the padlock turned away means unlock,” Peter said. “Be sure to hit it twice to unlock all doors.”

“I may be a Southern bumpkin,” Applejack confessed, “but I think I can handle a few buttons.”

“Great. And one last thing…”

“I know, I know! Be very delicate with the stuff in the car.”

“Thanks Applejack. I think Twilight and I are going to go off now. Have any idea when you’ll be back?”

“Maybe an hour or so.”

“Sounds good.”

“Ready, Peter?” asked Twilight, slowly walking from the house.

“Yep!” he called out before jogging off with his head still turned towards Applejack. “Bye, Applejack!”

“See y’all in a bit!” Applejack called off.

Peter was now by Twilight’s side as they headed off towards the market place.

“So, Peter,” wondered Twilight. “Any ideas of what you’ll be serving us?”

“Well,” Peter said, “my salad yesterday was a big hit. How’s about I make one of those for us?”

“That sounds good. I was kind of hoping you’d make that pasta…”

“Trust me, that will be going straight to the menu, but I don’t want to shell out my best dish for just tonight. Just give them a little taste.”

“I see your point. Come on. Let’s get moving.”

Peter and Twilight turned the corner into the town’s street, allowing them to see the expansive marketplace lining both sides.


As Twilight took several bags from the trailer and carried them inside, Peter hoisted out a decent looking black bicycle, putting its wheels on the ground and riding it to the trunk of Twilight’s house. Applejack, who was pulling out some of the boxes Peter instructed her out of the trailer with Big Mac, couldn’t be helped but be fascinated by the contraption.

“What is that thing?” asked Applejack. “I’ve seen Pinkie Pie ride something similar to that, but it sure as hay can’t fly.”

“And you’d be right,” Peter explained. “This is my bicycle. I wanted to use as little gas for my car when I arrived in the city, so I figured a bike could solve all of that. You work it by rotating the pedals with your feet and the wheels will stay upright when you ride, providing a nice, comfortable mode of transportation.”

“What are all those knobs on the handles?”

“Those are the gears. You can shift them to make the pedals easier or to rotate, depending on your preference or whether you’re going up or downhill, and making you able to go faster. I guess it’s a good thing I brought it now. Otherwise, I’d have to walk.”

“Well, how do you think we get around?” asked Applejack with a smug grin.

“Point taken, but at times when I need to be at a certain place as fast as possible, my bike will definitely be very useful. I can go twice the speed of me running at half the effort.”

“Sounds nice. Where y’all gonna’ put it?”

“You think it will be safe on the side of the house?”

“You’re darn tootin’ it would! I couldn’t even see how a pony could use that thing.”

“Again, point taken. By the way, those last two boxes on the left there,” he mentioned, pointing to them after leaving his bike on the kickstand, “those should be the last of them. The rest is for the restaurant.”


“Once again, guys, I want to thank you so much for helping me.”

“Don’t worry about it. Me and Big Mac are happy to help y’all in any way we can!”

“Eeyup!” proudly stated Big Mac, bolstering his sister’s words.

“Just let me take those boxes up. One of those has my knives and I’d like to personally handle them.”

“Sounds fair to me,” answered Applejack. “Now let’s get moving. I’m starved for lunch.”

“Rarity’s treating us to the Lucky Horseshoe Café,” Twilight added, coming outside. “Would you care to join us, Peter? You can certainly get a better handle on Equestrian cuisine here.”

“That sounds good,” Peter said, this time a little winded, “but I really want to take a bath. I’ve been wearing these clothes for the past two days, and I feel disgusting in old clothes.”

“Hmm,” pondered Applejack suspiciously, “sounds an awful lot like something Rarity would say, but to be fair, I wouldn’t know the first thing about wearin’ clothes all the time like you and all the other humans.”

“Fair enough. Once I get this situated, I’ll take a quick scrub and put on some of my clothes and I’ll meet you there.”

“Y’all even know where to go?”

“Mmm, that could be a problem.”

“Tell you what,” Twilight suggested. “I’ll have Rainbow Dash meet you out here and you can follow her there.”

“That sounds great actually. She kind of reminds me of a friend I had back on Earth when I came back, and I’d like to get to know her.”

“Sounds good,” she said, taking another set of bags. “You’ll be lucky to have a friend like Rainbow Dash. She can be a bit hard sometimes, but she’ll do anything you ask her to do if you can get on her good side.”

“I look forward to it,” Peter said with a mild, but agreeing smile.

“Great. Now help me with the rest of your belongings so we can eat.”


