• Published 16th Sep 2013
  • 8,132 Views, 89 Comments

Shadows of Giants - kaiju and pony fan

Fluttershy, after being sucked into a mysterious portal and transformed, finds herself in a world where humans try to survive in the shadows of giants.

  • ...


Twilight began to eye the strange, spherical, rune-covered stone resting on the grass in front of her, levitating some measuring tape around it. She then reached forward with her left front hoof and poked it only to jump back, her wings spread out. When nothing happened, she circled around, and tapped it again, prompting the young alicorn to take another jump back.

"How long has she been at this? I'm kinda getting tired and stuffing myself with gems certainly isn't helpin'." Spike asked Applejack, taking yet another bite out of an emerald he brought with him on the trip, along with several other gems that were gathered in a popcorn bag. Applejack shrugged, "Ah kinda lost track at thirty secon's," she then raised an eyebrow as the purple and green drakeling finished off his emerald in one bite. "Why don't ya stop eatin' those there gems o' yer's if they ain't helpin'?"

The baby dragon paused for a second with a lapis-lazuli just inches from his mouth and looked at the orange cowpony with a very deadpan expression.

"Maybe because these gems 'o' mine' were given to me by... Rarity." he replied, emphasizing the ivory unicorn's name while turning a dreamy look to her. Rarity blushed at this and smiled before turning her attention to Twilight.

"Spike does make a good point, Twilight, we've been here for a long period of time. Princess Luna must already be preparing to raise the moon by now. I think we-"

"GOT IT!" Twilight's excited screech interrupted her, waking up both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie who had taken the time for a nap.

"Got what?" Rainbow asked, her voice laden with sleep.

"I'm glad you asked, Rainbow Dash. You see I think I've worked out this particular stone out. As it just so happens, it's not that complicated as you might believe." the purple alicorn proudly announced.

"Okay, Princess Egghead, I'll bite. Please enlighten us." the blue pegasus said.

"Gladly, remember how that portal opened and drew in Fluttershy?" she asked the rest of her gathered friends.

"Oh! Oh! I know! I know!" Pinkie Pie spoke up, waving her right front hoof in the air excitedly.

Twilight chuckled at her friend's energy. "Yes, Pinkie?"

"She poked it." the pink earth pony replied.

"Exactly. So you know what that means, right, girls?" the lavender alicorn asked.

"We havta poke it?" Applejack asked in a deadpan voice.

"Another correct answer!"

However, Rainbow Dash jumped in.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, time out!" she proclaimed before gliding over to Twilight and the stone.

"Twilight, I know you're smart and all, but, right now, I don't think you're really putting that brain of your's into full gear. I mean, you saw what happened to Fluttershy, right? Besides, who's to say if that was even a portal at all? For all we know, she could either be trapped inside this thing or worse, and your most logical decision is to poke it? Pardon me for asking, but ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR BUCKING MIND!?"

Twilight sighed, "Yes, Rainbow Dash, I am fully aware of the other possibilities and the dangers. That being said however, our best hope is that it's a portal and Fluttershy is on the other side. If it's the other two possibilities, well, it's been an honor to call you my friends. All of you. So are we gonna sit around her doing nothing, or are we gonna save our friend?"

For a moment, the four ponies and one dragon stood around almost in hesitation until Rainbow Dash stepped up a few inches towards Twilight.

"I didn't represent the Element of Loyalty for nothing. There's no way, not even in Tartarus, I'm gonna leave one of my friends behind. Count me in." At that moment, the three remaining ponies as well as Spike jumped in.

"I'd rather be hogtied by a rabid Diamond Dog than let mah friends go alone."

"If there's a possibility of getting Fluttershy back, well, Darling, I'll be more than happy to take the risk."

"Whoo-hoo! New world! New world!"

"I'm gonna stick with ya through and through, Twilight."

Twilight smiled with pride as the ponies and drakeling all stood in a circle around the stone sphere.

