• Published 16th Sep 2013
  • 8,131 Views, 89 Comments

Shadows of Giants - kaiju and pony fan

Fluttershy, after being sucked into a mysterious portal and transformed, finds herself in a world where humans try to survive in the shadows of giants.

  • ...

The Girl with the Pink Hair

Kaiju (pronounced: Kye-Joo): Japanese translation: "strange creature"; universal translation: "giant monster".

Bored. That's what he was. Bored out of his mind. Eighteen-year-old Kenji Akamoto just stared dull-eyed while absentmindedly playing with his pencil as his teacher, Mr. Tsubayara, rambled on and on about the same lesson as he always did, in this case talking about the Kaiju. Just the same song and dance. he thought. G-Dawn. Blah blah blah. The Kaiju that followed. Blah blah blah. How we have to deal with the friggin' things. Blah. Blah. Blah. BLAH!

"Mr. Akamoto." Tsubayara's voice cut his thoughts, snapping Kenji into a dazed, confused state.

"Since your grade also counts participation in this class, how about you give an example of a Kaiju from each of the four classes."

Kenji, fully awake listed off four Kaiju, one from its respective class.

"Delta; Meganulon. Gamma; Kumonga. Beta; Baragon. Alpha; Destoroyah."

Tsubayara nodded in satisfaction. "Good to know you at least pay attention a quarter of the time. Now if only we could get you to pay attention the whole time."

"Yeah, same here." Kenji replied sheepishly.

As his teacher turned around to continue his lecture on Megaguirus, Kenji just slumped back into his chair and waited for the bell to ring.

"Attention. Attention. Kaiju alert level at Code Green. No Kaiju activity detected."

Kenji's ears were greeted with the synthetic female voice of the Kaiju Alert System hallway speakers as he was about to walk out the doors of his school. He ran his hand through his short brown hair as he strode down the Shibuya suburb sidewalk towards his house. His mother, Aki Akamoto, picked the suburbs to live in because she didn't like the hustle and bustle of the more crowded urban streets. He couldn't blame her. Suburban homes just sat more comfortably with him and staying home was exactly what he was going to be doing for a while until the Sakura petals bloomed in April.

"Mom! I'm home!" Kenji announced upon entering his house. However, just as he sat down to take off his shoes, he was welcomed by Amaterasu, the snow-white family Akita-Inu who greeted him in her own loving and caring way; slobbery, wet kisses. Just as soon as he managed (and by manage trying in vain) to push her away, he was greeted with yet another sight; his 20-year-old sister Kimiko who looked at him and the dog with a mock approving look. She had her long black hair flowing down as opposed to her usual ponytail and she was wearing her more casual style of clothing (khaki shorts and an Avengers T-shirt), her arms crossed in front of her. "Awww, don't push her away, you know she likes you the best." she remarked in a playful tone.

"Sis, quit standing around and call off the dog." Kenji growled. If there was one thing he was not in the mood for, it was his sister's sarcasm.

Kimiko rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue while speaking in a tone as if she were talking to a newborn. "Ami, Ami! Here, baby."

Amaterasu, distracted by Kimiko, bounded to her and jumped on her like the puppy she thought she was, giving her the same love and compassion as she gave Kenji.

Kenji sighed as his sister and dog shared some puppy love before walking into the living room, just barely missing his father's butsudan. Kenji, recollecting himself, stood in front of the shrine and bowed. Afterwards, he looked at the pictures in the shrine. The first was a portrait of a man in his thirties with shoulder-cut hair and a short-bearded face which demanded respect as well as giving respect to others at the same time. Kenji then looked at another picture beside that one which depicted the same man carrying an eight-year-old boy with a wooden toy plane who was laughing and having the time of his life on his shoulders while looking up at him with pride and love.

Hard to believe I haven't moved on. Kenji thought in melancholy. It had been nine years since Tatsuo Akamoto died and he was still mourning him.

"Ken, welcome home."

Kenji, reacting to his pet name, was greeted with the sight of his mother, her shoulder-length hair wrapped in a red and green scarf and wearing an apron while she wore blue slippers. In many ways, Aki looked more like his sisters than him. She was beautiful but in a humble and respectful way. Her hazel eyes shined with wisdom and compassion while her body wasn't too thin or too round, it was a good balance.

