• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 2,300 Views, 112 Comments

Blueblood's Ascension Part II; or, The Otherworldly Adventure of an Alicorn Prince - MyHobby

Blueblood continues to be an alicorn, despite the author's protestations. He now finds himself the victim of magic gone horribly right. He is flung into the world of humans and their odd subspecies known as bronies.

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In Which Prince Blueblood is Put On a Bus

The panic of Blueblood went ignored by the pedestrians awaiting their bus. Indeed, the would-be passengers turned their faces away from the rampaging pony prince each time he passed by. The garbage can clanged as he fell to the ground, his hooves dancing in the air. The mother and her daughter sat silently on the bus stop bench, unable to shut out the screams of terror issuing out of the alicorn’s mouth.

“Mommy,” the girl said. “What’s wrong with the trash can?”

“Shh!” the mom hissed. She drew her daughter close and whispered in her ear. “I told you it’s not polite to talk like that in public.”

The girl looked down, brow dimpled in thought. She glanced at the trash can as it stood up and galloped off, pursued by a flock of hungry seagulls. “How come nobody’s helping it?”

The mom pursed her lips. “I guess… I guess nobody wants to get involved, Honey.”

The seagulls squawked as they pecked at the waste disposal unit’s bum. Tasty morsels of castaway food dropped down their gullets, even as their mobile buffet screeched in pain. The girl flinched as a particularly feisty bird nibbled at a hoof, causing the can to drop and roll.

“How come we’re not helping it?” The girl asked.

The mother sighed. “Because it’s a loose animal, and it’s dangerous, and we could get hurt if we tried to-”

“Help me!” the can shouted. “Oh, by Celestia’s mane, somepony help me!”

“Okay, not a wild animal,” the mom said as she stood. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try.”

Blueblood rolled back and forth, his flailing legs propelling him through the laws of physics. Action prompted reaction, and shifted weight prompted shifted mass. The mother came alongside the can and shouted loud enough to be heard above the prince’s screams.

“Hey! It’s okay!” she said. “We’re going to get you out of there! Just hold still!”

“Oh, thank Glory, a rescuer!” Blueblood sighed in relief. “Please, fair maiden, remove me from this tin prison!”

The daughter snickered. “He talks funny.”

“I beg your pardon?” the can asked. The mother gripped the handles tight and pulled the can away from Blueblood. “I assure you, this accent is proper Canterloti-aaahhh!

The can came away with a wet splurch, and Blueblood was free to breathe clean air once again. Small, almost unnoticeable patches of his coat had been pulled away with the gunk, leaving tiny pricks of pain all over his body. “Good heavens, that hurt,” he choked out.

“That,” the mother said with a kind of disgusted awe, “is a really good costume.”

“Costume?” Blueblood asked. He turned his head and caught sight of his rescuer. The biped was covered from neck to foot in clothes, leaving the nude Blueblood feeling very underdressed. “Oh, dear, did I drop in on a formal occasion?”

“Formal?” The mom glanced around for some clue as to what the costumed dandy was referring to. It never crossed her mind that he might consider jeans to be posh. She began to suspect that the person before her was not quite right in the head. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”

“Never mind then,” Blueblood said as he stood. He looked down on his grimy body and gave a shudder. “If you could just point me to the nearest stream, I shall be on my way.”

“It’s…” The mom glanced about. “It’s in that direction, but it’s still a few miles away.”

“What’s the quickest way to get there?” Blueblood asked.

“The bus!” came a small voice to the biped’s side. Blueblood looked down to see a smaller creature, most likely a child, grabbing onto the larger’s leg. “You can ride the bus and get there really fast! Right Mom? The pony princess can ride the bus!”

“I’m not a princess,” Blueblood muttered darkly. “I am, now and forever, a prince.”

The mother put her hand on the side of the child’s head. She nodded at Blueblood and sighed. “She’s right; the bus is the fastest, cheapest way to the lake.” She let her eyes wander around the mess that had been made of his mane and coat. “You can get your… self… cleaned off in there.”

That got the attention of everyone waiting at the bus stop. Several potential patrons stood and walked away, not wishing to spend a long bus ride next to something that had been wallowing in garbage. Others simply slid to the side, intending to be first on the bus so as to not share a seat with the odd beast. One business man, who had been knocked down by Blueblood minutes prior, was so engrossed in his own work that he did not notice the goings on at all.

Much to his future dismay.

Blueblood looked over at the waiting passengers and gave a sneer. “Public transportation, I think not.” He fluttered his wings, sending sprays of old pudding and dead bananas to flight. “I will be quite happy flying, thank you very much.”