"Alright, Fluttershy," Twilight said, raising her right front hoof while the others raised their hooves (claws for Spike), "We're coming."

At that moment ponies and dragon placed their hand/hooves on the sphere... and nothing happened. For a second, the six friends stood confused.

"Maybe it's the left hoof." Pinkie suggested.

"That or somepony's hoof slipped." Rainbow Dash said, turning a gaze at Rarity.

"Why are you looking at me?" the ivory unicorn asked.

"No need to worry, we might have just woke it up," Twilight announced, "on the count of three. One...Two... THREE!"

Again, they placed their hooves and claws on the sphere... and they were still in the Everfree Forest. Twilight then started to panic.

"M-maybe we have to apply a good amount of force onto it. Yeah. Tha-that's right." Twilight said before she started to firmly stomp her hoof on the sphere.

"Just. A. Good. Amount. To. Open. This. Stupid. Celestia-forsaken. Portal!" she snarled in anger, putting emphasis on her words every time her hoof met the stone. After a tenth stomp, Twilight screamed in rage and reared up, her front legs bashing against the sphere until Rarity stepped in and pushed her back.

"Twilight, control yourself! Why don't we take this stone to Canterlot and we can have Princess Celestia look at it. Okay? Just calm down first and we can leave with our quiet dignity and grace intact." she told her. Upon that, Twilight sighed in defeat and gave a sad smile.

"Right, hehe." Twilight chuckled sheepishly, "Quiet dignity... and grace."

Rarity smiled and led her away from the sphere, only to have the lavender alicorn break off and dash straight for it.


"Twilight, stop it! That's not going to do any good!" Rainbow cried out trying to pry her friend away from the sphere with Spike at her side. At that moment, Twilight started to pound at the object furiously with both hooves until Rainbow Dash and Spike finally wrestled her away from the sphere. "I DON'T WANNA LIVE! I DO NOT WANT TO LIVE!" the newest princess of Equestria shouted, adding a small sob.

Applejack and Rarity then looked at each other from the corners of their eyes. "Quiet dignity an' grace." the orange earth pony said to her friend in a deadpan voice just as Twilight cried, "MAMA!"

After a few moments of Twilight crying into Rainbow Dash's shoulder, much to the cyan pegasus' embarrassment, she finally gathered herself back up while Spike picked up the stone and placed it in one of the young princess's saddlebags.

"Okay, now that my, uh-" Twilight struggled to find the word.

"Outburst?" Applejack suggested.

"Twilight Snapple moment?" came Spike.

"Temper tantrum?" Rarity asked.

"Trip to Crazy Town?" Pinkie Pie chirped up.

"All of those out of the way" Twilight finished, "Let's see if Celestia can figure this stone out. Everypony, hold onto me."

There was a slight pause as the remaining former Element Bearers and Spike looked at her with confusion or hesitation, ushering a groan from the purple alicorn.

"I'm just gonna teleport us to Canterlot and for all of us to go, I need you in close proximity." she announced in a deadpan voice.

"We know, Twi, but... er... How do Ah put this?" Applejack muttered.

"How do we know it's safe?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Guys, I've teleported myself and Spike multiple times before and he's been fine. Besides, after reading about a more advanced, long-range teleportation spell, we'll be in Canterlot in the blink of an eye."

"Er, I dunno..." Rainbow Dash said, hesitation in her voice.

Twilight groaned. There was really no time for this. "Just huddle up." she said.

Seeing as there was no way out of this situation, the ponies and dragon all gathered up around her. Once everyone was accounted for, Twilight closed her eyes and began to concentrate as her horn began to glow. The light from the horn then began to spread downwards, flowing like water until it blanketed them all. Suddenly, with a loud pop, the friends disappeared from the Everfree in a flash of light before reappearing in Celestia's throne room with another. While Spike and Twilight seemed fine, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie stumbled around, two of them looking as if they were about to throw up.

