• Published 30th Apr 2013
  • 9,045 Views, 626 Comments

Lunar Phases - Dusk Writer

Five Score Divided by Four? Where have I heard that before? Psh, sounds like some cheesy title to a fanfic. What is this itching?! Wait, since when have I had Luna's cutie mark on my thigh?

  • ...

9. Morning Surprise

As soon as I hear the loud crash, I groan and roll myself out of my bed. While what I learned about Alex last night was interesting, I was just too tired to ca- Ooooooh, this floor is too comfy to get up from too. But alas, I pull myself up from the carpet and trudge towards the Kitchen like a zombie; estimated time of arrival: five minutes.

Upon my entry, I look in to see Alex just laying there on the floor, looking despondent. I move to kick him, but I decide I'm too tired to try anyways. I end up just yelling at him, "Alex! Wake up! We're going to make breakfast and you're in the way!"

He jumps and scrambles around for a little bit (half a second) before calming down. "Ah! Luna, when did you-" He stops and sighs, "Nevermind. I seem to be unable to stand." Wow, talk about Captain Obvious.

I reach down to help him up, then proceeding to slip fall myself. As I land on my tail, I notice one odd thing through the waves of pain; my socks are shaped weirdly. I reach down to feel my foot, only to find the front half with nothing in it and the rest to be comprised of some hard material. No, it couldn't be.

I quickly slide the cloth off of my "foot", only to find a hoof. Yes, you heard me right, a hoof. It's colored navy blue with matching fur running up my ankle. Well, buck. Nothing to be done here now. I get up onto my new hooves, prepared to have to start finding my balance, when I find myself to be much more sturdy than I thought I would be.

Alex, in his pre-coffee stupor, looks at my new hooves, then down at his socks. "That might just be the reason why I can't seem to stand again." He reaches down and pulls of his socks. Just as we both thought, there are now two porcelain white hooves replacing his feet.

We stare at them for a moment, before I shrug before going back to making coffee. It's not like Celestia can concentrate without it. Wait, wha- No John, don't go down that road. You already told yourself to just accept these changes, mental and physical.

As I'm making the coffee, a brief flash of pain invades my brain, and once I place my hand to my left temple, a series of images flashes behind my eyes. Walking towards Celestia with a tray with two cups of coffee upon it. Sitting there drinking the coffee with her as she slowly woke up. Lowering the moon as she raised the sun.

The flashes leave as quickly as they came, leaving a very confused me. Looking around, I find myself still in the kitchen, with a still tired Alex. Huh, that was odd, but oh well. Still, I give Alex's new hooves an odd look, almost accusing as though they are the reason for my problems.

I finish making the coffee and hand it to Alex, trying to ignore the loud clip clop of my new additions. Wow, those really get annoying, don't they? As I hand the coffee to him, he speaks in a rather tired voice. "I'm sorry. I don't normally have that much of a problem with preparing coffee."

I grab my own cup (with plenty of sugar and creamer) and set it down on the table in front of him. "Oh, don't worry about it. It's my pleasure to cook for a guest." Suddenly, I feel the call of nature again, but this time, something feels different. "Hey, I'll be right back."

He simply takes his cup of coffee, sniffs it, and then speaks to me. "Thanks for the coffee Luna." Other than that bit with the sniffing coffee, and the Luna remark, not too much that was super odd with that reaction.

I rush out of the kitchen and to the bathroom and barely make it in time. I sit down onto the toilet and do my business (still not telling).Once I finally finish, I begin to pull up my pants, only then noticing something was missing. I stare for a few seconds, feeling the slow build-up of frustration, and then letting out a cry of frustration. Is there nowhere these changes will stop?! I completely ignore the fact that I was assuming the we would be going all the way.

Maybe it's just my imagination, but the scream sounds a bit high pitched as well. That's it! I don't care if it's only the beginning of the day! I am going to do another recording as soon as I'm done talking to Alex!

As I stomp into the kitchen, my hooves making it much louder than before, I see Alex still sitting at my table, although he looks pretty irritated and has both hands hold his coffee. "What is it this time?" he asks me tiredly. Looking inside his cup, I see only half of it has been drunk.

"Well, ma'am," going out on a limb, I use an emphasis on the ma'am, "I would suggest going to the bathroom and checking below the border, much like how you got here."

I watch his face for any reaction to the ma'am, only then realizing how much more he looks like a woman. However, instead of angry or bemused, he just looks confused at my remark. "Ma'am? South of the border?" Okay, I guess that just went over his head and he wasn't prepared to catch it. He begins squinting at my face, and…other areas. Seeming to come to some type of conclusion, my fellow victim speaks again. "Why do I have feeling the feeling that going to the bathroom is much different now Luna?" Maybe it's from how my face immediately goes blank or some type of internal argument, but he immediately flinches. "I meant to say John…"

I feel my anger fade now that I'm fully awake , but I'm far from a good mood. Good-mood mask: On. "Suuuuure you did. Now get going and see for yourself before I call you Celestia."

