The New Lunar Republic 1,790 members · 768 stories
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As you all know to day is the summer solstice or the longest day of the year. But what some of you might not know is that it is also a full moon. A full moon coinciding with the summer solstice is really rare!

"On the longest day of the thousandth year the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring night eternal."

Nightmare Moon Returns! Vivet et nocte!


I don't know about you, but I for one accept our new Nightmare overlord. :pinkiehappy:

5310117 I'm prepared for the eternal night. I operate better in the dark.

What?! OMLL, I've got the BEST MLP/PJO/HoO fic crossover!

All Hail Nightmare Moon !
The Empress of the Ethernal Night!
And long live The New Lunar Republic!
(sorry for my bad english) ;-)

In place of the sun we shall have a moon! Bright, beautiful, and terrible as the dawn. All shall love her and despair.

I like the night more than the day and I really hate the Summer, because it's so hot. And I actually LOVE the night.
It has a mystique to it that the day can't compete with. So I would not mind an eternal night.
As long as the ruler that brings this eternal night isn't an oppressive, sociopathic person that demands absolute obedience and kills you if you don't obey, like Nightmare Moon, and if there's a way to grow plants without the sun, that is.
Hail Princess Luna! She shall be the one that brings us eternal night and reign us in peace under the banner of the New Lunar Republic!

Lunar Nos Conduit.

5310161 I've got an alternate NLR in a different universe, with 37 Armadas ready to go.

I got a black ops changeling squad ready to go for thy Queen of the Night.

5310117 We the Dark Templar Have Learn to keep in balance with the light, Nightmare Moon is a threat and will be dealt with accordingly not all creatures of the night wish the death of those that dwell in the light

I for one welcome our new Lunar Queen. The days have been blistering hot and tomorrow is supposed to be hotter. With Nightmare Moon in charge, her lovely night sky will always be visible and I won't feel like I'm being roasted alive.


I feel the same way. Down with the sun!

5310263 I've got better.

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