"Just walk it off, girls. You'll get used to it." Twilight assured them with a smile.

"Or you could take some ginger."

The ponies and Spike then looked up to notice, not only Princess Celestia, but Princess Luna, Cadence and Shining Armor, apparently in the middle of something.

"Twilight!" Cadence spoke up as she dashed towards her in a hug before both foal-hood friends engaged in their secret hoof-shake.

Celestia then cleared her throat, bringing all the attention to her. "So, Twilight, what brings you all the way from Ponyville to here? It can't be for a surprise visit."

At that moment, Twilight's expression turned somber as she levitated the sphere out of her saddlebag and placed it on the floor in front of her teacher and her younger sister.

"Sadly, it isn't, Princess." she replied.

Luna then noted something about Twilight and her friends; one was missing.

"Where is Fluttershy?" the dark blue alicorn asked.

"That's what I was going to get to, Princess Luna. She's missing because of this sphere."

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "What happened, Twilight?"

Twilight took a deep breath and began her story.

"I had gathered my friends after I sensed a strange magical disturbance somewhere in the Everfree Forest, near the very same ruins where Nightmare Moon was defeated. Upon arrival, we came across the source: this very stone sphere, resting on a dais." she began, gesturing at the object, "For some reason, the ball rolled off its support. Fluttershy stopped it by poking it. A surge of energy shot out of the thing and knocked her out. Before we could react, a ball of energy seemed to... rise from the stone and shot a beam of light at her. As it went back in, it looked as if it was pulling her towards it and then, she was just gone. Which brings us to our unexpected arrival."

Celestia nodded with her eyes closed in thought before opening them again. "Very well, Luna and I will look into this." she said, turning to her younger sister who wasted no time in trotting up to her side. Both alicorns circled the sphere, their horns glowing as they examined it. Soon after, both princesses turned to face Twilight and her friends, their faces very serious.

Twilight was the first to speak up. "Well? Is she okay?" Celestia and Luna exchanged glances at each other before Luna spoke up.

"After examination, my sister and I have good news, and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?"

"Why not good news first?" Spike asked.

"This stone does have the ability to open a portal, albeit a one-way trip," the dark blue alicorn responded, "rest assured, your friend is alive and well, but in a different world."

"And the bad news?" Twilight asked nervously.

Both alicorns exchanged glances before Celestia spoke up.

"The world she is in happens to be a world my sister and I are forbidden from entering."

Twilight's eyes widened at this realization. The princesses forbidden from entering another world? she thought. "Forbidden? Who would say that?" She asked out loud.

Luna was the first to reply. "Our mother." Celestia stepped forward, her horn glowing as images materialized in mid-air depicting three alicorns. The tallest of them bore an ivory coat, a long, reddish-brown mane and tail, striking blue eyes, and an inkwell and pen for a cutie mark. The second on her left, whom Twilight recognized as Celestia, was also tall but only came up to the first's shoulder. She also bore a white coat with a slight hint of lavender mixed in and a flowing pink mane and tail with her sun cutie mark prominent. Finally, standing to the alicorn's right, was a smaller one with a navy coat, a short silver blue mane and tail and a crescent moon cutie mark; Luna.

"A long time ago," Celestia narrated, "our mother, Empress Scribe, would occasionally visit other worlds, sometimes bringing us along on 'field trips'. Some of these worlds were ruled by creatures called 'humans.'"

As she said this, the images shifted to reveal a the silhouette of a tall creature that looked almost like an ape, only lankier. "However," Celestia spoke up, her voice growing ever more serious than usual, "There was one world we visited, and were told never to venture there again." As soon as she said that, the images shifted again to a burning landscape with buildings and structures that looked like they were made of metal and glass. Twilight and the others gazed at this sight with shock and awe, wondering what could have caused this. Suddenly, something large appeared to move from behind the smoke, until it got closer and closer. By the time the smoke parted, the ponies and dragon got a clear look at the creature.