He finishes drinking his cup of coffee and sets it down onto the table. When he starts to stand, I'm half tempted to say out loud that he really shouldn't be getting ready to bow in my presence, since I don't think I'm a coffee god, but I am barely able to hold my urges. Wait a second, did he get taller? My observation is cut short by his speaking with an amused look on his face. "I'm not going to stop you if you want to use that name, but it is slightly longer then my own."

Really? I actually thought it was quite a bit smaller. Well, at least the sarcastic bit of my brain isn't that retarded. On the outside, I simply roll my eyes. "Whatever Celly."

And all he does is turn his back on me and walk towards the bathroom. Wow dude, that was a dick move. Or was it? Heh heh heh.

As soon as he turns the corner, I quickly spring over to my computer chair. And by spring, I mean leap about twenty feet by pushing off with one hoof. After I get over my momentary bit of surprise and a bit of a girly squeak, I analyze the possibilities of what just happened. This could actually mean that all the fandom theories about Earth Ponies having an ambient type of magic much like better endurance and greater strength could be true. In fact, if I remember back to Alex's and my fight, I had much more strength than usual and Alex seemed to hold up pretty well to my attacks.

Curious indeed, but irrelevant to my current goal. I turn on my monitor, only to realize that I never turned it off the previous night. Well, that just makes my job a bit easier. I turn on the camera and voice recorder, and begin.

"Hello John, or Luna as you will most likely begin to be wished to be called. Anyways, now that the niceties are out of the way, We are no longer male. It was discovered this morning when I had to use the restroom. In fact, Alex is checking it right now. Also, there seems to be a bit of mental changes as well, in example, me referring to myself as We or our. I can only assume that the only reason I am not completely speaking Old Equestrian is because the mental changes have not quite taken hold yet."

Seeing something a bit curious, I lean in close to the webcam to make sure I'm not seeing things. Watching the computer screen, I see that overnight my horn has grown about two inches. I lean back and continue to speak. "Well, a new addition would be that our horn has continued to grow, quite rapidly too I might add. Hm, what else? Ah yes, it looks like Earth Pony magic is real. I thought back to Alex's and my fight, and realized that not only did I have a much greater amount of strength, but that Alex lasted quite a bit longer than anyone else would."

I hear the flushing of a toilet and decide to end the vlog there. "Alright John, I'll be signing off now. I will most likely post another one tonight if I get the chance."

I stop the recording and move to shut down the computer, but then I stop myself and open my internet browser. Couldn't hurt to check that forum I started. As I go through the answers, seeing only more trash talk from haters, there's one that grabs my attention.

Meet me at the gas station near Game Stop as soon as you can; I'll be there all day. Do not tell anypony where you are going. I can help you.
Sincerely, Anonymous

I check the time it was posted, only to see that that had been earlier today. Strange, and no small bit suspicious, but this may be another human-turning-pony person. I need to go check, but without making Alex suspicious as well.

Suddenly, a loud clippety cloppity (BOW CHICKA B- blam! Yes, I did just shoot my mental Tucker, got a problem with that?) comes from the direction of my bathroom as Alex bounds in, oddly and inexplicably happy. "I'm back little sister! Any idea on what you want for breakfast?"

His, or I guess her now, face suddenly becomes a canvas, although I'd be a bit hard-pressed to paint anything on it, as she realizes what she just said. Alright then, my suspicions on her mental stability have just been confirmed. I let out a sigh and open my mouth to speak, but something unexpected comes out instead. "Yeesh sis, We didn't think you should be this happy in the morning."

My own face goes blank, and then there's just an awkward silence for a few tense moments while I question my own sanity. Oh well, I don't have time for this, and I need to get out of this apartment. Before she can recover, I quickly open the cupboard door to the cereal and point to where the bowls and spoons are held. "That's where you can find stuff for breakfast. I have something I need to go do in town. Oh, there is one other thing," I point to the shelf on the wall next to the T.V, specifically the MLP: FiM Seasons 1-5 box, "You may want to start watching those while I'm gone. It'll explain a lot."

A flash of worry flits across her face. Aw, is wittle Awex concerned for my sa- "Are you sure you should go out considering our current state miss John?" Whatever mirth I had within my mind vanished when she called me miss. However, the only reaction I showed on the outside was a tightening fist.

I simply give her a withering look before turning around towards my door. "Yes, I'll be fine. Now, I should be back by this afternoon." I go through my house quickly and grab items needed for disguise. I grab a hoodie for my hair, ears, and horn, although the latter was a bit more difficult to hide. Next, are long and loose cargo pants so I can easily hide my tail and boots for my hooves.

