
Viewing 141 - 160 of 277 results

Woo! We Cracked 1M Words! · 2:09pm Aug 15th, 2017

I don't know if I'm going to do a milestone or anything for the event, but I do know that I'm hype for it. I thought the story would be closer to ending by now, but shit just doesn't seem to be slowing down all that much as I write. Maybe it'll close sometime in the Seventies, but for now, it's not looking like it's ending before we hit another 500k words. It'll be nice to have A Thief's Tale done, but I don't know. I've enjoyed the journey to get to this point so much, I might just

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So I Finally Got A Job · 9:54pm Jul 21st, 2017

First things first: Fucking finally. I've been waiting for this moment for too fucking long.

On another note, my work schedule is fucking weird. I'm on a 12 hour swing-shift that means I work two days, have two days off, work three days, off two days, work two days, then off three days. Get it? I don't, but that's not important.

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Spoilers For Lupa's Quest in Chapter 34 · 9:43pm May 16th, 2017

There are spoilers in that shit. If you haven't read Lupa's Quest, I suggest you do so now rather than later. Chapter Thirty-Four should be up within three to four days of this post, and Lup's quest in its entirety is shorter than most of my chapters, so make of that what you will.

In other news, exercise is hard. Muhshithurt.

As Always, Don't Fuck Wolves

Stay Cool, Kids


Page Count For A Thief's Tale · 6:48am Jan 23rd, 2018

It only took me an hour and forty-five minutes to dig through the archives and get my number, but I managed to get everything out of gdocs and loaded up. As of Chapter Seventy-Two, A Thief's Tale is 3,784(ish) pages long. I made sure to get all of the longer chapters, but there may have been some that slipped through the cracks, so there's a 20ish page deviation there.

Not exactly a big deal

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It's Decided and I'm Excited · 1:32pm Oct 6th, 2017

Fans of A Thief's Tale, I have come to a conclusion. I'm hype af to share with you that The War will not be the ending arc. Nah fam, I'm not ready for the journey to end. There will be another arc on top of the wind-down/Epilogue, so let's see how far that gets us.


A Thief's Tale: The Road To Penance Release Schedule · 10:29pm Apr 1st, 2018

When do you guys want to get chapters for Road To Penance? I was thinking Friday nights, but I don't know when most people prefer to read, so you tell me.


Update · 12:27am Apr 13th, 2017

Due to the positive feedback I got from chapter 23 (Put On The Red Light) I'm most likely going to keep it up with the longer chapters. Of course this means that updates will be spaced out a bit more, but I'm hoping that giving you guys plenty to read when I do update will be received better than shorter chapters.

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Bending Ways · 10:50pm Apr 9th, 2021

How we look ahead affects our actions in the now. What do you see? Do you see a straight path? Do you see twists? Is your gaze aimed skywards, or dug beneath the roots of trees?
Could one see what is ahead, as no mere path at all, but a bend, a curve we close towards, or long since past the reaches of its clutches.
Do we turn away, or move to embrace it?

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Watch both Directions · 12:46am Feb 6th, 2021

With one side in darkness, and struggles in tow,
each vary step, is a challenge to swallow.
To give up ones baggage, and stride without weight,
leaves open your body, for the darkness to sate.
Giving in to the shade, as some see them do,
makes the baggage fade, but so do they too.
In the end we must balance, perception and mind,
keeping sights honed ahead, and vary of our hind.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


Birth Of Caution · 9:12pm Oct 25th, 2019

Perseverance. A word which contains the essence of life. Life is but perseverance against the end, foiled by decay.For whatever may fuel a being to wake up each day, and go on as it has all the days prior, it personifies Perseverance.

Happy nightmare night~


Darknes falls in time · 10:43pm Nov 8th, 2019

Time flows, a river by the road. Though it is never seen, to stop and turn our head towards it, interrupts its flow. We experience it only as we continue to stride, without seeing time itself, we bare witness to all it affects. With every step, time has altered the road, and woven new life into our surroundings. What is then the point of looking for time, when we'll be the closest to its majesty, every moment, of every step, of our journey.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Site Post » River Road's "Mr. and Mrs. S.M.I.L.E." [Royal Canterlot Library] · 1:05pm Oct 11th, 2019

Today's story is classified at the highest level ... of enjoyable.

Mr. and Mrs. S.M.I.L.E.
[Equestria Girls] [Adventure] [Comedy] [Drama] • 10,530 words

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The Road to Heaven SOLVED! and The Final Pieces to Heaven · 1:35am Jul 24th, 2018


Chronicles Written in a Hammock · 12:05am Jun 29th, 2019

We have a story today~. The Chronicles of the royal flush continue this week with a rather reluctant contributor. Be warned of filthy content, as always~.

Times come and times go, opportunities present themselves and are grasped or ignored as they flow by. But time and opportunity wait for no one, there come other hands to snatch up what is forgotten, and other ideas to sit in the past's chair. If the time we live in slows for no one, why should we give it any other treatment?

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Vacancy · 11:38pm Nov 30th, 2018

Once I had thought the road of life to be solid ground, only to be shaken when it gave out beneath me.


Thank you for Another Year · 10:35pm Aug 30th, 2019

Today we have a big camping trip story, Twilight, Applejack, and even Rainbow Dash enter the realm of the humanoids, where one dare leads to another, which leads to a ton of messy situations~.

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Sandwich meats · 12:55am Jun 22nd, 2019

What is a sandwhich other than a vessel? A fluffy, spongy coating sealing an amalgamation of meat and fillings within, squishy materials who on their own is lesser than the sum of their parts. There are no two sandwhiches laying equal, only those alike, and there is infinite potential for how it can be arranged and enjoyed. All sandwiches are not to the taste of every eater, yet who can say a sandwich is inherently poor or tasteless? It is true we tend to group those alike into a group, by

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Burdens · 9:42pm Jul 28th, 2023

At times, there is a certain relief in letting go. I get used to burdens as they accumulate, as their compile and insinuate their presence in my life. Despite the loss and pain of letting them go, despite the agony of what I fear life would be without it, there is a wonderful sensation in being able to take deep, long, breaths.

Happy Filthy Friday~.

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Business of Exhaustion · 10:47pm Jun 18th, 2021

To push oneself has a negative connotation. If you required pushing, then you probably didn't want to do it, why would it have been required to exert addition force otherwise? When tasks come simply, without question or resistance, we see it as positive, handled without a worry or stress, without a push.
It follows the philosophy of the path of least resistance. However, sometimes, a mere nudge is all a river requires to stretch into a new avenue, and flow farther, faster, than ever before.

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Days Marked with importance · 8:39pm Aug 19th, 2022

Is art, without observer? Is, any work, without a beneficiary? Is there creation, without a creator?

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Viewing 141 - 160 of 277 results