Peter walked over to two boxes, stacked one atop the other, hoisted them up, and waddled into the house with them. Applejack couldn’t help but chuckle, finding his walk a bit cute.


Peter emerged from the bathroom as he brushed his lightly wet hair. On his upper body was a t-shirt with an all-over design of Led Zeppelin’s Physical Graffiti art. Over it was an unbuttoned black vest. He wore a dark pair of jeans with a pair of decent black shoes on his feet. He knew Rainbow Dash would be there at any moment and his hair wasn’t straightened.

Peter looked to the kitchen, happy to see his belongings and other tools placed there. With the other groceries placed on the counter, he couldn’t wait for his four new friends to try his food. As Peter continued brushing, Peter could hear a heavy banging on the door. Peter huffed angrily as he still pulled tangles from his hair.

“Come on, dude!” shouted Rainbow Dash’s voice behind the door. “I’m starving over here!”

“Fuck it,” Peter hissed, tossing the brush into the sink. “Coming!”

As Peter ran down the stairs, he pulled a red band from his vest pocket, tying his unruly hair back. In the study, he saw his black Gibson N-225 and a mahogany Martin acoustic sitting on their stands by his amp. As he approached the door after another flight of stairs, he took a couple more seconds to get it just right.

“Peter!” shouted Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah!” shouted Peter.

Once his hair was ready, he opened the door, to see Rainbow Dash hovering in front of him.

“There you are!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “What were you even doing in there?”

“Getting out of my dirty clothes,” Peter retorted, walking to his bicycle on the side of the house. “Trying to make myself not look like complete crap.”

“What are you talking about? You look just fine!”

“I wished I could have straightened my hair a bit more,” he answered, putting his kickstand up.

“I’m sure Rarity will spruce it up for you when we get there. Now come on!”

Peter swung his right leg over to the right pedal, kicking it backwards so the right pedal was set in the three o’clock position. Lifting his left leg off, Peter stepped down on the right pedal, giving him the proper momentum to safely put his other foot on the left pedal. Once Peter began moving, Rainbow Dash began to follow him.

“Whoa, there!” called Rainbow Dash. “The Lucky Horseshoe is this way!”


The doorbell rang, allowing Peter to run and get it. Now high school aged, Peter was a far more proficient cook, as the smell of a perfectly grilled brisket with a homemade brown-sugar and herb rub that Peter had made was cooling on the cutting board. Patrick was in the kitchen whipping some mashed potatoes in a pot.

Peter answered the door. Jake and his father were there, the latter with a bottle of red wine. Jake, in his high school age, had begun to grow his hair out to his mid neck, and a soul patch had grown just below his lip. Mr. Bronson looked basically the same, although his beard and moustache were shaven.

“Hot damn!” Jake exclaimed. “Something smells good!”

“Jake,” Mr. Bronson quietly scolded, “language.”

“Sorry, dad. But do you smell that brisket?”

“Yes, it certainly smells good, but not enough for you to be swearing like that.”

“I sure hope it is,” Peter answered, taking the wine bottle and shaking his friend’s father’s hand.

“It’s good to see you too, Peter. How’s practice coming?”

“Great, sir. I’m working on this really cool guitar solo for When the Levee Breaks. It’s got a touch of Fly on the Windshield in the melody and a Guerilla Radio-like sound in it; it’s going to sound great!”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“However,” Patrick said, pointing at the large piece of meat with his spud-caked spoon, “I think it’s time to cut the brisket.”


Patrick, Jake, and Mr. Bronson’s plates contained three to five slices of brisket with a large dollop of garlic mashed potatoes and about half a dozen asparagus stems. Peter helped himself to another bowl of the Italian salad that he made as a starter for his guests and as a meal for himself.

“Oh come on,” egged Jake, “you can have a little bit of brisket! Look at how amazing that looks!”

“I know,” Peter said as he applied a little extra dressing to his salad, “but I don’t do that stuff anymore.”

“How are you supposed to be a chef if you can’t eat meat?”

“I can still cook it; that’s all that matters.”

“Jake,” Mr. Bronson cooed, placing his hand on his son’s shoulder, “please. You go ahead and eat your salad, Peter. But I have to agree, this brisket looks astounding.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” asked Patrick, grabbing his full wine glass. “Here’s to just one more year of high-school!”

“To high-school!” Jake and Peter agreed, raising their glasses of cola into the air.

Peter, Jake, Patrick, and Mr. Bronson raised their glasses and clinked them together. After taking a sip and setting their glasses down, Peter, Jake, and Mr. Bronson dug into their brisket. Peter, glad to see them enjoying it, speared some lettuce and onion from his plate and placed it into his mouth.


