Uncommon Shipping Pairs 1,273 members · 2,105 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Does anypony know some Octavia-Luna fics I could read? :fluttercry:

Well, there's minor Octavia/Luna in Nightroad's Despite All Odds along with a few other uncommon shipping pairs, but the main focus is TwiShy. Kinda dark/evil at times, but definitely something of an interesting read, I would recommend checking it out! Other than that, not really any I can think of or know of, at least with that pairing as the FOCUS of a story. :twilightsheepish:

All the Stars in the Sky is a really good story actually about Luna x Octavia. I've read a few others, but I haven't been impressed enough to save them. It's a really fun uncommon pairing though.

Unfortunately it is a rather uncommon ship, despite the fact that it would be SO adorable. Maybe one day I'll write one (when I'm not bogged down with so many other things)

Unfortunately, 1004940 's recommendation of All the Stars is the only Lutavia I've read... Still, it's very good and worth your time!

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