"Konichiwa, haha." Kenkji greeted his mother respectively with a bow.

"How was school?" she asked with a smile.

"Meh. So-so." Kenji shrugged. "So, what's for dinner?"

"Oh! About that, your aunt Akane just brought us some pork and chicken so I decided, why not chicken and tonkatsu?"

Kenji's metaphorical mouth watered at the sound of that. Aunt Akane Yashiro always knew what to buy to satisfy not just his appetite, but those of his three siblings. Speaking of which where are the other-


A shrill voice cut through his ears. There they are. he thought as his other sisters, Asuka, the middle daughter of the Akamoto clan and Haruko, the youngest, entered the living room. Asuka looked just like Kenji if he were born a girl. She had long, wild black hair that looked almost like pitch-colored fire due to its many frayed edges. She was wearing a Metallica T-shirt and camo shorts. On her left bare ankle, she wore a silver Egyptian-styled anklet. Haruko looked as if Kimiko were to be reverted back to a ten-year-old only, instead of wearing a ponytail every now and then, she wore them in braids. She was currently wearing a Doraemon shirt and her cute face was scrunched up into an angry pout with her balled fists dangling from both her sides while Asuka had a very peeved look to her complimented by crossed arms and rolled eyes.

"Mom! Asuka touched my Hello Kitty car!"

"I did not, you little cry-baby!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Oh, you did don't lie!"

"Me? Lying? You're just overreacting because I brushed that stupid toy with my hand!"

"That still counts as touching and you know it!"

"No. Touching would mean I would have to have my whole hand on the darn thing. You're just freaking out."


Aki rubbed her temples. As much as she loved her children, she had limits as to how much she could stand her daughters' squabbling and it was time for her to put an end to this. She put both her thumb and pointer finger into her mouth and gave a shrill whistle which caught her daughters' attention while they were in mid-argument.

"Now that I have your attention, I'd like the two of you to get settled. We'll be having dinner in a while." she told them before adding sternly, "I'd also like you to be civil to each other during this summer vacation."

Asuka and Haruko then looked at each other for a second before turning their backs on the other while giving each other a glare from the edge of their eyes. Aki sighed. This was going to be a long summer vacation for her. Kenji, not wanting to get caught up in the drama, cleared his throat.

"I'm gonna take a little walk outside." he announced.

Aki smiled, "Okay, sweetie, just make sure you don't take too long, I'll be starting dinner in fifteen minutes."

Kenji returned the smile before whistling for Ami who was just in the process of giving Kimiko love and attention. Ami, stopped in her affectionate licking, her tongue sticking out of the side of her mouth and padded towards the only male master she had ever since the older one passed away. After giving his dog a scratch behind the ears and getting his shoes on, the two walked outside. The backyard was more of a forest with rows upon rows of trees extending beyond the pebbled porch. After walking for a bit, Kenji took a seat on the bottom of a large tree and rested his head on his arms with Ami curled up next to him and looked towards the night sky. Stargazing was something he and his father did non-stop until his death. Here's to you, Dad. Kenji thought.

Right at that moment, the wind seemed to pick up speed and blow inwards, almost like a vortex. This was immediately followed by a sound like thunder and something flashing within the center of the forest, sending Ami into a barking frenzy as she bolted in the direction of the noise with Kenji running behind her. Occasionally, Ami would stop and bark at him before going on her way. Eventually, after what seemed like two minutes of running and almost tripping over exposed tree roots, Kenji finally caught up to his wayward dog when his jaw almost dropped.

Trees were swept back as if a cartoon grenade went off in the very center of the forest. There were even some trees that looked like a bomb went off inside them and blew the upper half into pieces. However, it was at the very center of the blast zone that caught his eye.

It was a girl just about his age curled up in a fetal position. She had slightly tanned skin and a very willowy body. Her left shoulder bore a birthmark that almost looked like three butterflies in a roughly triangular position. She also happened to be naked, but the most striking feature about her was her hair. The hair itself was long and flowing, almost like a river. A river that just so happened to be pink. Ami was standing next to the girl, whimpering, pawing and sniffing her unmoving body. Kenji just nudged her aside and noticed the girl's eyes were closed. He then touched the side of her exposed neck and was greeted by its pulse.