Peter took a bite of the wedge of romaine on his plate, making sure to get some tomato and gorgonzola. Peter looked about the table set up in Twilight’s study as she and all of her friends ate their own salads with pleasurable faces as Led Zeppelin’s Fool in the Rain played on a record player on the side of the room next to several boxes filled with vinyl records.

Next to each of everyone’s plates, minus Spike’s, was a glass of Sauvignon Blanc, a bendy straw being placed in the glasses of Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. Spike was passed out in his chair from a food coma, his plate empty and licked clean.

“My word,” Rarity sighed loudly. “This salad is divine! I can only begin to imagine the experience I’ll have in your restaurant.”

“I agree,” Fluttershy mentioned. “I bet if you fed Angel this salad, he’d fall in love with you.”

“Angel?” asked Peter.

“Oh, my mistake. Angel is my pet bunny. He can be really fussy about what he eats, but I’m certain he’d love this salad.”

“Feeding him this? This food is extremely rich, even for human standards.”

“I know, it’s just that Angel deserves the best…”

Peter couldn’t help but notice that Fluttershy trailed off on this last sentence, as if something bothered her about that.

“So what kind of music is this anyways?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“It’s Led Zeppelin. That friend I was telling you about at lunch, he’s the one that really got me into it. What do you think?”

“I mean… It’s okay, I guess, but don’t they do some harder stuff?”

“Before you leave, remind me to break out Led Zeppelin IV.”

“What’s that?”

“Just one of their albums.”

“Speaking of reminders,” Pinkie Pie butted in. “Remind me to throw you a party soon!”

“A party?”

“Yeah! Every new pony in Ponyville needs a party to welcome them!”

“Aha…” Peter nervously chuckled, “that’s very nice of you, but I kind of want a few days to get to know the town and get my restaurant off the ground before I get into any wild parties.”

“How can your restaurant be successful when it’s not on the ground? I mean, the pegasi could get there no problem, but what about unicorns and earth ponies, or you for that matter? You can’t fly. Or can you? Can humans normally fly?”

Peter, utterly confused by Pinkie’s reasoning, turned to Twilight, who sat next to her.

“Is she for real?” he whispered.

“Yes, she is,” Twilight said in a normal tone. “Don’t dwell on it though, she’s still very nice.”

“What are we whispering about?” asked Pinkie Pie in Peter’s ear.

Completely unaware of Pinkie’s movements or her being next to her, Peter shouted out, leaning back and falling out of his chair. Pinkie Pie, seeing Peter grab his head, instantly looked remorseful.

“Oh my gosh!” Pinkie Pie said, rushing over and helping Peter up on his feet. “I’m so sorry! You’re not hurt too bad, are you?”

“No,” Peter grunted, trying to keep his frustration in check, “but dammit, Pinkie! Why did you do that?”

“I’m sorry! I just wanted to know what you were talking about.”

“It was between me and Twilight, alright? You didn’t need to be involved.”

“I’m sorry, Peter. Can you please forgive me?”

Peter, still looking a bit cross, could see that Pinkie Pie was enforcing her sincerity with every fiber of her being. Peter sighed, knowing keeping his mind on it would cause more problems.

“Sure. I forgive you. Just… don’t sneak up on me like that.”

“Gotcha’, friendo!”

Peter then looked to Applejack, who was eating her salad, but saw that the chunks of gorgonzola were pushed off to the side.

“I’m sorry, Applejack,” Peter apologized. “I didn’t know you didn’t like gorgonzola.”

Applejack winced at being found out.

“I just don’t like that cheese,” Applejack admitted. “It tastes a bit funky.”

“There are lots of people who don’t like it. Here, why don’t I take those off your hands… or hooves. Sorry, it’s still going to take a while to get used to speaking in pony again.”

“Huhuhuh,” chuckled Applejack. “Don’t fret about it, sugar. But yes, I’ll gladly give y’all my gorgon’s cheese.”

“Gorgonzola,” corrected Peter. “Twilight?”

Peter gave Twilight her plate and passed it to Applejack with her magic. Peter looked amongst all of his new acquaintances that he’d get to know about Ponyville, happy to know that he probably couldn’t have received a more unique and good group of friends.


The ponies all began to leave later that night, but the last ones to say their good byes were Applejack and Rainbow Dash. As Peter gave his hug to Applejack farewell, Rainbow Dash was up next as Applejack walked out of Twilight’s house, following Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy out.

