Happy 10th anniversary "Angry Birds" · 11:53am Dec 11th, 2019
....Need I say more?
Original Release Date: December 11, 2009 (and yes. The game is still as addictive now as it was 10 years ago)
....Need I say more?
Original Release Date: December 11, 2009 (and yes. The game is still as addictive now as it was 10 years ago)
This is my collection of PS2 games, a very varied collection. There are RPGs, racing, adventure, and survival horror. I am a very varied player. I think the genre I like the least is puzzles, but I always like to try new things, like Sakura Taisen 3 and Doko Demo Issho: Toro to Nagare Boshi.
No Straight Roads is around a months away for all major consuls and the Epic Games store (Which im not too happy about but its no big deal). i have been hyped for this game since Pax last year. i don't usual like music/rhythm games but this is an action game with elements of a rhythm game integrated in. not to mention the the soundtrack is going to be killer and i will most likely download the boss theme's at less.
It's part of Sony's Play At Home Initiative.
"Bioshock" is my favorite game. I’ve played through it multiple times, and will do so again.
"Fallout" is my favorite franchise. I enjoy Fallout 3, 4, New Vegas, and 76.
My favorite old school games (PS1) and before are "Zombies Ate My Neighbors", "Super Mario World 1 and 2", and "Breath Of Fire III".
So, if any of you can remember back to the distant past of early 2022, you might remember a blog post of mine where I announced the fact that was going self-employed as an indie game developer. (Because if I'm gonna work for idiots all my life, that idiot might as well be me.)
If you haven’t played the 2018 "God Of War" but you want to and you have a PSPlus subscription, you can add the game to your library for no extra charge.
PSPlus also is giving folks some Naruto game I know nothing about and that Nickelodeon fighting game.
So i kind of gave up on FO 3 b/c the game ( on stream) didn't work well for either Window 7/8 .An yes I know that there are mods/ download thing that would help with the crashes but I am just wouldn't in the mood to do that now and again. So i got FO:NV intend xP. Anyways to the point of this:
There are at least three sales on in the PS Store right now.
"November Savings - Save Up To 70%", "Remasters & Retro - Save Up To 80%" and "Games Under $15".
There is also "Editor's Choice", which may not have sale prices.
But I see "Hades" and "Disco Elysium-The Final Cut" right away.
I like the visual style. I LOVE the anthro Dinosaur setting.
Whoa? Firstly, hi. I am alive or something close to it. Remember that project I said I was working on with a few of my friends? We've got something solid and concrete now. The foundation has been set. Chapter 0 is done. We made a small splash at Bronycon too. It's been the culmination of many years work. Thanks to the reception and support. I'm making Chapter 0 Free to Play! No download code.
Let's celebrate the upcoming RIP AND TEAR by headbanging like it's 1548!
Until May 5th, "Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection" and "Journey" are free to download from the Sony store.
It's part of the stay at home stuff due to COVID-19.
Original Release Date: December 15th, 2011
Woo-Hoo! 10 years!! And somehow I still have my save file from 9 years ago (I've since maxed EVERYTHING out in the game and have spent an embarrassing amount of real money on it)! The game is still being updated frequently and I'm very happy!
(OG trailer from 2011⬇️)
I went to visit the roms page that I usually frequent the most, CDromance, until I discovered this hackrom, I didn't know of its existence until now that I entered the page looking for PS2 and Gamecube games, I'll leave a link in case someone wants to try it.
In my case I will complete the original game and then I will play EquestriaBound, I suppose that the dialogues must be changed and adapted to My little Pony
I managed to pull him into a doc for ONE CHAPTER, and he starts flaking~! No fair! I've managed to convince him to help write at least 2 pages a day during the week, but he even convinced me to get GTA 5 but it doesn't want to work! The game keeps crashing for no apparent reason I can't figure out!
Hi, everyone.
by now you may or may not have been sent an email saying a story was updated, I had some time and worked on the 2ent chapter of RRT or the Rock Raider Trip. I ask that you help me fix some of the issue that are effecting this story.
anything constructive is helpful in fixing/moving the story along.
my editor and I have not had a lot of time to work on the story due to IRL getting in the way.
This is a subject that has come up in a lot of fics, and in a lot of comment sections of those fics, and has been subject to a wide range of interpretations. I'm talking about Equestria's "tech level". Just what technology do they have?