Kenji then looked around to make sure no one else had spotted them. After noticing nobody was around, he lifted the girl into a bridal carry and walked off with her, Ami following. The girl seemed to be very light, almost like he was holding a four month old puppy. He didn't want to go to a hospital and tell anyone who worked there he found an unconscious naked girl with pink hair in the middle of his backyard after possibly appearing in a flash of light. There was so much humanity could accept. The Kaiju were one thing. This was another.

However, as soon as he reached the back door, Kenji paused. He was not just going to walk in his house carrying a naked girl he had found in the forest next to the house after its center had been outright demolished. That was when he remembered his "secret entrance". With the girl in his arms and Ami not close behind, Kenji walked around the side of the house and opened the side door quietly. Kicking off his shoes and walking up the stairs to his room, Kenji looked to see what his family was doing. His mother was just in the process of finishing the last broccoli tempura and was just about to get started on adding the panko to either the chicken or pork. Asuka and Haruko were watching arguing whether to watch Inuyasha or Sailor Moon while Kimiko just stayed in the sidelines reading a Superman comic. Kenji continued up the stairs and into his room.

Kenji set the girl down on his futon and set off to find some clothes for her, but, seeing as he didn't have any girl's clothes in his room, that was going to be a challenge. Well, Kimiko has some clothes she stopped wearing when she was eighteen that she just keeps leaving around the floor, but that would involve me going... into... Kenji groaned. There was no way, not even in a situation like this, he was just going to set foot in his sister's room. I could just ask her. he thought.

After wrapping the girl in a rudimentary gown, in this case his futon's blanket, Kenji poked his head out of his doorway.

"Hey, Kimiko?"

"Yeah?" Kimiko answered

"Could I borrow the clothes you no longer care about?"

There was a slight pause downstairs until she spoke again.

"Um, any particular reason?"

"Look, it's hard for me to explain."

"Uhhhhhh...O-kaay, sure."


"Oh, by the way, did you hear something loud outside? I know we're supposed to be getting some rain tonight but I didn't think it'd be this early."

Kenji paused and thought about the destroyed center of the back forest. "Can't say I have."

"Huh. Must've been just me. Anyway, carry on with... whatever you're doing."

"Was that your brother? Kenji, dinner will be ready in three minutes!" Aki called out from the kitchen.

"Got it, Mom!" Kenji responded.

With that, Kenji walked towards Kimiko's room, which was three feet away from his own, entered and turned on the light. His sister's room looked just like a melting pot of all thing girls loved and what boys loved. In addition to make-up and J-Pop CD's, there were also comic books, mainly those consisting of Big Hero 6, Superman and Avengers. He then found something that would do the trick; a bright yellow sundress with a pink trim. He also picked up a bra and a pair of underwear which he was quick to put them inside the sundress which he folded up with them before walking back to his room.

When he entered the room, Ami was sniffing the girl before she started licking her. Kenji rolled his eyes and walked to pull his dog away from his guest when he heard what sounded like a small groan. He thought he was just hearing things when he noticed the girl was starting to stir. At that moment, her eyelids began to recede, slowly revealing striking turquoise eyes. The girl groaned again and reached her left hand to her head. Suddenly, she stopped her hand when it was merely inches in front of her and stared at it in what could only be described as curiosity before her eyes widened in shock. With a yelp, the girl jumped back looking at both hands in terror before looking around at her surroundings, her breathing very shallow.

Kenji then approached the panicking girl very slowly, his hands extended in front of him. When she noticed him, she began to push herself back.

"It's okay. You don't have to worry about me hurting you." he told her in a very slow fashion, as if he were approaching a hurt, frightened animal.

"Whe-Where am I? Who are you? Why am I like this?" the girl asked, her voice very quiet but at the same time able to be heard, almost like a moderate breeze blowing in a window.

Kenji, somewhat caught off guard, replied, "My name's Kenji Akamoto. Where you are? My room. My house. Shibuya. Tokyo. Japan. Asia. Earth. Milky Way. As for why you're like this? I kinda sorta found you naked in my backyard and brought you here. What about you? What's your name?"

