
Viewing 701 - 720 of 1,447 results

A Royal Comeuppance · 7:53pm Dec 8th, 2023

We have a new story today, one of Princess Celestia Indulging in a Taboo feast, and later paying the price.

Choice is a powerful concept, it implies a certainty of power, in what lies behind the right choice. If I am offered choice, and I choose to do nothing, it is powerful. It lets me have a kind of peace, it puts me in a spot where I have something I can do, I am wanted, and I choose to do nothing. Resting, while you are wanted, it a delicacy.

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The Wasps, The Wasps · 12:48am February 24th

There are too many ethereal wasps drilling through my head to process what you just said? Could you take it from the top? You said something about a warning not adhered to? I am uncertain what the bull squid would have to say about that.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Being a Better Writer: The Worf Effect · 8:14pm Oct 16th, 2023

Welcome back writers to another installment of Being a Better Writer, where today we have a pretty cool subject to talk about. So I hope you’re ready.

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Being a Better Writer: Character Foils · 8:02pm March 4th

Welcome back, writers, to the final Being a Better Writer post … of Topic List #23. Sorry couldn’t resist. If some of you felt a flash of panic there, well, then my prank has been carried out to my satisfaction.

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Updates to rewards · 6:49pm Oct 22nd, 2021

To split a worm I have done it a disservice. Though some consider it a boon. A worm should function still, with all its necessities nested along the body. So, who is to say that cleaving it caused the worm any misfortune?
Shared joy is joy doubled. Shared sorrow is sorrow halved.
Yet the worm, is no more.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


History Living in the dark · 12:04am Nov 7th, 2020

Wash your hands for 30 seconds.

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Tattle on a Tail · 10:14pm May 17th

Once I thought I could overpower nature, that I could fight the tides, and bring ruin to the typhoon, that I with my own determination could bend the sea and carve the path of the moon. Though with every year, with every month, every day, my grasp falters, and nature stands as tall: the snake coils around me, choking.
But I still clutch my dagger...

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Being a Better Writer: Another Look At Cliffhangers · 6:13pm May 20th

Welcome back, writers! To both you and to me! If you’ve missed it, that’s because I’ve been emmeshed in a move for the last few weeks, and today is the first post I’ve been able to make on a normal schedule again.

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The Promised Sleep Kept · 10:34pm May 31st

Rest for a while, and then rest some more, when you are ready, take that step out the door.
Walk around the block, and then walk one more, remember your path back to the door.
Is it the same?

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Birthday Cult? · 7:49pm Aug 27th, 2021

Another year, another birthday, and another story on top of that. This week we have a tale of a predator who is, less than willing, but a cult of meals eager to slide down her throat~.

It is interesting, how I insist that time makes its mark on me. I look in the mirror and see nothing but what was always there, but my mind fills in the blanks if many lives and people I have been, from when I was young enough to remember. And similar, I can imagine a time, when I am old enough to forget.

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I'm Writing Again, but "The 1,000th Sun" Is Officially Cancelled · 12:49pm Oct 1st, 2016

It's been a while since I posted anything. I've mostly been haunting the forums and such. However, recently I had a strange burst of writing inspiration, and started work on a One-Shot, that is fully storyboarded and I've already started to write it.

However, I just can't bring myself to finish The 1,000th Sun. I don't know why, but I can't. So I've officially canceled it. I did, however write a short explanation of how it should have ended, and released a half-baked cancelled chapter.

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Being a Better Writer: References and Pop Culture · 3:29pm May 9th, 2017

Hello readers, and welcome back to another post of Being a Better Writer, coming to you bright and early this Tuesday morning.

Yeah, Tuesday. Mondays shifts at my part-time job again. Just a fair heads-up, I’ve got a Monday shift next week too, so next week’s BaBW post will also be delayed. It happens. And I need the money, so …

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A Friday to Recover · 11:39pm Mar 27th, 2020

5 steps away, I didn't give the time of day.
4 steps away, I had nothing to say.
3 steps away, I attempted to delay.
4 steps past... I hadn't expected it would move so fast.

Happy Clean Friday~.


The Stomping Grounds · 11:31pm Jul 31st, 2020

There once, was a creature, from the wilds,
Its apperance, it used, to beguile,
but with claws like knives, and a breath so vile,
its reception, was cheritably, quite mild.
So it found new ways of entry,
Its apperance, quite elementary,
For isn't it so, a single thought is quite strong,
and can dig deep into your memory.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Being a Better Writer: Micro-Blast #7 – The Anti-Story, Sleep, Knowledge, Capitalism · 10:20pm Feb 18th, 2019


Changeling infiltration · 12:17am Jul 14th, 2018

Welcome to the second week of "Change, is in July".
The series of stories of changelings continue this week, with a new victim in line, and trans formative deception ahoof in the little town of ponyville. Give it a look for this week's story upload, linked in this blogpost.

Be careful which house you enter this month, some might not be what you expect.

If you want to know more of this month's event then head over to my Eka's or furaffinity profiles, good luck on the hunt~.

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Friday of Filthy, Pony of Pudge · 11:26pm Apr 13th, 2018

Today we have the continuation of last weeks story, the second chapter to tie it all together.

The story ramps up a bit, going away from some of the calmer slice of life themes to some naughty and lewd slice of life themes.

Pinkie pie plumps up her pudgy plumbings~.
and a naughty way to complete the ribbon on this series.
It gets naughty, it gets foul, pinkie gets nessy, celebratory howl~.

So, hope you enjoy, have a wonderfully Filthy Friday and a fantastic Weekened~.


Darker times approaching · 12:22am Oct 6th, 2018

Darkness. We attribute it to the dangers of this world. For true, on the highway of life, if you cannot see, then how can you follow the road? How do you know who walks among you, and who can be trusted?
In light, it is made clear, but light alone blinds, it stings, and can as darkness would, cause a crash.
Then is it not favorable, that we share a blend of the two? both in life, and those around us. We can never know all of them, there is always blinding light, and gentle darkness.

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Flying Along In Chronicles · 2:57am Apr 24th, 2021

Oh to fly as the paper in the wind, carried to your destination, though said location remains unknown. A paper seldom considers its situation, but would it ever wonder where it is going? That this method of progression is not of its own accord, but drawn by outside forces? Will it wish to have the freedom in forsook in this path? At the whims of the unknown, lacking any agency to propose.

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Bending Ways · 10:50pm Apr 9th, 2021

How we look ahead affects our actions in the now. What do you see? Do you see a straight path? Do you see twists? Is your gaze aimed skywards, or dug beneath the roots of trees?
Could one see what is ahead, as no mere path at all, but a bend, a curve we close towards, or long since past the reaches of its clutches.
Do we turn away, or move to embrace it?

Happy Filthy Friday~.

Viewing 701 - 720 of 1,447 results