He leaped into the air and fell gracefully upon his nose. He gagged as he noted that every feather he possessed had been caked with filth. “Perhaps the bus isn’t looking so bad.”

The mother’s eyes went wide. “How… How are you controlling those wings?”

“I suppose,” Blueblood said with a derisive snort, “the same way you’re able to control those dangly little fingers of yours.”

The mother clenched her hands in surprise as Blueblood went on. “Really, you act like you’ve never even seen a pegasus before.”

“But pegasusasuses…” The little girl stuck her tongue out as she tried to pronounce the odd word. “Um, don’t have horns.”

Blueblood rolled his eyes. “Children.” He gave the girl his best patronizing smile. “That’s because I’m not a pegasus, little one, but an alicorn prince.” He held a dripping hoof out to the mother. “I’m Prince Blueblood; you may kiss the royal hoof.”

The mother threw up in the back of her throat. “I don’t know where that’s been. Strike that, I do know where it’s been.”

“Then introduce yourselves at the very least.” Blueblood lowered his hoof to the ground with a clop. “You are to be commended for your service to the crown.”

“The crown, huh?” The mother squinted. “Does this have anything to do with that anime convention that’s in town?”

“Any May?” Blueblood asked. “I thought it was June.”

“What?” the mother asked.

“Huh?” the girl muttered.

“Pardon?” Blueblood questioned.

“Really?” the waiting passengers exclaimed.

“Oh, for…” Blueblood levitated a stamp out of nowhere and held it in front of the bipeds. “Here, the royal seal of Canterlot. Satisfied?”

Satisfied would not have been the word to describe the mother at that moment. Terrified, startled, astonished? Very much so. Satisfied? Not at all.

“S-Sweetie,” she said to her daughter. “Please back away very slowly from the nice pony man.”

“What’s the matter, Mommy?” The girl was pushed behind her mom as the elder human reached into her purse.

“Oh, for Glory’s sake,” Blueblood huffed. “You act as though you’ve never seen magic befo-”

Actually, the mother had seen magic before. Specifically, levitation. A dark encounter with witchcraft had left her emotionally scarred and wary of the unknown. Her reaction to similar magic was as follows:

She reached deep within her purse and pulled out a spray can. She shook it quickly as she popped the top off. She pointed it at Blueblood’s eyes and pressed down on the trigger.

The prince had actually leaned further towards the can as he attempted to ascertain its purpose. His eyes met the spray with an unholy burning sensation. He writhed on the ground screaming for the sweet embrace of unconsciousness.

The mother and the daughter took off at a run, leaving Blueblood alone on an alien planet. He rolled as he tried to rid his eyes of the offending pepper spray, but found himself unable to do more than cry hot tears. He lifted his bloodshot eyes to the sky and howled. “What in the name of all that is pony did I do to deserve this!?”

The author can’t rightly imagine, but he assumes it must have been a doozy.

The bus pulled beside the stop with a hiss. Blueblood picked himself up and blinked until he could at least see a blurry outline. He trotted to the bus with a purposeful gait, and entered the door with a smile.

“Hey!” The bus driver stopped him. “No animals on board!”

“Madam,” he began. “If I was an animal, would I have the ability to reason with you?”

The driver’s mouth fell open, but she recovered fast. “So, are you a furry from the convention or what?”

Blueblood examined his hoof with bloodshot eyes. “Well, I’m not exactly bald…”

“Don’t you get smart with me,” the driver warned.

“I beg your pardon?” Blueblood said. “Is that any sort of tone to take with the Crowned Prince of Equestria?”

“Yeah,” the driver replied. “An’ I’m the Queen of Scotland.”

A blatant lie, of course. She was Queen of the Road.

“A pleasure meeting fellow royalty,” Blueblood said with utmost sincerity. “I will be honored to travel with you.”

“Only after you pay the fee, furry.” She pointed at a dropbox that was labeled “Exact change only.”

“Two twenty-five," she concluded. "No transfers.”

He lifted a hoof and disloged a coin that he had stuck in his horseshoe for just such an occasion. “This should cover it,” he said as he passed it to the driver.

She took it in her hand and stared at it. She turned it over several times. “What the heck is this?”

“Ten bits, your majesty,” he grinned. “Surely more than enough to pay my way.”

She eyed him with frustration. “We don’t take foreign money, furry. Now pay up or get off my bus. You’re holding up the line.”

Blueblood glanced behind himself to note that there was nopony behind him. “I am already at the end of the line…”

“You getting smart with me?”