The girl covered half of her face in a very shy fashion. "I'm-" she started before mumbling something.

Kenji raised his eyebrow at that. Her name was what?

"Um, sorry, could you say that again?" he asked.

"I'm Flutt-" she said before mumbling again.

Her name's Flutt? Kenji asked himself.

"Didn't quite catch that."

"My name is... Flutt-er-shy." the girl replied, apparently gathering up the courage.

"Okay... Fluttershy, where do you come from?"

Fluttershy seemed to think about her answer.

"I'm from Ponyville. It's in Equestria."

Where the heck is Equestria? What the heck is Equestria? he thought.

"Where is-"

Suddenly, Kenji was interrupted by Asuka entering his room.

"Hey, Mom says that you should get ready for din-" she stopped mid-sentence when she saw Fluttershy. The whole room was filled with awkward silence for what seemed like an hour before Asuka broke the silence.

"Wow! Kenji, you sly dog you. I didn't know you had a girlfriend." she said in a snarky tone while leaning on the doorway, her arms crossed and her face bearing a very mischievous look.

"She's not my- You think that-!?" Kenji stammered before recollecting himself.

"Just tell Mom I'll be down in a minute."

"With your...friend who just so happens to be a girl? Just hope you can explain it to Mom."

"Yes, with my friend and yes, I'll explain it." Kenji replied rolling his eyes.

"Whatever." Asuka shrugged while walking off.

"Sisters." Kenji muttered under his breath before turning to Fluttershy who had her eyes open wide and her head slightly tilted in an oddly cute fashion.

"Was that your sister?" she asked.

"Yeah, well, one of them anyway, but hey you can't live with them, can't live without 'em," Kenji said with a shrug before uttering under his breath, "Although I really wish that last part didn't apply."

He then turned to his attention to his blanket-covered guest before handing her the clothes he got for her.

"Anyway, how about you get dressed."

"Um, get dressed?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, you can't go downstairs wearing a blanket or naked for that matter."

"Why not?" she asked.

"Because, people kinda look down at people who go around in the nude. Sorry, but it's the law."

Fluttershy seemed to hesitate for a minute before reaching for the clothes. Kenji turned around respectively as she dressed herself. When he turned around, his eyes nearly popped out of his skull. Fluttershy looked positively beautiful in her new sundress, the yellow and pink dress seemingly complimenting her almost as if it seemed natural. She was sitting in a crossed-leg position, her hands in her lap.

"Okay, now how about you stand up?" Kenji asked.

Fluttershy's eyes widened at that before she looked at the floor almost in hesitation.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. It's just that I've, um... never walked in this kind of dress before." she answered, almost sounding embarrassed.

Kenji smiled sympathetically. "Well, there's always an option to give it a try."

Fluttershy, taking a deep breath, unfurled her legs and placed her hands on the floor. She then put her left leg forward then her right and began to stand up in a very wobbly fashion, using her hands to balance herself. She put her right foot forward before her legs buckled and she collapsed with a yelp on both her knees and hands. Kenji was about to rush to her side until she began to attempt it once more. This time she got up much slower, her bare toes digging into the carpet, while she once again used her hands to balance herself. She took one step forward, clutching the carpet with her toes as if she was getting a hang of them before taking another step. It was when she took her third step she tripped again. However, Kenji rushed up to her and grabbed her by the shoulders. After a minute of trying to walk, Fluttershy finally got the hang of it.

"So, um, why don't you get washed up for dinner?" Kenji asked. Fluttershy nodded but just stood there fidgeting. "Could you tell me where the bathroom is?" she asked sheepishly.

Kenji sighed. "Down that hallway, take a left and you're there. I'll meet you downstairs."

Just as Fluttershy went on her way to the upstairs bathroom, Kenji went to the downstairs bathroom right next to the stairs. As soon as he was done drying his hands he began to take a deep breath. Okay, Kenji, on the slight chance Asuka might have told Mom about Fluttershy just tell her she's an exchange student who's going to be staying for a while.

With that, Kenji walked out, mentally reciting what he was about to tell his mother only to see her standing in front of him, arms crossed with a somewhat sly look on her face.

"So," she said, "what's this I hear about you having a 'girlfriend'"?

