
Viewing 1441 - 1447 of 1,447 results

Celestia's Heart Attack Has Become Mine, Apparently · 11:53pm Feb 24th, 2023

The last few several minutes of my day, a dramatization:

"Huh, I never expected my little Discord oneshot to do so well. Featured Box is cool enough, but this is the fifth day with it in there. People like their draconequus shenanigans, I guess. I'm curious about the analytics, though; I wonder if my TV Tropes page for the Eventide Verse is actually bringing in any fresh clicks..."


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*Sheepishly shuffles up to the mic* So, uhm... · 10:42am Mar 1st, 2019

I have a confession to make. I’ve been having troubles finishing what I’ve been trying to do, and instead of doing what I should be doing in terms of writing (or making title images), I’ve been faffing about, playing games (such as Ni No Kuni 2, Kingdom Hearts 3, and Darksiders 3), and keeping an eye on Devil May Cry 5. Speaking of, that’s a week away... sooooooo yeah... Gonna be playing that very soon.

Holy crap, so many good games lately...

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Humanity is the worst form of life except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time · 2:08pm Apr 1st, 2022

Citation: today. Don't believe everything you read on the other 364.24 days of the year either, but this is the day that lots of places decide to remind you of that. It is, of course, misinterpreted. I think AM stated my opinion on both sides of this problem:

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tl;dr and spoliers everywhere · 4:10pm Jul 27th, 2017

Wow. A thing happened.

An important thing.

Holy shit.

Holy shit.

Look how fucking introspective I sound.




Just need to breathe here.

Favorable Alignment? My precious baby of a novel? It's done?

It's quite a surprise... If you look at the statistics, I pumped out 360k in a year, on this story alone, so it took a year to write this, eh? Not really.

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Dungeons & Discord(s), various thoughts · 4:42pm Aug 27th, 2016

I'm just going to say I'm glad we've got another Discord episode. (By which I mean an episode where he's primarily the protagonist.) Some nice bonding, and quite a bit of fun. Discord shenanigans when he's written well and proper for his current role in the series; yay! With that said, I haven't much to say about this episode in terms of lore or significant character traits, well, beyond how much better I like his characterisation this time. For now, have a little

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State of the... Writer? That sounds a little formal, but oookay, 2018 · 7:53pm Jan 1st, 2019

My mom used to ask me if all of my friends jumped off a bridge, would I jump as well? That question was always pretty easy for me to answer, because I could just laugh and say "Oh, mom, you know I don't have friends." Still, the question behind the question remains: will I do what everyone else is doing just because they're doing it? And the answer, dear readers, is sure, if it looks like fun and doesn't cause anyone any sort of harm. And what harm could happen from writing an end-of-the-year

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okay yeah never mind · 9:34pm Oct 25th, 2015

Viewing 1441 - 1447 of 1,447 results