The beast was enormous, large enough to stare down a full grown dragon. Its body build and the way it ran on its knuckles reminded the ponies of a gorilla or diamond dog but that was where the similarities ended. The rest of the beast looked almost reptilian, its upper body covered in bright purple scales with a lighter purple underbelly. It had a short tail shaped vaguely like a rudder. Its front limbs had three fingers, each tipped with a sharp talon and what appeared to be wings furled up on each outer forearm. The creature's face was hideous, looking almost like a mixture of shark and angler fish. However, instead of the lure of an angler, a long, sword-like horn protruded from its forehead. As soon as its face filled the rectangular "screen", the monster opened its fanged jaws and roared, startling everyone. The image changed again, this time to a giant white, black and gold beast with a wolf-like build, long spiked tail, giant protrusions above its shoulders that looked almost like wings and golden tusks sticking out on the sides of its mouth running through a building. As it raised its head into a howling roar, electricity began to develop on the shoulder protrusions.

"The humans of this world are at war with these very beasts," Celestia continued as a green beast that looked like a cross between a reptile, wasp and dragon sliced through a pair of strange flying machines that, seconds ago, appeared to be shooting glowing yellow pellets with its long claws before that image was replaced by a reptilian monster that looked as if it had a centipede for a tail where tentacles shot out. This was followed by a strange, floating insectoid with a purple and red core, six tiny legs on its back, an sleek head with three red eyes, four legs dangling underneath its body and two spindly lobster-like pincers at both sides that appeared to be calling thunderclouds to itself. This all culminated with a giant, lanky reptilian with a blue carapace, hair-like barbs around its head,and a spike in its forehead slashing at a structure before spraying what looked like acid at another from its mouth, melting the building's side and sending it toppling to the ground. "To step into this world would be to step into the crossfire." she finished, allowing the image to finally dissolve entirely.

Twilight and the others still stood in awe at what they had seen before them. If Fluttershy truly was alive, it wouldn't be for long. Not with giant monsters roaming around in that world that would make even the Ursas look tame. Just then, Twilight's eyes narrowed in determination as she stepped forward.

"I don't care if that world's deemed off-limits or open to the general public, Fluttershy's our friend and there's no way in Tartarus we're gonna leave her behind." she announced, Spike, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash joining her side, nodding in agreement. Celestia widened her eyes at this. "Twilight, I do hope you're aware of the risks. To open the portal needed for this world may be easy, but it will take another six weeks for it to open again, even so, its location may or may not be where you end up. Then there's the beasts to worry about. Are you sure you want to go ahead anyway?" she asked.

"Yes, Princess. I've already made up my mind. We're going." the young alicorn nodded.

"So am I!" Shining Armor spoke up, racing to his sister's side, prompting her to raise an eyebrow.

"Shiny, I appreciate your participation, but I think I can take care of myself." Twilight told him. Shining just shook his head.

"Twily, I'm not addressing you as a princess, I'm addressing you as my younger sister. Wings or not."

Twilight frowned at this. "So, you're saying my friends and I can't handle ourselves?" she asked.

Shining gave her a sheepish look. "Actually, think of this as more of making up for that whole wedding fiasco."

The new princess of Equestria gave him a sly look. "After all the hundreds of apologies?" she asked mischievously.

Shining sighed. "Look, I'm going with you. I don't need to spell it out." Twilight responded by rolling her eyes and shrugged, "Okay."

The white unicorn then turned his attention to a light orange pegasus with a navy tail and golden armor. "Lieutenant Flash Sentry!"

The pegasus jumped at the mention of his name and saluted, "Yes, Prince Armor!"

"While I am away, I need you to look after my wife for that time. Can I trust you?"

"Rest assured, Prince Armor, Princess Cadenza is in good hooves!" Flash responded.

"Settle down, Prince Shining," Luna told him, "We didn't say we're opening the portal right this instant. But, that being said, you should at least prepare for your trip."

