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In Fall of the Crystal Empire by Silly Filly Studios they depict evil King Sombra with a scythe and a lot of authors go with the same idea, to be honest it fits him fairly well.

So what weapon/s do you think good King Sombra would use.

In the story I'm working on right now I'm portraying Sombra with a pair of rapier swords. However I am interested in what everyone else thinks and maybe it will spark some ideas for other peoples stories.

I'd say either a Zweihander or Claymore would suite him fairly well.


In the animation titled 'A Tale of One Shadow' (link in the name), Sombra is depicted with a crystal sword that vaguely looks like an English sword of some description. It has all the hallmarks of a practical sword.

But a Rapier is meant for thrusting and parrying blows. The sword itself has next to no weight when it comes to slashing like a katana would. You'd be lucky to get a superficial cut with it. But why a pair of Rapiers? I can't see Sombra using them in tandem, and you'd be extremely hard pressed to find someone that used a pair of Rapiers historically.

Either go with a Claymore (like William Wallace) or the Scythe.

He could be a mage. Quarter staff or something.

A bloody red spear. Something like Gae bolg from FSN.

Thanks for the link Alcatraz (added to my favs good song). As for dual wielding Rapiers I was watching the anime Log Horizon while taking a break from writing that fic and saw the character Nyanta fighting and just sorta clicked. However now that you bring it up and with that animation I think a heavier weapon would work better. Thankfully the edits will be minor since I haven't got to the part of writing combat with him yet.


Are you talking about anthro Sombra using swords?


Pony Sombra, but with focus on parry and stab he just seemed like a pony that would do well with precision attacks. Then I saw Log Horizon while taking a break, and went from there.

The thing with the ponies is that swords are completely useless for their physiology. They can't hold them with their hooves and holding a sword in the mouth is suicidal. Considering that all the important and squishy bits are located in the head, the last thing you want to do is to move it closer to the enemy. Not to mention you'll get dizzy the moment you start swinging that sword.

As far as magic goes, yes, it can be used to hold weapons, but in that case, there is no point for the sword to take the form we are used to. The grip is pointless, since holding the sword in the mouth is a bad idea and unicorns don't need grips.

Instead, a useful weapon for a unicorn would be several blades (disc shaped or otherwise) they can move around with their TK. You can attack the enemy at range, with great speed. And if you're a skilled TK user, you can use several blades at once.

4316162 Might I suggest a Longsword (or hand-and-a-half or Bastard Sword). For its size it is an extremely adaptable weapon and can be used for a variety of purposes. It can be used for precision strikes with the tip, swing in wide arcs for powerful cutting blows, the hilt can be used as an axe, the pommel as a mace, the entire sword as a staff weapon just to name a few.


Gear Second.

I had a story idea once (Sombra gets blasted to Manehattan by the Crystal Heart and becomes a super-/antihero) where trying to use his broken horn ends up with him in that state due to magic backlash.

...that, and I'm just a huge fan of the One Piece fighting styles. :derpytongue2:

What about a Halberd or a Polearm?
I think those suit him very well

Group Admin


I've always found lances/spears to be a very heroic weapon. Not just for charges, but because they are a very fluid weapon if you are skilled with them. Also, it's a great weapon from a story perspective, because it can easily be lethal or non-lethal with frightening efficiency, as the plot demands.


4316162 Oh, this group. I almost forgot about it.

Halberd(s?). That's something he could use easily with magic, and wouldn't be a death sentence if held in the mouth.

Plus, it's a halberd, useful for slashing or stabbing *Skyrim guard voice*

There are a couple weapons I can see Sombra using. First would be a Naginata, also known as a staff with a curved blade on the end. Second is some sort of staff to amplify his magic, and third, if the level of tech is high enough, a scythe similar to whats used by Ruby Rose in RWBY, specifically a large collapsible scythe with a built in high-impact sniper rifle built into it.

Well, a scythe does fit him pretty well. I could also see a mace of some sort (like Sauron's, probably).

4316162 Dust Crystals


I don't feel a scythe fits him at all, and I'm against scythes as weapons anyway because I feel like it's a stupid cliche.

Some sort of big spiked mace would work well, or failing that some sort of more refined version of a macuahuitl. Something that can prominently use crystals in some way, either as the spikes on a mace or the traditional blades of macuahuitls.

Just like Kael, I'd recommend a macuahuitl, because it could easily be fashioned from a crystal, and they're surprisingly effective weapons when used with skill *kough*Kotal Kahn*kough*.

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