Blueblood snorted as his ears flattened against his smelly head. “No. The coin is pure gold, surely it’s worth something.”

“I told you,” the driver repeated. “We don’t take foreign-”

Blueblood tossed the coin on the bus’ floor and stomped on it with a heavy hoof. The coin was flattened into a large disk of gold. He held it up to the driver. “Not a foreign coin anymore.”

“Not money either,” she retorted.

“It’s gold!” he shouted. “Pure gold!”

“Alright, offa my bus!” She opened the doors and pointed.

“Wait!” a voice from the back shouted. “I’ll buy the disk!”

The businessman from earlier came forward and traded the golden disk for ten bucks. Blueblood accepted them happily and gave five to the driver. She shrugged, closed the door, and sped down the road.

Blueblood looked at the piece of paper he held in his hoof with interest. He sat down beside the businessman, who gagged at the smell. “This is the money of this world, then.”

The businessman nodded, covering his mouth to prevent a mess on the bus.

“Paper notes,” Blueblood said. “How ingenious. Notes to say how much gold you have stored at the bank. It’s brilliant.”

“That’s not exactly how it works…” the businessman mumbled.

“What do you mean?” Blueblood looked up. “Can you not trade these notes for real gold?”

The businessman shook his head, a greenish color shading his cheeks.

“Well, perhaps you can still be assured that you have such and such amount of gold at the bank?”

Another gesture to the negative from the fellow passenger.

“Well,” Blueblood looked to the green in his hoof. “What is this actually worth?”

“Five dollars,” the man gasped. He groaned and rocked in his seat as the hot bus heated up Blueblood’s aura of odor.

“And…” Blueblood coughed. “How is it decided what five dollars is worth?”

The businessman shrugged. He stared at Blueblood with unhealthy interest, his eyes continually drifting the prince’s cutie mark. “H-have you ever heard of M-my Little Pony?

“Pardon?” Blueblood asked.

“Never mind.” The businessman stood and walked to the door. “Let me off here, or I blow chunks in your bus.”

“Whatever you say, Laverne,” she answered. The bus stopped and the door opened, letting the sickly man exit. Before he wandered off to relieve his stomach, he brought his phone out and snapped a picture of the alicorn prince.

A text message was sent from his phone to three others. A call to action.

Meet @ usual place, ur not gonna believe this.

Twilight Sparkle’s saddlebags overflowed with notes as she made her way to Ponyville’s number one coffee shop: the Keen Bean. Corny names aside, it served the best java from Manehatten to Canterlot, where Donut Joe was still reigning champion. The proprietor, Doreen Bean, was an eccentric individual who enjoyed nothing more than overloading on caffeine. She would often be seen running around trees after hours, chattering like a squirrel. She burned enough fuel daily to give Pinkie Pie a run for her money. So great was her dependence on caffeine that she shook violently when she had not ingested coffee for a few hours. She also shook violently after drinking coffee for several hours. It was wonderfully synergistic.

This early in the morning, Doreen was not quite shaking violently yet. A slight shiver ran up her legs as she greeted Twilight. “G-g-g-good morning, P-p-p-princess!”

“Hello, Doreen,” Twilight returned with a smile. “The usual, please.”

“L-l-l-let’s g-g-get percolating!” Doreen worked with admirable speed as she whipped Twilight’s drink into shape. Super-pony speed, some might say. “That’ll be a medium double mocha chip with two-percent milk and light on the whip and both caramel and chocolate drizzle inside the cup and on top of the whip-

“And an extra shot of coffee, please,” Twilight smiled. “It’s been a long night.”

“I’ll get on that right away,” Doreen Bean said as she placed a straw in the cup. “Here’s your drink, I’ll put it on your tab.”

Thaaank you!” Twilight sang. “Looks great, Doreen!”

Twilight Sparkle sat down at a table and spread her notes out. She sorted the sheets of paper by subject, location, and word number. Because why not? Her attention dashed from page to page, reviewing what she knew and reinforcing the facts she had collected.

Doreen Bean changed the “Princesses Served” sign outside to read “four.”

Ideas flitted about Twilight’s mind, the very same that comprised her notes. Nudity taboo, paper money, mechanical acumen, spaceflight…

Spaceflight was a surprise to her, as ponies were still perfecting gliding technology. She supposed flying machines were low priority because of natural pegasus skill, but she couldn’t help but think that a cargo plane would be more efficient than a blimp. And spaceflight…

The humans had flown to their moon, just because it was there.

Humans were pretty cool, she decided.

A groan floated over from the table next to her. Twilight Sparkle wasn’t the only early-morning coffee hound. A blue-maned, white-coated pony sat with her head on the table. The sunglasses that represented her trademark were folded up and placed to the side of a large, and by large it should be taken to mean "absolutely huge," coffee mug.

Vinyl Scratch, Princess of Electronic Music and Epic Remixes, lifted her head and eyed the cheery student across from her. “’Mornin’, Twilight.”

“Good morning, Vinyl,” Twilight said to the alicorn DJ. “Good time last night?”

“The best,” Vinyl giggled weakly. “Ponies were…” She yawned wide. “Ponies were dancing up a storm.”

“About time to sleep the day away, looks like.” Twilight took a sip of her drink and cross-referenced a point about dress formality.

“No such luck,” Vinyl sighed. “Got an appointment with Pinkie Pie about the mix she wants to go over.”

“Pinkie’s planning a party?” Twilight said. “So, what else is new?”

“You been living under a rock, Sparkle?” Vinyl tilted her head to the side, her magenta eyes red from lack of sleep. “She’s getting married.”

Mocha sprayed from Twilight’s mouth as she choked on a chocolate chip. “Pfft! That’s right! Don’t tell me it’s this month, I got so caught up in-”

“Relax, Sparkle!” Vinyl held her hooves up. “It’s next month, you have plenty of time to panic.”

“Oh, geeze.” Twilight placed her elbow on the table and balanced her head on the hoof. “You would think that I’d remember the date of something like my friend’s wedding.”

“I’ve lived in Ponyville long enough to know better,” Vinyl shrugged, the caffeine coming into play. Her disposition visibly brightened as the miraculous coffee did its work. “Don’t worry, Pinkie won’t let you forget.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Twilight shuddered.

Vinyl sidled up beside her, her horn glowing with purplish light. She lifted a few pages and held them up with her wings. “So wadda yah studying today? Math, science, philosophy?”

“Alternate realities,” Twilight nodded.

“Ah, fair enough.” Vinyl Scratch read down the list of notes, parenthetical definitions, and post scripts. “Nudity taboo? What the heck is a nudity taboo?”

“It’s socially unacceptable, and illegal in most cases, to go around in public without adequate personal covering,” Twilight rattled off.

Vinyl shook her head. “Twilight, have you received that degree in technobable yet?”

“Technobable… Is that a new dance mix?”

“Never mind.”

They sat reading for a few minutes while the coffee shop received its first big wave of customers. Rainbow Dash waved at Twilight, then moved to stand in line.

“So,” Vinyl said. “Is this knowledge for knowledge’s sake, or…”

“I’m leading an expedition into the new world.” Twilight took a triumphant sip from her cup. “A prince of Equestria is lost in the new world, and I’m the only pony who knows how to get him back.”

“Ooh,” Vinyl’s interest was piqued. “Is this prince, shall we say, le hot-stuff?

“It’s Blueblood.”

“Blech,” Vinyl sulked. “He’s the most eligible bachelor in Equestria for a reason.”

Twilight rolled her eyes at Vinyl. “Nice to know where you stand on the big issues, Princess.”

Rainbow Dash joined the two at the table. “Hey, guys. ‘Sup?”

“Twilight here lost Blueblood in another world,” Vinyl grinned.

“Blueblood’s missing?” Rainbow Dash’s eyes shot wide open. “Aw, man. I was just starting to like him. Oh, well.”

“Rainbow Dash…” Twilight huffed.

“What?” the pegasus asked. “I was actually starting to like him!”

“That’s not what I…” Twilight rested her face in her hooves. “Rainbow Dash, you’re the new Spike.”

“I wouldn’t mind being a dragon,” Rainbow said around a mouthful of danish. “’S long as I didn’t have to be your ‘Faithful Assistant.’”

“I think,” Vinyl interrupted, “that I am missing a key bit of subtext in this conversation.”

“Just do what I do,” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Pretend you get what she’s talking about, she’ll explain herself anyway.”

“Excuse me?” Twilight squinted at Rainbow. “You make it sound like I ramble.”

“Naw.” Rainbow Dash waved a hoof dismissively. “So tell me about this place Blueblood disappeared to.”

“It’s really quite spectacular,” Twilight arrayed her notes for easy reference. “The planet’s home to an entire new species of sapient beings, bipedal omnivores. They’re called humans, or that’s what they call themselves anyway, and they’re all over the planet. They call their planet ‘Earth,’ by the way, just like w-”

Twilight stopped when she saw the look of utter, savage, unbridled mischief on Rainbow Dash’s face. Vinyl guffawed, pushing her glasses up to her forehead. Twilight sighed and tossed a rolled-up napkin at the pegasus mare’s face.

