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So far from the procrastination thread and Brainstorming 9, we have about two alt-universes. I will edit this post as we reach consensus on them. (if we do.)

The Eclipse verse, where princess Etheria (Think Celestia, but with Luna's mane and dark regalia) defeated Eclipse, the Tyrant Nightmare (Think NMM, but with Corona's mane and armor).
I've combined the ponies with the same species, a second option is to combine them with like elements.
The element of magic, Twilit Lulamoon, is a scholar and master illusionist. Cutie mark is a double starburst.
Rain Curtain[Rainbow+Raindrops], element of honesty, is neither the fastest or strongest of fliers, but she flies better than everpony else in storms. Cutie mark is a raindrop with chromatic aura.
Kindness is exemplified by Aunt Forest (real name undecided) [Ditzy+Fluttershy], who is always there with what a pony needs, which is normally some tea, a muffin, and a kind word; but is occasionally a swift kick in the pants.
Plowshare [Carrot top+Applejack] is the loyalist of all ponies, and works to fulfill her responsibilities, of which her farm is the largest part. Cutie mark is a plowblade.
Cherry Pie [Cheerilee+Pinkie Pie] wants everypony to be happy, because when they are happy, the can concentrate on learning neat things instead of being sad.

I have no idea what to do for generosity [Lyra+Rarity].

We have the Cadence-verse, which has heavy parallels with Babylon 5. 1000 years ago, Celestia and Luna had a falling out over how to guide their little ponies. For years, the world was in eternal twilight, but Cadence eventually managed to control both the sun and moon. Only half of the elements are ponies. (Option 2 is for all to be mares)

Spike is the element of loyalty. Once a dragon has decided to protect (or claim) something or somepony, they will do all in their power to keep them safe.
Vinyl Scratch is one of the elements. Which one is up for debate still.

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Zecora as the Element of Magic? Doesn't have the pure power as Twilight, nor the skill of Trixie, but has more innate wisdom and shamanesque abilities.

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406848: Alternately, Vinyl as kind of a techno-mage.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

I'm still going to say that for any theoretical Amalga-verse, ECLIPSE would make a much better villain name. It's an event that turns day into darkness while creating a visible corona. Also, Tyrant Nightmare shouldn't be so much a name as a title. After all the Lunaverse may have a tyrant sun, but that's not her name.

I also rather preferred suggestion for a Carrot Top/Rarity hybrid character names Twenty-Four Carrot. The pun amuses me far too much.

Yeah, I had separate table where I combined by element first instead of species. I admit, Eclipse sounds like a good villain name, but then what would the princess be called? Astra?

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Yeah, Astra sounds good, like astral plane. Another nice choice might be Etheria, since it would refer to æther which is the substance the ancient Greeks thought celestial bodies like the moon and sun were made out of. Actually, why not use both?

Etheria and Astra where twin alicorn sisters who jointly ruled over both day and night, until one day Astra got the crazy idea that it should be both day and night at the same time and so became Eclipse, the Tyrant Nightmare.

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406857 That could work, too. I just think Zecora almost deserves to be in the Cadance Six in some capacity., you know?

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

406848>>406857 Personally i like the idea of Vynil because then you can characterise her as a drop out of the Magic Academy who went into music instead. So she's like totally not knowledgeable about magic, nor is she a prodigy or genius either. Zecora would be an interesting choice but I don't think she would be flawed enough. Might be better to just have her be like... Generosity or something like that.

Big Mac as Honesty is a bit too close if you ask me, feels like just going from one apple to another.

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Zecora as Kindness, since she still cured the ponies being so cruel to her?

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406934: I think I prefer Vinyl to Zecora too.
Plus, then we could add in Lyra and Octy and have a very musical C6, which saves the world by day and has rockin' concerts by night! (or refined, when Octy leads).

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Ah, but Lyra's already in the Luna Six. :scootangel:

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

406972 406943
Striker has a point, still there's something all too appropriated about a CADENCE team consisting entirely of musically inclined talents.

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As unique as the Luna Six is the the Celestia Six, so should the Cadance Six be unique there as well.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

Speaking of Alt-Verse, the L!Pegasister in Maneverse story should have the L!Pegasister mention some 'Celestiaverse' fics from her universe where Trixie and Twilight trade places. Except, the rest of the ponies are all wrong (with like, Bonbon and Octavia as the two Earth Pony), save for Pinkie who is Laughter. Just a nice gag I think.

406937 Hmm if we go with non-ponies in the team I'd see it as follow:

Magic: Vynil
Loyalty: Spike
Honesty: Octavia
Kindness: Zecora
Generosity: Random Pegasus #3? Blossomforth? Thunderlane? Cloud Kicker?
Laughter: Gilda

406943 Can't have Lyra since she's already in the L6, but Octavia though that's probably a given.

Group Admin

406981: So? Change the Element and I don't think it would matter too much. Make her the Element of...I dunno, Kindness, always willing to lend an ear to folks' problems. Or play up her wanting to be human and make her the Element of laughter.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

406983 Well if we got all Ponies you can have both Octavia and Bon Bon in the Elements and thus Lyra would hang around anyway.

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Hmm, maybe with Vinyl she's not as powerful or skilled as Twilight and Trixie, respectively, but she makes up for it with tech? Like true magitech with her? A gadgeteer genius?

Group Admin

But the Cadenceverse is supposed to be halfway between the 1880s Lunaverse and 1930s Maneverse. If anything there should be a gadgeteer genius in the Maneverse (and there kind of is, and her name is Pinkie Pie).

I like the idea of the Cadence6 being comprised of 3 ponies (one of each tribe) and 3 non-ponies, suggesting that the Cadenceverse is surprisingly more integrated. Mostly because I hit on the idea of a changeling being one of the 6.

- Pegasus (I vote Flitter)
- Unicorn (Vinyl)
- Earth pony (Octavia)
- Griffin (Gilda)
- (baby) Dragon (Spike)
- Changeling (would have to be an OC, sadly. Probably male so that Spike isn't all lonesome)

(the main reason I'm not a fan of Zecora is because she comes across as being significantly older than any of the Mane6 or Luna6 - like, in the rough equivalent of her 40s or so. Given that the Mane6 and Luna6 all appear to be between 18-25, maybe 27 at the outside, it just seems weird)

Though, personally, I'd prefer to keep the Cadence-6 all ponies and all female, if for no other reason than to keep the theme going.

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407012 Okay, just make it steampunk. :coolphoto:

And if Spike's part of the Cadance Six, then who's the mascot of this team?

Group Admin

I dunno, the Luna6 don't really have a mascot, unless you count Dinky.

Group Contributor

407020 Yeah, that's who i was thinking of. I consider Dinky to be the Luna Six's 'Spike'.

Group Admin

407012: Changeling? Huh. It'd be interesting to have a literal love-eater on a team devoted to demonstrating the power of friendship...

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407056 Why am I imagining that gum-chewing girl from Willy Wonka...

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407012: That could also go with Screwball for laughter, if we go with the 'Discord's daughter' approach (which would make her a dracoequis in pony form, not a real pony, and so a legit different species).

Group Admin

Though, again, I prefer to keep them all ponies, and all mares, if for nothing else than to keep the theme going.


- Vinyl Scratch
- Minuette
- Roseluck
- Octavia
- Cloudchaser
- Blossomforth

There we go, that gives us a sextet of ponies that are interesting to look at and distinct from each other (thank God for Hurricane Fluttershy drastically increasing the number of distinct-looking pegasus ponies). Also makes for a good "in-joke" with the Lunaverse since Roseluck was nearly a part of the L6, and if I was designing the L6 today I'd probably use Cloudchaser instead of Raindrops (since Raindrops' design is a recolor of Ditzy and her coat color is nearly identical to Carrot Top). the Lunaverse, 3 elements are in the same tribe as the Maneverse (magic, laughter, and kindness) and 3 have moved (generosity, honesty, and loyalty). But does magic *have* to stay with the unicorns? I don't see any reason why, since earth ponies and pegasi each have their own brand as well. So in the Cadenceverse, generosity, honesty, and loyalty should correspond to their Maneverse counterpart tribes, while the other three shift. Hmm...

- Vinyl Scratch: Laughter
- Minuette: Generosity
- Roseluck: Kindness
- Octavia: Honesty
- Cloudchaser: Magic
- Blossomforth: Loyalty

This also gives us a good starting spread of supporting characters: Roseluck has the other two members of the flower trio, and Cloudchaser has her sister, Flitter. We also get a potential canon ship within the Cadence6 since we've got Octavia and Vinyl Scratch; on the other hand, that might be a good reason to remove one or the other.

Group Contributor

407083 Good limeup, but I just don't see any reason to keep it all female and ponies.

Group Admin

407083: We could consider Screwball a pony, then, and sub her in for Roseluck.
(I just kind of like the idea of having someone related to Discord on the team... could be interesting when he shows up and is all EVIL).

Group Admin

It's mostly to keep the theme going. It's all-mare in two other universes, in this third "core" it should probably be the same.

You'd have a hard time keeping Screwball meaningfully distinct from Pinkie Pie, though.

Group Contributor

407102 I just think we've already gone a fair bit from the Celestia Six already. We're running out of background characters. Heck, I can't even remember what Cloudchaser and Blossomforth look like!

We've got good side characters in Big Mac, Gilda, so let's use them. Big Mac deserves some love!

Group Admin

407102: Screwball's pranks could be... I dunno, 'harder' than Pinkie's. Like, Pinkie doesn't know when to quit, but Screwball just doesn't care. To balance that, perhaps she is also capable of being sensible and listening at moments, which main-Pinkie often seems to be physically incapable of doing. (So she's more dangerous in normal times, but perhaps a bit more reassuring when things are bad).

