
Viewing 1 - 20 of 299 results

UtM bonus chapter launches tonight... · 5:08pm Jan 16th, 2017

Be prepared! :pinkiegasp:


Nightmare Night Chapter 32 · 5:49pm Sep 21st, 2020

I've currently got 5000 words written with at least a couple thousand more to add; I will aim to have it ready by the weekend for a Sunday launch or sooner. Slight change in plans to chapter content, however.

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Nightmare Night paused, Into the Storm up next · 6:47pm Apr 9th, 2018

Up until now, I'd been thinking I'd continue working on Unleash the Magic - Nightmare Night following this weekend's release, but unfortunately, I find I need a break from writing M-rated stories for a bit.

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Prereader verdict on new Midnight Rising chapter is in... · 2:33pm April 15th

And unfortunately, that verdict is unanimous:

Complaints were: too meta, hard to follow, does nothing to advance the plot, and potentially makes things worse while trying to fix them.

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Unleash the Magic - Nightmare Night: teaser #1 · 8:30pm Oct 21st, 2017

A day late, but not a dollar short. Current progress report is that the prologue plus first two chapters are written, with the third chapter underway and to be finished tomorrow. As I want at least five chapters ready to go, we are on track for a pre-Halloween release!

Here’s the promised teaser:

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Unleash the Magic - bonus chapter #1 upcoming! · 2:30pm Jan 11th, 2017

Started it on a whim last Sunday and going to try to release it this weekend. It's the first of a series of bonus chapters describing what happened during UtM through the eyes of other Mane 6 members, written by them as addendum to Sunset's text. And first at bat... is Applejack! Be afraid, folks... :ajsmug:


Unleash the Magic - Epilogue will post on Thursday... · 9:24pm Feb 23rd, 2016

Been a wild ride, but it has to end... for now. In suitably appropriate manner, of course... :rainbowwild: In celebration of the 300th like, making it easily my most popular story to date, the epilogue goes live on Thursday morning.

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Possible Nightmare Night Side Story · 4:33pm Feb 21st, 2020

And another question for readers for it.

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Unleash the Magic - Nightmare Night launches tonight! · 5:03pm Oct 29th, 2017

Yep, a day early! :pinkiehappy: And here’s the final update: The prologue plus first four chapters are ready, though I’m going to save chapter four for Halloween itself since it’s still pending some prereads. The clop starts in chapter 2 and though it’s not as wall-to-wall sex as the original UtM was, it’s heavier on the plot this time and I think you’ll like the way it’s written!

With the release imminent, no teaser this time except for the ready-to-launch story cover:

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Unleash the Magic - Nightmare Night has Featured!!!! · 2:57pm Oct 30th, 2017

It hit the featured list late yesterday evening and is currently hovering at #7! As a consequence, I’m releasing chapter 4 today to maintain its momentum. Hopefully that will help keep its heat level high for a bit!

I’m very gratified to know it’s a hit, and a warm welcome all new readers! :pinkiehappy: If I could make just one request, folks? Please comment! Comments are a part of the heat level calculation, and I really would like to know what people think!


Wrapping up release week... · 12:24pm Nov 3rd, 2017

A warm welcome to all new readers of Unleash the Magic - Nightmare Night! Thank you very much for the likes and watches. The story featured for nearly a day and a half but hasn’t quite pulled itself over the century mark for total likes yet. Nevertheless, I’m pleased with the reception, and have plenty more planned. Things are just getting started with the end of part 4, and no member of Mane 6 will escape. Will Spike, Starlight and Trixie fall prey as well? Stay tuned!

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200 likes for Unleash the Magic: Nightmare Night! · 7:28pm Mar 15th, 2019

As a reward to readers for reaching that milestone, I will be doing a new chapter for Nightmare Night as soon as I’m done with the next Firefly chapter. And I will also allow folks to vote on which they’d like to see next:

  1. The Zecora/CMC scene
  2. Finish off the Spike scene
  3. Starlight & Trixie vs Timberannie

The choice is yours, folks. Register your vote in the comments. Thank you for following this story!


Nightmare Night Chapter 13 launches this weekend · 4:53pm Dec 14th, 2018

it will launch no later than Sunday, or sooner if I get prereads back in time.

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Unleash the Magic: Nightmare Night · 9:13pm Oct 18th, 2017

Hey, folks. Thought I'd give the first update on my promised Nightmare Night clopfic, now slated for release on Monday, October 30th... or earlier if I can get it ready in time.

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400 Likes for Unleash the Magic!!! · 1:33am Jul 17th, 2016

Thank you one and all! :pinkiehappy: Not bad for what was originally supposed to be a one-shot exercise in cutting loose. I haven't forgotten that I promised some bonus chapters and sequel, but I also need to keep promises to get two of my other regular stories completed first. Though I daresay this story had an effect on The Lawyer and The Unicorn as I incorporated a certain *ahem* story element from UtM into it...

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Nightmare Night Part 29 launches tonight or tomorrow morning · 6:37pm Jun 13th, 2020

Now that we have the site back from that little hardware hiccup, it's time to move forward. The new Nightmare Night chapter is almost ready to go.

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Still waiting for one more preread... · 4:13pm Jan 14th, 2019

But regardless of whether I get it, Nightmare Night - Part 15 launches tonight at 8pm Eastern, as promised. It’s 5500 words long, has two major story twists, and details the emergence of the first true threat to Eclipse’s plans--Sorry, Starlight, but you really aren’t one at this point! :twilightsmile:


Midnight Rising - Chapter 10 nearly ready · 2:29am Apr 11th, 2021

It's awaiting one more preread and a couple more editing passes before launch, which will likely be tomorrow evening. 9000 words of female dragon fun lie ahead, folks, as Pinkie Pie has her own surefire way to win them all over, converting six female dragons into large and lovely sex-loving lesbians... though one will take a little more work than the others!

Thanks for being patient, and be looking for the new chapter by Sunday night. Hope you enjoy!


Looking to publish next Nightmare Night chapter this weekend · 2:29pm Jun 9th, 2020

It's about half-done at 4000 words right now. To perhaps little surprise, I've had trouble getting back into the mood to write clop with all the crap happening in the world around us, but to that I tell myself that escapes are just made all the more important. So the work goes on.

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Still working on Midnight Rising... · 9:21pm Aug 15th, 2023

My job is interfering, as well as worries over a couple troubled friends. The chapter is currently sitting at 11,326 words with at least 2-3k words more to go, meaning I was only able to put around 1800 words on it over the past week.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 299 results