Ah, boy.

"Technically, Mom she's just a friend who happens to be a girl. Also, it's kinda sorta complicated." Kenji replied in a very nervous tone.

Aki gave him a warm smile.

"Honey, I'm just playing with you. I'd like to meet her." she told him.

As if on cue, Fluttershy came walking down the stairs, only to stop midway and stare at the gathered Akamoto clan in surprise. Kenji then ran up to her and helped her down the stairs before clearing his throat.

"Mom, Kimiko, Asuka, Haruka, I'd like to introduce you to-" Kenji paused. Think of a name, stupid. It's doubtful they'll take her name seriously, if that is her name, or the fact she says comes from a place called 'Ponyville'. he pressured himself.

"Did you forget her name or something, little bro?" Kimiko asked in a somewhat snarky voice, a smirk on her face.

"FUKA!" Kenji shouted, startling everyone in the room even Fluttershy.

After gathering himself back up, Kenji replied, "Fuka. Her name is Fuka Shiori."

"Fuka?" Fluttershy whispered.

"Just play along for a little bit." Kenji told her quietly.

"Nice to meet you, Fuka." Aki greeted her warmly adding a bow.

Fluttershy mimicked her and returned her bow.

"So, where would you like to sit?" Aki asked.

"I'd like to sit with Kenji, if that's okay with you." Fluttershy answered meekly.

Asuka smirked, "Wow, Kenji, for someone you said is not your girlfriend, she's certainly acting like one."

"Asuka, if our guest wants to sit with Kenji, she can sit with Kenji, don't be rude." Aki told her second youngest daughter sternly.

As the Akamoto siblings and their new guest sat around the chabudai, Aki started placing the food around the table before sitting down herself while Haruka played with Ami who was eagerly waiting for the ten-year-old to hand her some unwanted table scraps only to have Kimiko shoo her off. Fluttershy looked at some of the dishes in front of her as if for the first time.

"Just help yourself, Fuka. There's plenty of katsu to go around." Aki told her, "We have tonkatsu and chicken katsu."

Almost as soon as she said 'chicken', Fluttershy looked at her in an almost shocked expression which Aki caught on.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were a vegetarian. My mistake. I think these will be better suited for you." she told her, passing the platter with the tempura in front of her. Fluttershy eyed the plate curiously before putting her hands on the table, leaning forward and sniffing a piece of broccoli tempura.

"It's just broccoli." Kenji told her putting down a strip of tonkatsu after taking a bite out of it, "It's covered in batter that's all."

Fluttershy, happy to know this, picked up the broccoli... with her mouth and began to chew on it, only to stop when she saw her hosts gawking at her. Feeling sheepish, she put the broccoli onto her own smaller plate. She then turned her attention to the bowl of rice in front of her... and dug her face into it.

Kenji then cleared his throat and said, "Um, Fuka?"

This caught Fluttershy's attention as she lifted her head and looked at him cutely, small grains of rice on her cheeks. Kenji then passed her a napkin and a pair of chopsticks. "You might want to use these." he told her.

With a slight blush, Fluttershy wiped her face clean of rice grains before taking the chop-sticks from him. She then looked at the chop-sticks with curiosity and fascination. After thirty seconds of Kenji explaining to her how they worked, Aki decided to break the ice.

"So, Fuka, where do you live?" she asked. "I don't think I've ever seen you around here."

Fluttershy looked up from her meal and fidgeted.

"I, um...I-" she stammered uncomfortably. It was right there Kenji jumped in.

"She's visiting from... Okinawa." he replied.

Fluttershy gave him a very puzzled expression until she caught on to what he was doing.

"Okinawa, that's right! I'm from Okinawa."

Aki raised an eyebrow.


"Yeah, it's a summer program I signed up for, we have someone visit from a different prefecture and they stay for the whole summer." Kenji answered.

"And you didn't tell me this because?" Aki asked very suspiciously.

"Well, I wanted it to be a surprise." he replied with a nervous grin.

"Why did she need my clothes? Didn't she bring her own?" Kimiko asked.

"Well, she kinda, sorta, lost them and the rest of her luggage at the bus stop."

"You mean she actually walked here... in the buff?" she asked, slightly disgusted.