As I gather my disguise, Alex just shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "Okay…just promise me you won't react that badly if somepony treats you like a woman."

What does he take me for? A temperamental monster? Oh, well, I could see it. Anyways, on to leaving! "Yeah yeah, don't worry about it. See ya later!" I wave my hand as I walk out the door, only then realizing that the middle finger now seems to be quite a bit bigger than the others. Eh, still better not worry much about it at the moment.

I barely hear him behind me say, "Great, all alone now…could this day get any worse?" I chuckle quietly to myself as I head for the elevator.

I reach the lobby about twenty seconds later with my entire disguise in place. However, my face is still showing a bit so as not to be suspicious. There is one nice man though. He opens the door for me as I come close with a quiet, "Here you go miss."

I successfully quell the rebellion know as my rational mind before it manages to make me snap. I calmly smile at the guy and give him a thank you.

But then of course, the whole happy mood is ruined when he saunters over and places a hand at my elbow. Great, now I have to admit to Alex that he was right about this being a shady part of town. Oh well, pride isn't everything. He begins steering me away from my car and towards a dark alleyway where I can see some other shady figures. Great, they plan to do something with me. I don't go into specifics just for the poor part of my brain that's attempting to come up with a plan.

However, as I enter the shadow, I feel my instincts take control. I barely notice the blue flash from my horn as I quickly tear my elbow out of the offending hand. I walk into the shadow of the dark alleyway, the spell I cast instinctively causing them to become an unnatural black. While the shadows seem to unnerve the gangsters, they pull out knives and advance nonetheless.

As I silently wait and watch, a scene from a movie from long ago pops into my mind. Speaking out in a deep female voice, I startle some of them. "You think the darkness to be your ally?"

I drift quietly into the center of gangsters, "I was born in the darkness." Okay, so I'm a bit rusty on the actual scene, but that's pretty close to how I remember it. The gangsters whip around, only to find a booted hoof or extra-strengthened fist in their face or gut.

Within seconds, it's over. All the gangsters now lie on the ground, groaning in pain. I step over their inert bodies and calmly walk back to my rover. Well, that battle was pretty simple, but now I have another possible ponified human to deal with.

Thankfully, I know which gas station the mysterious person was talking about, and it only takes a five minute drive to get there. However, I park quite a ways up the street, since after all, you can never be too cautious. Checking that everything that changed is hidden by my attire, I step out of the car and begin walking to the gas station.

I see the gas station they meant and quickly begin jogging over there. However, I do not see any such person that claimed to have been able to help me. I look around for a little bit, finding nothing. So, I venture into the gas station to purchase something to eat.

As I walk back out, I feel a sharp pain in my upper left arm. Looking down at the appendage, I find what appears to be a tranquilizer dart sticking out. Looking up at a nearb building, I spy a black figure retreat from view, just as I am surrounded by other figures in black. Huh, that's interesting. No symbols or emblems showing who they are, just full black armor. Kind of reminds me of that book series called District 19 or something.

Unfortunately, I can already feel the metatonin taking effect, but instead of buckling to my knees, I fight to stay standing. As they start to surround me, giving me no way to escape (Ray: No way in, no way out), I panic and my instincts instantly take over. I feel a type of field around me that seems to be connected to my horn and my instincts take the field again, pushing it away from me.

For the entire duration of this event, my eyes had been closed, but when I finally opened them, I found all the figures in black lying on the ground unconsciouss.

With the culprits on the ground around me, I stumble away from the scene. Through my befuddled mind, I decide not to go back to my car. If I try to drive back like this, I'll more than likely just start an accident.

There, on the other side of the street is the beginning border of a forest. Looking both ways since I'm not like Markiplier, I quickly stumble dizzily across the street, barely making it. I walk a few feet into the forest before sitting down against a random tree. I can feel the drugs coming into full effect finally, but as my eyes begin to close, the effects seems to halt, almost as though a presence is trying to keep it from taking over, but it fails. As the black covers my vision, I find an odd thought running through my mind. 'Why do I seem to have someone or something that's related to Roosterteeth constantly say something within my mind?' It doesn't take long after that for me to lose myself to a drug-induced sleep.

Author's Note:

Yes, another chapter! It probably would have been out sooner, but the computers up at the Breckenridge hotel I was satying at didn't have skype, so I couldn't work on it. Anyways, for those of you who don't understand the Markiplier reference at the end, in one of hs videos (a joke one) he drunkenly yells out, "You don't need to look both ways when crossing the street when you got swag!" I don't remember the name of the video, but it was something about interviewing the Slenderman. Anyways, leave some constructive criticism and have a nice day.

Oh, and on a special note, Berry Punch with the Soul Eaters avatar, I pushed myself a little harder than usual to get this chapter done sooner because of you, so I hope you're happy :raritywink: