• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 727 Views, 9 Comments

The Suicide of Twilight Sparkle - Dream Daze

Twilight and Fluttershy find themselves lost within the Reaper's Game. Will they be able to survive seven days inside and return to their homes? Can friendship triumph over heartache? Read on, and find out.

  • ...

Waking Up

"UGH!" - Twilight screamed as she twitched on the floor. She stroke her left front hoof, it felt like something sharp had gone through it.

"What in the--?" she said, getting up from the stone floor. "A... timer?"

On her hoof was a digital clock, gleaming bright red digits: 8:00. She wobbled in place, nauseous, and leaned on a nearby wall.

She stretched her wings and looked around her. "I must be in Canterlot," - she thought - "how did I get here?"

She rubbed her forehead with her hoof trying to remember, finding only gaps in regard of late events. Then she examined her head for any bumps or bleeding, "I could've crashed into something, maybe I felt ill during flight?

Twilight paced slowly about, to regain her blood pressure. The pacing soon became rapid and irritated, "Calm down, Twilight. Be rational" she said to herself. Six minutes left, "To what?"

Before she could place her thoughts in order, a shout echoed from up the street. Without wasting a second thought, she ran towards it-- It was certainly a cry for help. "I should stay on the ground for now," she thought, remembering the dizziness she felt as she woke up.

The screaming became clearer as it has less walls to bounce on. It was Fluttershy.

In a wide plaza laid Fluttershy crying, surrounded by strange black... things. Twilight didn't think twice, or once, for that matter, as she detected movement towards her frightened friend she cast a spell on the creatures, destroying the one it hit directly and scaring the rest away from Fluttershy.

Twilight aproached her:
"Fluttershy, are you okay?-" she paused, trying to catch her breath "-Did they hurt you?"

Fluttershy lift her head and looked at Twilight only to start crying again, not being able to utter a single word. What could've possibly caused Fluttershy to act like that? "This could be cause for alarm," Twilight thought "but then again, she is sensitive. Maybe she's just scared."

"What were those creatures? - Twilight asked, laying her hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder.

As the two ponies touched, a bright light enveloped them. They felt each other's heartbeat in their chests. Their life and thoughts linked for a split second and their whole view on the world shifted and turned lopsided and right side up again.
Twilight felt the joy and love of the forest and all it's creatures. The peace. The quiet. The kindest hearts belonged to animals, and only animals were incapable of harming her feelings. She felt loved by everything and she loved everything back.
Fluttershy felt the joy of fulfillment, the joy of purpose. Having a goal, struggling towards that goal, the guidance of Princess Celestia - the only truly perfect being in equestria - and the road to become a better version of oneself each day.
Both of them dived into intimate parts of each other and felt something that they've never stopped to think it could be as great as what they already had.

After seeing each other through the other one's eyes, both figuratively and literally, they returned to normal, proceeding to stare dumbfoundedly at each other for a few seconds until, in a distance, a second scream broke the silence.

Twilight snapped back into panic mode.

"Fluttershy, please, listen to me," She was talking slowly and carefully, "hide. Don't move. Stay out of sight until I come back. Okay?

Fluttershy started tearing up again. Twilight lost her calm "Please, Fluttershy! I need you to do as I say, please!"

Fluttershy nodded in agreement and, without wasting anymore time, Twilight turned around and lift off, flying in the direction of the scream. As she flew, countless books flipped through her head. Did she read about those creatures? Is any picture in her memory similar to the black silhouette she had sighted? What were they trying to do to Fluttershy? What ARE they?

As she looked down she realized she was flying closer to the ground and slower than what she had intended, so she continued on foot without giving it much thought. Upon reaching the alley where the scream came from, she saw more of those - things - gathering around a male pony.

"Help me!" - He shouted at the sight of Twilight, but it was too late. The moment she stopped to inspect the creatures, to gather any amount of information on their appearance, was at a great cost. They were already cutting deep into his skin with their sharp talons. Twilight felt a chill down her spine, the death of that pony would haunt her from now on.

She cast another spell, burning the creatures in the alley to a crisp, and ran towards the pony laying on the floor. He was already gone.

To her surprise, the pony was hollow, as if he was just a shell of skin and fur brought to life. Soon enough, the pony's body turned black and white and static seemed to distort his body. By and by he vanished into thin air, seemingly peacefully.

She took a second to digest what just happened. As she tried to form a better image of the creatures in her head, she remembered Fluttershy, and that she left her alone.

