
Viewing 1 - 20 of 32 results

The True Nightmare: Replication (Prologue) · 3:24pm Dec 3rd, 2017

Oopsie! Did I forget to post that prologue on Saturday? Sorry about that, folks. Got distracted since I finally got a job. But don't worry! I promise you that I didn't totally forget it. I hope you enjoy what I will show of you the fourth story's prologue. (And for context it is the first scene and just a look at a past event). Hope you have fun!

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The True Nightmare Sequel Update · 10:31pm Nov 8th, 2017

Hello everybody! Sorry about my absence of story updates but I've finally gotten past a whole lot of bullshit within the last few weeks. I'm a lot better than I was before so that's a cause for some celebration. I just wanted to let you know I'm back on my hot pursuit of writing the story itself. Last time I left off on it was when I was at least nearing the end of the first act. To add to that my progress of planning out the first act is nearly 75% complete. I have about three chapters left

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The True Nightmare (Revisions) Completion Status · 2:25am Jan 17th, 2019

Completion Status

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The True Nightmare ~ Replication - Repost · 6:20pm Mar 23rd, 2020

As promised I have set Replication for a repost. Auto-approval this time so it doesn't take all day. But regardless, I know I haven't made it much further than the previous chapter length, but, oddly enough, reposting it again has... oddly peaked a small little fire once more. Honestly I feel like I could return to this story very soon. And that's not just to sound like I'm puffing air out my mouth for the fun of it. I feel like I need to just... get set back onto this story. For the reader's

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The True Nightmare: Fourth Story Update · 4:50am Aug 10th, 2017

It's alive! It's alive!

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A Not So Great Bout of News (With a Dash of Some Good) · 6:00pm Sep 5th, 2016

Hey there, everypony! What I want to clarify right from the beginning that what I have to say is not the end decision of anything. In fact, nothing for me is ending at all. I'm just going to be slowed down by quite a bit. (I can only blame myself for picking a language class for my sophomore semester of college, as well as college itself picking back up). Again, do not worry. There is nothing bad in this blog. So. Let's get to it!

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The True Nightmare: Epitaph (Complete) · 8:02pm Jan 12th, 2017

Hello there, everypony! Just a quick message to let you know that The True Nightmare: Epitaph, is complete. Here's a link for you to those of you who haven't finished. Other than that, once the last messages have been compiled with the questions and character requests, I'll do a Q&A for you all. I hope you all have a good day and shall see you all later!

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The True Nightmare: Epitaph (Epilogue) · 11:51pm Jan 6th, 2017

A short blog just to let you guys know that tomorrow the first part of the Epilogue shall be released. On Sunday the last part of it shall also be published. We're almost there, guys. Epitaph is almost over. A preemptive thank you to everyone who has stayed with the story thus far. I shall bring you more information after the Epilogue is fully published. Hope you guys enjoy! Talk to you all soon!


Life Update #1 · 3:35am Oct 11th, 2016

Hey there, everypony.

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The True Nightmare: Chapter XI Revision · 5:42pm Jan 17th, 2019

Hello there, everypony! Chapter XI revision for, The True Nightmare, is out now. Hope you enjoy it!

Chapter XI - A Danger That Elevates


The True Nightmare (Update) · 1:20pm Jul 27th, 2016

Hey there, everypony! I'm back! The camping trip to Glacier was pretty fun. Nothing went too wrong there.

However, this is just a quick update for Epitaph to let you all know the next part to chapter ten is going to be here today. (Me and my proofreader are almost done with it, so we should have it to you guys here shortly). Other than that, I hope you all had a good weekend, too! See you all later!


The True Nightmare: Epitaph · 3:27pm Jul 11th, 2016

Hey there! New chapter will be coming this Saturday. (But it's a two parter, so the next chapter will also come on this Sunday as well).

But for the moment. I've updated chapter eight. I'll give you all the link! Hope you all enjoy!

Chapter VIII: Better Left Forgotten


Story Update + 2018 Plans? · 2:58am Nov 27th, 2017

Well this year was a very... arduous bit of fun. Not one single story released for this year but... oh well. I mean granted my life did get turned around quite a bit so that's something that I couldn't have predicted. Not to mention that school kind of kept me busy and still is. Granted I at least did get some writing done but not the amount I would have liked. Honestly though I chalk it up to having been learning more and more about writing and even my own style changing here and there. So I

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The True Nightmare: Epitaph (Publishing Update) · 1:17am Jul 21st, 2016

Hello there, everypony! Now this blog post is, again, about Epitaph. So I have some bad news. But for the light mood of this blog I also have some good news for you all!

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The True Nightmare: Replication · 5:55pm May 5th, 2018

It's out, son! This thing is finally out! The True Nightmare: Replication I hope you all enjoy!


The True Nightmare: Epitaph (Publishing Update) · 2:14pm Aug 12th, 2016

I wonder how many times the name of this blog will come up? XD Eh, who knows. I guess the necessity to inform is a lot more important then I once thought. :rainbowlaugh:

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I'm Not Dead! (Yay)! · 8:59pm Apr 4th, 2019

Sorry about the lapse in communication. Have just been going through a whirlwind of personal issues that have been affecting me. Not family stuff. Just life stuff in general and my own mental stuff that I've been figuring out. I also feel like I've needed this break from writing for quite a while. Having burned myself out on it as long as I have. I'll go more in-depth with that later, especially concerning The True Nightmare series (not getting cancelled so don't worry).

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02/05/2021 · 5:40pm Feb 5th, 2021

Hey, everyone. It appears that I’m not dead yet. But I might as well have nearly been a couple weeks ago. But… I think it’s better to explain what’s going on and where I’m currently at, which, don’t worry, I’m in a much more positive place than I believe I’ve ever been in my life. So, better put in the pieces and let you know what’s been going on.

Baking Job

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The True Nightmare: Epitaph · 3:35pm Apr 30th, 2016

Alright everyone! I hope you're all ready for this! The second sequel to the stories, The True Nightmare, and its first sequel, The Hunt, is finally here!

So within a few moments it shall be published and ready for all to see! Thank you all for waiting patiently and I hope you all enjoy the day. See you all later! (And here are some gifs for you all).

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The True Nightmare: Third Story Questions & Answers · 5:49pm Mar 4th, 2017

Sorry this took so long. Had to deal with school. And it took up... well, a lot of my free time. But don't worry. I'll try and get some writing done with the story. For now, here are the answers to the questions that everybody has been looking forward too. Hope you enjoy it!

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 32 results