
Viewing 81 - 100 of 410 results

Ranking the Hearth's Warming Episodes/Specials (From Worst to Best) · 5:02pm Dec 24th, 2018

I figured it'd be nice to do something like this for Christmas Eve this year. Heck, Equestria Daily just did a poll like this a while back, and "The Best Gift Ever" won handily.

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Episode Rankings of Season 2, From Worst To Best (Version 3) · 4:14am Mar 15th, 2017

Now it's on to Season 2, and it's time to see where the episode fall now. Here's the previous version in case you want to see what changed. Remember that this list is not official, it's just my opinion.

26. The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
25. The Cutie Pox
24. Hearth's Warming Eve

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Ranking the Redemption Episodes (From Worst to Best) · 3:57pm Mar 18th, 2019

Redemption has certainly become an interesting (and perhaps overused) trope in the show, it's gotten to the point where it seems like it's easier to count the number of villains that aren't reformed in some way, shape, or form. Surprisingly, as much as we give flack for redemption becoming an overused tool, there's actually not that many episodes focused directly on redeeming or reforming villains new and old alike.

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Ranking the Families of the CMC · 4:44pm Jun 15th, 2019

Now that "The Last Crusade" has aired here in the U.S., I think I can officially make this list without spoiling anything truly major. Now that we've FINALLY gotten to see Scootaloo's parents (and her aunts), this list had to be made. Much like the Mane Seven Families list, this one is accounting for not just how good they are as characters but also good they are as actual parents/family. There aren't as many to include here, but I think you'll be surprised by some of the rankings, which

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Top Thirty Songs of MLP FiM · 3:43pm Oct 19th, 2018

For a while it seemed like Season 8 wasn't going to have any memorable songs in my book, it wasn't that they were bad it's just that they didn't quite resonate with me. But in the last couple of episodes Season 8 really pulled out all the stops song wise, producing two songs I knew for sure I wanted to add here and a third that I decided was worth including in place of another song. But a top twenty seven seemed impractical, so I decided to add a few more songs and make it a top thirty.

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Top Ten Villains of FiM, Version 8 · 11:03pm Apr 6th, 2019

In light of what was shown to us today, this list definitely needed updating. Not only did a couple of old villains come back, but a brand new one was introduced to us. Because of those changes, this list definitely needed modifying. Chances are that when all is said and done this list will be updated once again. For the time being though, let's see how much of a difference the Season 9 premiere made. Here's the

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Ranking the Trixie Episodes (From Worst to Best) · 4:27pm Mar 6th, 2019

Alongside Derpy and Lyra, Trixie was one of the first fan favorite characters and ultimately turned out to be the first of many Twilight Sparkle expys (showing what Twilight would be like under a variety of different circumstances, for Trixie it's what Twilight would be if she took pride in her magical ability to an unhealthy degree). There's no denying that her popularity is probably what has not only brought her back but also made her a reoccurring character as of the last few seasons. But

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Ranking the Applejack Songs (From Worst to Best) · 6:48pm Jan 8th, 2022

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were voiced by an actual musician and singer, yet strangely enough neither of them really got a lot of songs to themselves. Applejack has the least amount of songs of any main character so far with only seven that definitively count as a character song. Like with all previous lists, I'm looking at how these songs stack up not just on an entertainment level but also how well (if it all) they represent Applejack's character (what character she has that can be translated

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5. Kristoff

4. Sven

3. Olaf

2. Elsa

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Ranking The Side Characters of G5 · 6:58pm Nov 12th, 2021

I already covered the mane five, but I don't think much attention has been given to the side characters. Let's change that with a ranking of them from worst to best (or if you prefer: least favorite to most favorite). There are a total of five characters that meet the criteria of being a side character, but which stood out for better or for worse and which blended into the background? Well, read on and find out. As always, this is just my personal opinion so please respect it.