"No!" Kenji shouted indignantly.

Right there, Asuka turned her attention to Fluttershy.

"Really, Fuka? You're from Okinawa? What's it like living in King Seesar's home turf?"

Fluttershy tilted her head. "Who's King Seesar?"

Asuka looked at her as if she were out of her mind. If this girl was from Okinawa, how could she have not heard of its local Kaiju let alone a powerful Alpha-Class like King Seesar? Something wasn't right. At all.

"So, let me get this straight, Fuka," she said, laying her chopsticks on her napkin as her face turned into a sly smirk, "You come from Okinawa, but you have never heard of King Seesar? Either you live in a prefecture of Okinawa that has never once been attacked by any Kaiju or you're not really from around there or, for that matter, any part of Japan."

Fluttershy stammered before hiding her face behind her long pink hair from Asuka's tirade.

"On top of all that, you act as if you have never seen chopsticks in your entire life. Forget Okinawa or Japan for that matter, I don't think you're even from Earth!"

With that, Fluttershy shuffled behind Kenji and poked out from behind his shoulder.

Alright that does it. Kenji thought grinding his teeth.

"Hey, Asuka, why don't you just back off!?" he yelled.

Asuka stared at him with a wide-eyed expression like a deer in the headlights.

"Yeah, she hasn't heard of King Seesar, yeah, she doesn't know how to use chopsticks, so what? I don't think that warrants an interrogation." he told her. Before he could, finish, he heard Fluttershy yawn. He then turned to notice her eyes were drooping.

"Hey, Mom, do we have any spare futons or sleeping bags around? I think Fuka's getting tired." Kenji asked.

"Well, there is your old sleeping bag when you were ten." Aki replied.

"Thanks." As soon as he said that, he began to yawn too. "Yeah, I think it's time I hit the hay too. Hey, do you think Fuka would like to sleep in my room tonight?"

Aki gave her son a surprised look that flat-out said "I was only kidding about her being your girlfriend!"

Kenji groaned. "Not like that, Mom!"

"Well, you might want to ask her first before-"

"Um, actually," Fluttershy spoke up, her voice groggy, "I don't mind."

After thanking his mother for the meal, Kenji and Fluttershy, followed by Ami, went upstairs to the former's room. Fluttershy, upon entering Kenji's room noticed him pulling out a sleeping bag that looked like a giant gray raccoon, rabbit, whatever with a white belly and six boomerang-shaped marks just below its neck.

"Why don't you go get washed up first? I'll get this ol' moth appetizer sorted out for you." Kenji asked her as he straightened out the old, beaten up sleeping bag. Fluttershy nodded and walked out. "There's a toothbrush I got from the dentist, you can use that." he called out from behind her.

As Fluttershy entered the bathroom, she was greeted with her reflection. She paid it no mind as she washed her hands and picked up a red toothbrush in a clear red cup next to five other brushes covered in hardened toothpaste with a half-empty tube of mint toothpaste tipped on its cap. After giving her teeth a modest brushing, her mind was set back on her reflection.

She looked at her new face long and good in the mirror. Her face looked much different than it had before but some things were still left intact such as her long pink hair and her teal eyes. Everything else, suffice to say, was another story altogether.

I guess it's not too bad. she thought. I mean, I may not be a pony anymore, but at least I still feel like me. I still have my voice. I just have a new body that's all. Suddenly, it dawned on her.

What if my friends don't know where I am? What about my animals? The princesses? What about Angel or Discord? What if they're worried sick about me? What if I can't go home? As soon as that thought crept into her mind, Fluttershy began to feel like a lump was building in her throat and her eyes started to burn and feel wet at the same time before she buried her face into her hands and started to sob.

Kenji then poked his head into the bathroom. "Just checking to see how you're-" he cut himself off once he saw Fluttershy with her back turned on him, crying into her hands.

"Um, are you okay?" he asked, concern in his voice. He was answered with more sobbing.

"Look," Kenji said, "if it's about what Asuka said at dinner, it's nothing too much, she just goes overboard sometimes, it's no biggie. Well it's certainly annoying and I really wish she wouldn't do it but it's nothing too bad."

Fluttershy shook her head and continued to cry. Kenji then began to feel really bad about himself until it hit him like a pair of Beta-Class Kaiju smacking into each other.

"You're homesick, aren't you?"

As soon as he said that, Fluttershy slowly turned around to look at him, her eyes red and puffy from all of her crying. In sympathy, Kenji spread his arms out in front of him in a beckoning pose to which Fluttershy responded with a confused look.

"You look like you need a hug. Trust me, it'll make you feel a lot better." he told her.

Fluttershy seemed to hesitate for a minute before she gave out a sniff and ran into his open arms. Once his arms were tightly around her, she began to bawl her eyes out while Kenji, caught off guard by how sudden it was for a second, stroked her hair comfortingly until her crying died down into sniffles and they separated.

"There. Feel better?" Kenji asked, brushing a strand of hair from in front of her eyes. Fluttershy responded with a nod and a sad smile.

Afterwards, Fluttershy wriggled into her new sleeping bag. As soon as she was comfortable, Ami and Kenji, wearing nothing but a white nightshirt and a pair of purple and blue-striped pajama pants, walked in. Kenji jumped into his bed while Ami curled up on the floor between the two.

"All tucked in?" Kenji asked. Fluttershy nodded with a small smile to which Kenji replied with his own before turning off his lamp, the room's only light source.

"Kenji? Kenji? Are you awake?"

Kenji groaned as he woke up after having someone shake him repeatedly, his eyes locking with Fluttershy's which were as wide as plates.

"Flutter, I've only been asleep for three hours." he told her, his voice groggy with sleep. He was just about to ask why she woke him up when a flash of light appeared outside his window, followed by a loud booming noise. Well, Kimiko did mention something about thunderstorms tonight.

"It's just the rain. Go back to sleep." he told her, closing his eyes for a minute before opening them again to see her still standing by his bedside. Kenji, with a sliver of sympathy, scooted over to the left side of the futon. "Go ahead and make yourself-" Before he could finish, Fluttershy was already beside him, the top of her head and fingers poking underneath from the blanket. "Comfortable. Let's just get some shut-eye." Kenji told her before drifting off to sleep.

Fluttershy was about to follow suit until another flash of lightning startled her, followed by a sharper clap of thunder which caused her to dig her face into the pillow. She then felt Kenji turn and stroke her hair comfortingly.

"It's okay, it's just a storm," Kenji told her, "it'll pass eventually."

As soon as he could confirm she fell asleep, he looked towards the window.

"Besides," he said, "there are far worse things to be afraid of."

The sea is, in lack of a better term, the most unexplored region of the planet. It holds countless secrets, treasures and dangers. The sea is also the perfect place to hide. For deep within the Marianas Trench, resting in its recesses, was a leviathan. The beast was a mystery in and of itself, created by nature and reborn on accident as a result of human technology. For an unknown period of time, the creature had slept, remembering days long past, before humanity proclaimed its challenge to nature only for their call to be answered in full force. However, that all changed. Something had disturbed its primal dreams. As it stirred, energy seemed to build on the serrated spikes upon its back, sending multiple fish into a panic. Suddenly, its eyes, which seemed to glow with an inner fire in the watery depths, opened. The leviathan was awake.

To be continued in chapter 2...

Author's Note:

And so begins my first story for Fimfiction.net. Let's get something out of the way. Yes, this is a humanized pony story. Yes, this is a crossover with the Godzilla franchise. Yes, humans play a big role in this story. Now before you say anything like "humans aren't interesting" and "Give us the monsters already" hear me out. I decided to make this a humanized pony on Earth story because humans play a big role in Godzilla films. They brought Godzilla upon themselves and the point of Godzilla is to show how humanity deals with monsters who can wipe them out in a heartbeat and leave entire cities in smoldering ruins. That being said, expect romance, friendships, humor, action and, of course, giant monsters beating the ever-loving snot out of each other. I'm sorry if this chapter may seem a little boring but trust me when I say, it's just build-up.

Also, be sure to count the mythology gags and references because there will be TONS of them in each chapter.

(Another FYI, this ignores IDW issues 5-8.)

(Update: After seeing the season 4 premiere, I've decided to go back and edit the chapters I already have typed up to fit the continuity.)