Luna then turned to Twilight and her friends. "Return to Ponyville, get some rest and make sure you have an idea of how you're going to prepare for tomorrow."

Twilight nodded at this before turning herself to the stone. Hang on, Fluttershy. she said mentally, We're coming.

Captain Emmerich tapped his finger on the railing around his chair. His submarine, the USS Tri-Columbia was in its fourth month of patrol in the Marianas Trench and still he had seen no action. The German-American sighed as he ran his hand through his short white hair. "Captain?" Emmerich turned his attention to Executive Officer Devlin.

"What is it, Officer?" the captain asked.

The tanned-skin youth seemed to hesitate before speaking. "We've detected a large object on the radar, 26 degrees south headed at 56 degrees east, current speed fifty knots."

"Another sub?"

"Negative, sir, object is too big."

Emmerich pondered for a moment before the one of the crew members spoke up.

"Um, sir, we're picking something up on the hydrophone, I think you might want to hear it."

"Put it up." Emmerich commanded.

Almost immediately, the bridge was filled with a strange rhythmic noise. A noise that sound suspiciously like... a beating heart. With that, Emmerich's eyes widened.

Devlin stared at his commanding officer with anticipation before both their eyes locked.

"Alert the crew." Emmerich ordered, walking to his command chair.

"Sir," the Executive Officer asked, "what is it?"

Emmerich turned around and said one word, "Kaiju."

With that, the captain picked up the comm next to his chair and spoke into it. "Attention, crew, battle-stations immediately, Kaiju sighted. I repeat, Kaiju sighted. This is not a drill."

Devlin spoke up, "Orders, sir?"

"Fire a few Frontiers at it. Let it know we bite." Emmerich responded

With that, Devlin repeated his captain's orders as two torpedo-class Frontiers shot out towards their intended target.

"Direct hit, sir, both shots." a crew member spoke up.

Emmerich smirked with pride. We're supposed to be afraid of these things? They're nothing more but oversized pushovers. he thought to himself. However, his thoughts were interrupted.

"Sir, target is still active and has now changed direction, speed has increased to sixty-five knots. Current location is now 30 nautical miles." a wiry crew-member spoke up.

"What's its current trajectory?" Emmerich asked.

For a while, the man stuttered before facing his captain, fear shining in his eyes. "T-towards us, sir."

Before Emmerich could give the order, a sudden jolt rocked the submarine, throwing him out of his chair. To make matters worse, the sound of metallic groaning filled his ears. It's going to crush the ship. he realized. "Send an S.O.S, ASAP!" he yelled towards the communications officer.

The communications officer nodded and activated the sub's emergency radio. "May-day, may-day, this is U.S.S. Tri-Columbia, we are facing a Kaiju attack. I repeat, Kaiju attack. Our ship is compromised."

Suddenly, Emmerich's ears were greeted by a new noise that turned his blood cold. It started out as an ungodly screech, rising into a trumpeting echo before fading into a haunting moan.

"It's Godz-!" Before the captain could finish, water rushed into the bridge. Emmerich had already lost consciousness by the time the ship was utterly destroyed.

The beast let the pieces of the human machine sink to the murky depths. The spikes on its back began to glow an eerie blue as it absorbed the radiation leaking from the machine's fractured core. While the monster normally fed on whales or other giant undersea life, nuclear energy was just a good a food source as any of them. Within the span of four minutes, any trace of radiation was gone. The monster, having finished its atomic meal, reset course for its intended location, a place it had been to before. Something was calling the beast and it would find out what it was. Even if it meant destroying whatever stood in its path.

Author's Note:

So there we have Twilight and the gang preparing to set out to parts unknown. The question is, however, will they like what they find or were they better off in Equestria? Next chapter, Rex venit.

(P.S. Try to guess the names of the Kaiju as well as the Easter Eggs featured in this chapter) :raritywink: