Humans Aren't Bastards 4,073 members · 211 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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Group Admin

This isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Let potential TCB authors never forget their terrifying origins.

I can respect that point.

But I'd still rather not have the idea exist at all.

Soon will the Site be flooded by TCB's Stories.


I actually dont see how this changes anything. Its not the first TCB story to be posted here nor the worst. Its just an odd little thing that started something much bigger than itself.

I'm actually planning on doing a TCB fic myself. It'll be about a guy who's part of the Human Liberation Front. Not only that but the HLF will have ponies in it too. Other than that I don't want to spoil it. :pinkiehappy:

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor

:rainbowlaugh: Come on guys. It'll be fun. We can poke fun at the OOCness, horrible conclusion jumping, and the protest that adds pro-human / equalist TCB stories.

:rainbowderp: Or it'll spell the end of mankind. :rainbowhuh: If that makes sense.

Group Contributor

We shouldn't dislike-bomb it, though. That wouldn't be nice. We might not like it, but since we aren't looking for stories like that, we won't be disappointed by it and thusly shouldn't attack it directly.

You know, I'd actually thought it would be... longer, you know? The length of the story actually surprised me.

Alright, guys, let's not spam it. We're above that. Everyone already knows how we feel, leave a comment at most and be done with it.

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