She jumped back in a spring and opened her wings, almost backflipping, and in the rush of getting to Fluttershy she crammed her right wing into the wall, which caused her to crash-land onto a pile of cardboard containers. She smashed through them and got up running faster than she thought was possible. This time, no books or scrolls went through her head, only Fluttershy's gentle smile, and the possibility that she had spent her last moments crying. "I don't care what the creatures are anymore, I just wanted her safe," Twilight thought, tearing up.

When she reached the plaza she was nowhere in sight. In fact, the plaza was empty and it's usually packed. How many ponies did those things get to? And what was Fluttershy doing this far from home anyway? Nothing made sense!

- Fluttershy! - She yelled, losing control over her own breath again - Fluttershy!

A soft sobbing sound was coming from a garbage can in the plaza, and Twilight's expression changed dramatically. She looked inside, and there was Fluttershy. Safe and sound.

She paused and took a deep breath to regain her senses.

"You did great, Fluttershy," Twilight said as she pulled Fluttershy out.

The feeling of relief was cut short though, for Fluttershy had no response other than to burst into tears as their eyes met.

"What's going on?..."

Like stepping on a nail, the sharp pain on her hoof returns. The timer stopped at 00:39 and apparently Fluttershy has one too.

"Whohoo!! Score one for us! We're awesome,"

A male voice was coming from one of the rooftops. It was on the borderline of highpitched male voices.

"Guess this week's players already owe us, huh?" A second voice. Twilight signaled Fluttershy to be quiet and rushed her beneath a nearby balcony, where they both stood and listened:

"Good thing we managed to solve that riddle in time. I don't remember the first day being so hard last time," the first pony continued.

Too much information-- riddle? In time? Was that what the timer was for? What was it counting down to? First day? To what? Are there others? Last time? There was a last time for them? Is this their doing?

"Maybe there's someone the Reaper-ponies really dislike playing this round," inquired the second pony.

Reaper... ponies? Playing?
He had a strange accent... Manehatten?

"Hehehe, maybe," the first voice continued "let's rest and gather some strength for tomorrow. We still have six days left, we have to be in top shape."

"Yeah. Plus we never know when we're gonna pass out again." - The voices were getting harder to hear as they walked away from the girls.

"I hate when that happens, remember when--" the rest was inaudible. And they left before Twilight could see any of them.

By this point, Twilight's head was burning up with the amount of different things that what they said could imply. She was rushing from one theory from another so fast that she couldn't hold on to any for more than a second. "Royal kidnaping? Doesn't explain why Fluttershy was here, and why would they kidnap someone and leave them in a plaza? Is Canterlot under siege? No, that doesn't explain the hollow pony," Twilight got increasingly angry at her lack of explanation for what was going on "Nothing explains the hollow pony!"

She grabbed a hold of herself, and with all the commotion gone, she finally turned her attention to Fluttershy. Having no words able to comfort her, she rest Fluttershy's head on head shoulder and let her cry as much as she needed. Each time she seemed like she was about to stop, she would look at Twilight and tear up again. After awhile, the crying became softer, turning into a gentle stream of tears running down her face. She held Twilight tight and continued sobbing for what felt like hours.

The next day, Twilight woke up on the floor next to Fluttershy. The soil was dry and packed with tiny sharp rocks. She got up and examined her surroundings.They were nowhere near Canterlot.

"We passed out?" - Twilight said to herself - "Why? When? And where are we?"

Someone had clearly moved their bodies while they were out, which could indicate that the responsible as a strong build, or wields powerful magic.

Twilight looked up at the sun. "It must be close to noon," she thought. "Did we sleep through the whole day? Magic has to be behind this."

There was no timer on her hoof this time, on any of them, which she made sure to check.

Twilight let out a long tired exhale and sat down, lowering her guard. Not having to deal with the meaning of the clock, at least for now, gave her some time to think. Re re-aligned and analysed the conversation she overheard from the balcony and reached a horrid conclusion: Players, riddles, timers-- Someone or some-thing- is playing with us some sort of sickly game.

As she wondered what happened to those who lost she felt all the hairs on her spine standing up stiff. "The pony in the alley..."

"Oh Celestia... Why is all this happening?..."

Author's Note:

Thank you very much for reading my very first chapter of my very first fanfic! :D

Two things I'd like to say: please keep in mind that I'm not a native english speaker, so cut me some slack on the grammar corrections (they are very very welcome though); constructive criticism towards the actually storytelling and how I presented the scenes are what I'm primarily seeking, for they are what I learn more from for my native language writing. x)

I really hope you enjoyed reading my chapter, and I'm looking forward to adding more :D