• Published 30th Sep 2013
  • 2,587 Views, 84 Comments

ButterflyCakes II: Kindness and Laughter - FlameingToast

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie begin their realationship as marefriend's. What could go wrong?

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The Train Ride

Pinkie Pie tried to close her suitcase, but the sheer amount of party supplies made it impossible to do so. Frowning, she tried jumping on the suitcase, but all that did was knock it off her bed and spill the contents everywhere.

Pinkie giggled. Maybe I shouldn't be trying to pack a piñata. Before Pinkie could begin trying to stuff almost everything back into the suitcase, somepony knocked on the door.

"Pinkie Pie? Can I come in?" Mrs Cake asked from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, you can come in!" Pinkie said, as Mrs Cake pushed open the door. She made sure not to step on the balloons, streamers, and other party supplies covering the room.

Mrs Cake smiled. "I just wanted to say good bye. I hope you have fun this week with your family." She gave Pinkie a small hug.

Pinkie smiled back. "Thanks Mrs Cake, A little vacation is just the thing I need right now."

Mrs Cake raised an eyebrow. "Vacation? You just waltzed out the door this morning and didn't come back until noon."

Pinkie nervously chuckled. "Yeah, sorry about that; I got caught up in talking with Fluttershy and the girls."

Mrs Cake laughed. "It's fine; there are never many customers in the morning anyways." She turned around. "Well, I hope that you have fun."

"Don't worry, Fluttershy and I will have a ton of fun!" Pinkie replied.

Mrs Cake turned around. "You seem to be mentioning Fluttershy a lot lately. Is there anything going on between you too?" She said half-jokingly.

Pinkie Pie nodded enthusiastically. "Yup. We're marefirends now!" Seeing Mrs Cakes surprised expression, she added "I guess I hadn't told you, huh?"

Mrs Cake shook her head walking back into the room. "No, you hadn't." She grinned. "I'm happy to hear you've found a special somepony."

"Aww, thanks Mrs C!" Pinkie Pie beamed, beginning to pick up the debris around her room.

"Well, I hope everything works out with you two." Mrs Cake said as she left, closing the door behind her.

I know the most thoughtful ponies, Pinkie thought as she finally managed to pack as much as she could into her suitcase. She placed the bulging bag near her bed before turning off the lights and jumping into her bed.

Pinkie Pie moved around, trying to find a comfortable position; usually she fell asleep as soon as her head hit pillows, but tonight she was having difficulty. She was excited for the trip tomorrow, but she didn't think that was why she wasn't falling asleep.

Sitting up in her bed, Pinkie Pie realized she was feeling a little bit worried. I hope everything works out, she found herself thinking. It was starting to dawn on Pinkie that she had no idea if everything was going to work out; none of her previous relationships had lasted long.

She lied back down and tried to go to sleep, But she still couldn't fully calm down. It's going to be fine, just go to sleep! After a few minutes, Pinkie Pie drifted to sleep.


Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were sitting on a bench, waiting for the train to arrive. Both ponies looked a little tired, and neither of them was in a talkative mood. Fluttershy was reading a newspaper, but she found herself glancing at Pinkie Pie.

Fluttershy's worries for meeting Pinkie's parents were replaced with worries about Pinkie herself; she had been in a pensive mood for most of the morning.

Fluttershy was about to ask Pinkie about it, but stopped before she said anything. She doesn't look sad, but something's definitely on her mind, I should ask her what’s wrong if she doesn't tell me soon.

"Uh, Fluttershy?" Pinkie asked, snapping Fluttershy out of her thoughts. "When is the train getting here?"

"Right now." Fluttershy replied noticing the train in the distance. After it came to a stop in front of them, Pinkie and Fluttershy boarded the train and began looking for a good spot to sit.

They both walked through the train until they came to a suitable compartment. The small compartment had two booths facing each other, and a luggage rack. Pinkie threw her bags up to it, and Fluttershy hovered up to it to make sure everything was secure.

They both sat down opposite each other, and felt the train begin to move. Pinkie Pie was shuffling around in her seat, trying to get comfortable.

"How long is the train ride again?" Fluttershy asked hoping it wouldn't be too long.

"About four hours, we should get there around lunchtime. I brought some cards and stuff if we get bored" Pinkie answered, looking out the window as the train gained speed.

Fluttershy frowned. It wasn't like Pinkie to act this sombre for anything. "What's wrong Pinkie?" Fluttershy asked. "You haven't been acting like yourself this morning."

"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong." Pinkie smiled unconvincingly.

Fluttershy frowned "Please Pinkie, if something's bothering you, you can tell me." She gave a reassuring smile. "Remember, we're in a relationship now and we need to be there for each other."

Pinkie relented. "You're right Flutters...it's just..." She looked out the window at the grassland speeding by. "I'm not sure how to explain."

Fluttershy patiently waited for Pinkie Pie to continue. If she could coax the issue out, then hopefully Pinkie would go back to being cheerful.

Pinkie sighed. "Well, last night I realized that I'm not sure how this'll work out." She glanced up at Fluttershy. "I want my family to approve of us, I haven't had a serious relationship before and I want everything to go well."

Fluttershy was surprised, she had never seen Pinkie worry over something like this before. "Well, I don't know either but as long as we're together, I’m sure it'll be fine." She smiled. "I'm worried too, but it's normal to be."

Pinkie smiled "I know… it's just that I've never been in this situation before." She held up a hoof before Fluttershy could respond. "I like you a lot, Fluttershy. I don't want you to get hurt if my family doesn't approve of us." She sighed, before she suddenly found Fluttershy's warm lips pressed against her own.

Pinkie pressed back, and felt her worries melt away. After a few moments, they broke apart.

Fluttershy smiled gently. "You don't need to worry for me; we should just stop worrying and enjoy the trip."

Pinkie blushed. "Sorry, I know I'm not usually worried about stuff. But, I think I'm good now." She hugged Fluttershy. "Thanks Flutters."

Fluttershy hugged her back. "It's okay; just...tell me If something’s bothering you next time, okay?"

Pinkie Pie beamed. "As long as you promise there'll be kissing afterwards, then sure." Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie chuckled, both ponies in a much happier mood.

After Pinkie Pie was back to her usual joyous self, she and Fluttershy spent most of the ride talking and playing cards. After an hour or two, Pinkie Pie laid against Fluttershy and took a nap, while Fluttershy read a book Twilight lent her. Pinkie Pie was still sleeping when the train arrived at their destination.

Looking out of the window Fluttershy saw the town they had arrived in. It definitely wasn't big, but wasn't as small as she imagined. The ground was a mixture of bare, dusty dirt and browning grass. From where Fluttershy could see, the roads were cobblestone. She couldn't tell much more because of the train station blocking her view, but she was sure Pinkie would give her a full tour.

Looking back at her marefriend, Fluttershy grinned; noticing that Pinkie had snuggled up to her. Fluttershy was surprised to find she was feeling more excited than nervous. Pinkie's really starting to rub off on me, Fluttershy thought with a chuckle as she gently shook Pinkie awake.

Pinkie Pie slowly blinked her eyes open before sitting up. Stretching, she froze when she noticed the train had stopped. Gasping, Pinkie leaped out of her seat to the window.

"We’re here!" Pinkie exclaimed before grabbing her bags and rocketing out of the compartment.

"Pinkie, wait for me!" Fluttershy yelled after Pinkie, hurriedly trying to get her own bags down as Pinkie Pie trotted back to the compartment.

"Sorry." Pinkie grinned.