
Viewing 121 - 140 of 188 results

"The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" releases tomorrow! Here is another teaser for you! · 7:52pm Nov 12th, 2022

Only one day left until Silverstream's story continues! Here is another teaser for "The Sky is Gone: Epiphany"!

Something is happening on the surface of the Dark Equestria and the world Silverstream has gotten to know might not be the same anymore once again.....


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Return from writing break with two updates. · 2:02pm Aug 14th, 2023

This took a little longer than expected. I began the day with aching limbs, a result from the hiking trip the day before, had breakfast, did some things and prepared a release. But I suddenly started feeling nauseous from looking at the screen and went for a one hour nap. Then I didn't return from it because I couldn't get up with the remaining exhaustion.

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Day 229 in the Dark Equestria · 2:51am Aug 15th, 2023


I have finished Part 2 of "The Sky is Gone"! – Part 3 will begin in July and "The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" continues next Friday! (6̵̛̥̻̰̙͆͑ͣ̔͡6̷̡̘̪̫̺̫̩̞̩͉̗̪̠̱̌͐́͘͟ͅ6̍̊ͪ̏̔͂̂ͩ̈́͜͞҉̷̷̟̬̰͉̙̝̻͔͙͚͎͓) · 9:27pm Jun 23rd, 2023

"The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" is finished. This means that Part 3 of Silverstream's story will happen soon, but most importantly, it means that the story will pick up releases again and that new messages by Silverstream will be revealed beginning with next Friday.

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Day 288 in the Dark Equestria (+ Missing Message!) · 7:33pm Nov 13th, 2023

A small, special and spontaneous, unplanned blog entry for "The Sky is Gone: Acceptance" today. Because all I need to say is that I forgot to publish one message yesterday.

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"The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" will resume tomorrow, as well! · 1:04am Dec 22nd, 2022

Tomorrow is the day when my freshly-optimized Patreon and Ko-fi account will relaunch. But that's not the only thing that will happen tomorrow, "The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" resumes updating, as well!

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Redesigning my Patreon and Ko-fi Account (including a reward tier for "The Sky is Gone") and a Shoutout to my new Patrons · 11:03pm Nov 26th, 2022

I have some news about my Patreon and Ko-fi account to announce today. First, to start with the biggest one, I will go and redesign both accounts. I have started them in 2019, with tiny success so far, but I also was in a mentally bad state when I made a push for earning money with my stories in that year. My writing was, compared to what it is again now, a mess back then, my mental condition affected the quality of it and it also showed in the way I was going about designing my Patreon and

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The Fluttering Scare is gone..... for another year. Instead, there is a festive, merry Twitter account now. · 1:47am Nov 28th, 2022

The Dark Season is over. It lasts always longer in my mind, sometimes a few days, sometimes a few weeks, but now it's over. The Fluttering Scare is gone, at least until next year, and Fluttercheer is back. The curse gift has been taken. And in place of The Dark Season steps the Hearth's Warming Season, the Season of Light. It begins exactly today and with it, there comes.....

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Fire 3, Fire Free. · 9:15am Sep 20th, 2017

Thank god, the fires are gone~

Well I mean there's still a lot of fires everywhere-

They're alllllll gone!

Like, cutting through the middle of Washington and Oregon, and touching the tip of California is this big line of fires.

I'm perfectly safe!

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Silverstream's messages of Day 174 in the Dark Equestria are here! · 10:23pm Jan 5th, 2023

New messages by Silverstream have been released now. Sorry for the lack of releases yesterday. My sleep schedule got turned upside down when I didn't find much sleep on Monday night, which affected the Tuesday release and led to it that I had to miss yesterday's release. My sleep schedule is fixed now, though, and the releases continue normally again.

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


Day 178 in the Dark Equestria · 8:08pm Jan 10th, 2023

"The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" continues now. Sorry for the pause yesterday. I was plagued by a very intense headache that got so bad that writing was impossible. Likewise, no release happened on Patreon either yesterday. But the headache is gone, so we proceed normally today. Silverstream's messages of Day 178 in the apocalypse start releasing now.

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Day 231 in the Dark Equestria · 5:38pm Aug 17th, 2023

I fell asleep yesterday after grocery shopping because of leftover exhaustion from my Saturday trip. You know the trick, that means two sets of releases today, one now and one later at 8 PM EDT, to keep up the momentum and stay as close to schedule as possible.
Enjoy your update, consider pledging on Patreon if you enjoy it to read all of Silverstream's new messages 10 days earlier and see you at 8 for the second update!

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


Day 161 in the Dark Equestria · 4:26am Nov 25th, 2022

Sorry for the lack of releases the last couple days. I was battling with some rather strong depression since Saturday and this has made it impossible to release anything, while I tried to fix my mind. Also some writer's block as a result of it. But everything is caught up now and I feel somewhat better.

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"The Sky is Gone" returns after being sick. · 7:07pm Oct 24th, 2023

"The Sky is Gone: Acceptance" has resumed releases on my Patreon today. And it will return here on in 10 days. It was supposed to return much earlier, however.

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A small holiday release break for "The Sky is Gone"..... · 3:33am Dec 26th, 2022

I hate to do this, but, "The Sky is Gone" will go on a small, two day release break for the holidays, both here and on my Patreon. I still wanted to update" The Sky is Gone" on the Hearth's Warming holidays, because I relaunched my Patreon account only a few days ago and have only just started with the new reward tier, but I am suddenly feeling the last four days.

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"The Sky is Gone: Acceptance" releases in 2 Days here on! · 11:56pm Jul 26th, 2023

Only two days more until "The Sky is Gone: Acceptance" releases here on! Part 3 of "The Sky is Gone" is already up on my Patreon account, but on Friday, it will be your turn to see what happens after the startling conclusion of "The Sky is Gone: Epiphany".

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Progress #3 · 5:40pm Aug 16th, 2016

Well. Safe to say, I'm almost done with 'Girly, Girly Rainbow Dash'
I have the Prologue, Epilogue, and Clop chapter completely finished. I just need to finish up on the Girlification chapter.
It should be out tomorrow, but might take 2 days.

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Progress #1 · 8:44am Aug 5th, 2016

I'm not spending every hour of every day on my story, but I am working on it. I'm trying a few things different than my previous stories, like taking a lot of time on it, and getting people's help with editing and the clop writing.

Anyways, here's the current progress on the story.


Progress #2 · 1:23pm Aug 14th, 2016

Heyyyy. Another look at my progress on 'Girly, Girly Rainbow Dash'

I started focusing on it more, finally over whatever stopped me from working before.

Anyways, the Prologue is finished; the Girlification is 1/3-1/2 finished, somewhere between those; and the Clop chapter is almost finished.


Progress · 6:18am Jul 27th, 2016

Here's my progress on 'Girly, Girly Rainbow Dash.'

The first half of the Prologue is done and proofread and such, The second part is written but waiting to be proofread and edited. I already have a proofreader. just a small progress report.

Viewing 121 - 140 of 188 results