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MY TOP 5 FAVORITE FROZEN SONGS · 8:01pm Jun 3rd, 2020

5. In Summer

4. Making Today a Perfect Day

3. Let it Go

2. Love is an Open Door

1. Show Yourself

Report CROSSOVER KING · 269 views · #List #Frozen #Rank #Song

Top Ten Forgotten Plot Points · 3:59pm Oct 11th, 2019

Continuity has been something we've praised the show for from day one and we've lauded them for not always resetting everything or clinging to their status quo. That being said, considering this show is and has been a twenty two minute, slice of life based cartoon, it's natural that some plot elements that existed at one point or another will get dumped or forgotten about. Some of them aren't too bad, but others are pretty glaring and leave us scratching our head. And today we're going to look

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Top Ten New Character of Season 9 · 1:02pm Oct 17th, 2019

Season 9 introduced quite a few new characters to us, though not all of them necessarily made a lasting impression. So which ones stood out in the end? Which are the ones that might inspire us to make more stuff about them or be eager to see if they'll appear in the comics at all? Well, let's find out. As always this list is purely the result of my personal opinion.

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Ranking The Episodes of FiM From Worst to Best, Version 12 · 3:23am Oct 14th, 2019

This is it, folks! This is the last time I will do this list! Some opinions may change but at this point I think I've pretty much got every episode where I want it to be and with nomore new episodes to consider there will be no reason to change this list at all. 222 episodes is quite impressive (221 if you don't count "The Best Gift Ever" even though the show staff do) and ranking them all is going to be quite difficult. But I'm gonna try my best to do so, and trying to explain why each episode

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Ranking the Celebrity Episodes (From Worst to Best) · 3:09pm Mar 11th, 2019

Ever since Season 2 we've had at least one episode a season (aside from Season 3 when John DeLancie returned as Discord) featuring a new celebrity guest character for a total of seven (though two appeared in one episode). If you're interested you can see how the celebrity characters themselves stack up by clicking here.

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Top Ten Stallions, Version 3 · 3:12am Dec 11th, 2015

Despite not having a lot of new stallions introduced us to this season, most of the current stallions got a lot more love this time around compared to the previous seasons. Two in particular got a massive amount of screen time, and one was even given a much needed day in the limelight.

Anyway, here is the second version, time to see what's changed.

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Top Five Weakest Writers of FiM · 5:07pm Nov 17th, 2016

These Top Ten and Top Five lists are winding down, but I wanted to end them on a positive note and not a negative one. So today we're going to look at the five writers who just haven't been able to click with the show for one reason or another, and tomorrow we'll take a look at the five writers who've managed to either pull out the most consistent streaks of writing or cranked out some of the best episodes of the show. Like every list, this one is not official by any means,

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Season 6 Song Rankings (From Worst To Best) · 4:33pm Oct 25th, 2016

Season 6 didn't have a whole lot of songs, not counting reprises we only got 11 of them and almost half came from one episode. I think now I know why "The Fault In Our Cutie Marks" was really delayed to be the nineteenth episode to air, if it had aired as the ninth episode, the last episode this season to feature a song would've been the seventeenth episode and that would've meant we'd have gone almost ten episodes without one! Naturally, it's going to make ranking the songs a

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Ranking The New Characters of Season 6 · 1:49am Nov 11th, 2016

I used to do these with my season overviews, but that always took a lot of time, so I figured it was better to explore the new characters and how they all stack up here. While there are plenty of characters that could qualify, I'm only including ones that had a noticeable presence and/or we know their names (some were not named on screen but recieved a name in the credits. This sadly disqualifies a majority of the cast of "Viva Las Pegasus" hard to talk about ponies when we

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Ranking The Episodes of FiM From Worst to Best, Version 3 · 7:26pm Jun 11th, 2016

Now that we've gotten more episodes, it's time to rank them with the rest of the episodes of the show. We've got a whopping 129 episodes to rank, so naturally trying to explain in detail why each one ends up where it does would take forever! If you want to know why an episode ends up where it does, feel free to ask. And remember, this list is by no means official, you're more than welcome to make your own if you disagree with me.

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 410 results