Rainbow Dash caught it easily. “Tell us again how you don’t ramble. Pretty, pretty please?” Her grin reached from ear to ear.

“Well, shucks, RD,” drawled a recently-arrived Applejack. “I didn’t know you could beg.”

Rainbow Dash laughed as her farmer friend sat down beside her. “Hey, AJ. Yeah, Winona’s been giving me lessons.”

“You’re almost as good as that dog, I’d say.” Applejack chucked her friend’s shoulder. “Keep it up, an’ folks might start payin’ attention.”

The coffee that sat before Applejack was as black as Sombra’s mane, until she started pouring sugar into it. Three, four, five packets were dunked into the brew, sweetened to taste. “Now that’s a good cup o’ joe.”

“Market today?” Twilight asked.

“Yup. Got a nice selection of apples available, if’n it tickles yer fancy.” Applejack looked down at the mess of papers on the table. “What’s all this for?”

“New world,” Rainbow Dash answered.

“Lost prince,” Vinyl said.

“The usual,” Twilight finished.

The four’s giggles brightened the coffee house almost as much as the caffeine did. Vinyl stood and dismissed herself. “Gotta see a Pie about a mix.”

Rainbow Dash flew out soon after. “Sunny day ahead! Good luck with your prince-finding!”

Twilight Sparkle and Applejack remained at the table. Applejack leaned over the notes and read a few. “So, who’s this prince what got carried off?”

“Blueblood,” Twilight sighed. She compared two paged of notes, then filed them away in separate folders. “He stopped by to work on the robot, the one that crashed his coronation, and the changelings attacked.”

Applejack nodded. “Do the princesses know about this?”

“Of course,” Twilight said. “They’re the first ponies I told. They’re putting together a team for my expedition.”

“Expedition,” Applejack repeated the word thoughtfully. “So, it’s not just a rescue mission.”

“Right.” Twilight packed away all but the most important pages, laying them out for both her and her friend to see. “We’re gonna learn as much about the world as we can from my portal, then we’ll head in to rescue Blueblood and continue my observations.”

“Learn, go in, save Blueblood, learn.” Applejack smiled. “Sounds like a Twilight Sparkle plan, alright.”

Applejack studied Twilight for a moment as the alicorn examined her notes. “So, who’s this team that the princesses are getting together? It ain’t the Elements of Harmony?”

“Well, this is supposed to be equal parts scientific and rescue,” Twilight explained. “So, they thought that maybe, just maybe, they should get together a team of ponies who do this kinda thing for a living.

“Of course, you can come if you want to,” Twilight added quickly. “I’m not saying you wouldn’t be a big help to me. All of you.”

“Naw, I wasn’t thinking that,” Applejack assured her. “It just seemed odd that the princesses wouldn’t send the six of us this time. But I get it now, the whole ‘new world’ thing.”

A smile came to the farmer’s lips. “I wonder how many ponies would have signed up to save Blueblood if they hadn’t added that there was a new world to explore?”

“Applejack,” Twilight held back a giggle. “Be nice.”

“Aha! I saw that smile!” Applejack pointed triumphantly. “You think so, too!”

“He’s getting better,” Twilight found herself unable to hold back the smile that teased its way to her face. “Well, he’s trying, at least.”

“Like a fish tryin’ to climb a tree,” Applejack chuckled.

“You’re so mean!” Twilight laughed.

Doreen Bean slid up to the table with a tray of shot glasses. “Anypony w-w-w-wannna try the n-n-new flavor? I c-c-c-call it ‘Red Minotaur,’ the energy drink!”

“I…” Applejack’s eyes shifted down Doreen’s shaky frame. “I think I’ll pass, Dory. Thanks.”

Twilight took a glass and examined it. “It’s all bubbly.”

“New technique!” Doreen exclaimed. “New flavor! All energy!”

Twilight took a dainty sip. “WHOA!

She sprung to her feet and began dancing in place. “Hokey Peat, that stuff could restart a heart!”

“Or stop one,” Applejack mumbled as she gently pushed Doreen away. “Land sakes, girl, what did you put into that stuff?”

“Oh,” Doreen placed a hoof on her lips. “This, that, and the other thing.”

“Alright.” Applejack exited the establishment with all due haste. “You start spreading that stuff around, an’ it’ll be the parasprite disaster all over again…”

Author's Note:

If you haven't read the side-story, now's as good a time as ever to get caught up.

I hope you're enjoying the ride! Happy father's day!