“So now what do you think of Led Zeppelin?” asked Peter.

“That was what I was talking about!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “You wouldn’t mind if I borrowed that one record, would you?”

Peter gave a thought before he ran back upstairs to the study. The table was put away and the dishes were clean, and Peter went straight for the record on the turntable, also picking up the sleeve with the picture of the old man carrying sticks. Peter ran back downstairs and handed the disc to Rainbow Dash, who was very excited to have it.

“Here you go,” he told her. “Just please give that back to me in the same condition I’m giving it to you. That album was a present from my friend on earth and it’s one of my favorites, so I’d like you to be careful.”

“Sure thing!” she answered. “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours!”

Rainbow Dash fluttered down and gave Peter a final hug, which he earnestly gave back.

“Well,” Rainbow Dash said, looking at an imaginary watch on her arm, “it’s getting late! See ya’!”

Rainbow Dash flew up into the sky and over Ponyville to wherever she lived. Twilight walked up beside Peter as he continued to look up at the night sky.

“Aren’t you glad you decided to stay in Ponyville?” asked Twilight smugly.

“Yeah,” Peter said. “That, and getting all my belongings was much easier too.”

“And your new friends?”

“I like them a lot! Pinkie might be random, but I can see that she means well and likes to do good by others. Rarity sounds like my ideal customer at my future restaurant: classy and has great tastes. Fluttershy looks to be a very sweet and loving mare. And Rainbow Dash… God…”

“What’s that mean?”

“She just reminds me so much of my friend back on Earth. I wonder what would happen if he knew I was here.”

“Knowing Rainbow Dash, she’d call you a nut and probably tease you.”

“Yeah, sounds about right…”

Peter looked back at Twilight, and they suddenly shared a mutual laugh. Once they settled down, Twilight decided to put an agenda forwards.

“So what are you plans tomorrow?” asked Twilight. “Maybe Pinkie Pie can give you a tour of the town so you can get to know it better.”

“Meh, I’m not that kind of person. I like to explore a little, so I think I’m going to ride my bike around town. I mean, it’s not so big that you can get lost in it, right?”

“I suppose not, but I’ve got a busy day of studying for Princess Celestia tomorrow, so I’m trying not to be rude, but I’d like you to be out of the house tomorrow.”

“That’s not a problem. I was planning on being out all day tomorrow anyways.”

“Then we should both get to bed. It’s getting late.”

“Yes,” yawned Peter. “I agree.”

With Twilight heading up the stairs, Peter closed the door behind them, letting their nightly privacies begin.


Twilight lied upon her back in the bed on the side closest to the inside of her house. She was reading a book using her horn as a light. As well, the magic from her horn also flipped her pages. Peter emerged from the bathroom wearing grey sweatpants and a red t-shirt featuring the Houses of the Holy art on it. As Peter walked to the other side, he stepped over a sleeping Spike in a padded basket and stood to the empty side of the bed. Peter continued to stand, still unsure about going through with it.

“Peter? What’s wrong?” asked Twilight, turning away from her book. “You seriously aren’t still apprehensive about sleeping with me, are you?”

“Fine!” Peter huffed, sliding into bed under the covers, still wanting to give Twilight some space.

As Peter turned to his stomach with his left cheek on the pillow, he watched as Twilight turned off the light on her horn, and put her book back into the shelf on the other side of the room. With a yawn, Twilight pulled the covers over her body and turned her body to face Peter, smiling happily upon seeing his face.

“Goodnight, Peter,” she whispered, stroking his face with her hoof.

Peter did everything in his power to keep from shuddering uncomfortably. While he was glad to see her as well, there was no way that Peter could see himself going… that far into their friendship. They were two completely different species. Good friends, very good ones at that, but nothing more.

Twilight put her hooves back on the edge of her covers as she nuzzled her body into the mattress. Peter smiled at the sheer adorableness that she displayed. Even as a fully grown mare, he still tickled his heart just as much as she did as a filly. Peter, wanting to show his appreciation for their reunion as well, reached out and stroked her cheek with his thumb, his other fingers supporting her chin.

Twilight stirred with another pleased smile, leaving Peter to retract his hand and focus on sleep. Watching her tummy under the covers going up and down, paired by her soothing breaths, Peter was lulled into sleep that was a soft and peaceful as the ones he experienced with her as a boy.

Author's Note:

I'm so sorry for such late updates. I've been trying to get caught up on my Attack on Titan crossover and I have started a new job that's also been taking much of my time and my sanity away. But better late than never I suppose.