Group Admin

Cloudchaser was the sister with the swept-back hair of the two bluish-gray pegasus sisters in "Hurricane Fluttershy" (her sister, Flitter, had a big pink bow). For me, at least, they were the most interesting-looking of the new pegasi. They're probably twins, too.

"We're unique!"

Blossomforth is a white pony with a pink-and-green stripes mane and tail; she's basically a recolor, re-tribing of Twilight Sparkle, but I think she looks distinct enough to not be confused with her. She was "too flexible."


Big Mac does deserve love, though. Maybe there's an alternate universe out there were all the Element holders are made up of male side-characters and background ponies (no gender swapping)? So Pokey Pierce, Caramel, Big MacIntosh, Thunderlane (his little brother often mentioned but never showing up or actually being named), two more that I can't think up right now.

(Personally...I don't like Gilda, so I'd rather not see her on any team).

Time Turner or Dr. Whooves (whatever his name actually is) is both canon and male

Group Admin

Yeah, but he's The Doctor. So I'd kind of want to keep him away from the Elements to avoid crossing the streams.

Plus Caramel and Big Mac already give us two earth ponies.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

I like the reference to the prototype L6 with Roseluck, but I'd also hate to break up the comedic antics of the perpetually overreacting flower-trio. I'd really suggest Junebug instead.

I must say, I sort of like the Idea of juggling the Element of Magic to a different tribe, but Cloudchaser just seems such a random choice. Further, both Trixie and Twilight have Magic not only as their Element, but also as their cutie mark as well so that's a theme I think should be kept. I'd maybe replace Octavia with Photo Finish, whose talent is "capturing ze' magics", except well, I'm not sure I could really take that seriously. Then again, this is all just hypothetical anyway.

I think your working to hard to make a square peg fit a round hole here. Screwball is hilarious, but I just don't think she can really be made to work here.

Group Contributor

I just don't see a problem with the Cadance Six being mixed genders/species. I'm pretty sure I'd prefer that to all mares. :twilightblush:

Vinyl carries around with her a pair of shuriken-style records, honed to a razor's edge, for defense? :coolphoto:

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

I can understand that sentient, but I also can sort of see it as trying too hard to do something different just for the sake of being different. Ostensible any alt-verse should still be MY LITTLE PONY, so it should still be about ponies. Also if one is to keep the meta idea that it's what the show really looks like on some other Earth, well then, shouldn't it still be based on a toy-lie that is targeted at younger girls.

Maybe on L!Earth the producers decided to throw in a whole political agendas sub-plot as part of that adult appeal angle so that parents could enjoy the show just as much as their kids, but the intended target demographic was probably still not too far off from our own Earth and the same would likely still be true of this third continuity, so natural it would still feature an all-female primary cast.

Group Contributor

407317 I'm not trying to do an alt-Earth MLP show, though. I'm just trying to come up with a good Cadance Six. Doing it like that limits the characters we can use, and it's not cool leaving either the guys or the non-ponies out.

Besides, why can't we have male characters as co-leads in the 'show'? No reason I can see.

I agree that there should be heroic non-ponies.

As far as M!verse goes:
Spike is comic relief if he shows up.
Both times a griffon has shown up, they have been an antagonist, the one time we saw buffalo, the were antagonists, the times we saw dragons other than Spike they were antagonists...
Heck, the donkeys/mules only show up as antagonists or punchlines.

Group Contributor

I'd be taking this characterisation and adding these two


I'll admit, since I saw this topic, the idea of Cloud Kicker with the characterization from that particular fanfic being the element of Generosity has been going through my head and causing me great amusement.

Though the element of Honesty would be appropriate, thinking about it.

Group Contributor

Both would work very well :pinkiehappy:


If it was done by Elements, I had:

Magic: Trixie Lulasparkle
Loyalty: Lyra Rainbowstrings
Honesty: Rainjack
Laughter: Cherry Pie
Kindness: Flutter Doo
Generosity: Twenty-Four Carrot.

For the Cadance-verse..... I got nothing.
Maybe a different Earth Pony in place of Octavia.
and maybe a Donkey or Diamond dog in place of a changleling.

Group Admin

I got bored again.


Group Contributor


So cool, though i would have preffered Cloud chaser to... "Flitter" :rainbowderp:

Anyway it seems to be a good thing when you get bored :pinkiehappy:

... actually if the changelings were to be a more obvious threat they could be like a mafia underground widespread organisation style of problem.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

407364 Being limited is always good to challenge creativity.

407432 What?! Gustave the Griffin Chef wasn't an antagonist! He ended up cooperating. He was a pretty swell guy in the end. Little Strongheart wasn't an antagonist. And Matilda and Cranky weren't punchlines.

407911 Nice! Cadence looks really short though :derpytongue2:. We really need a decent vector of her in flight.

Group Admin

That is Cloudchaser. Flitter is the one with the pink bow.

She is the smallest of the three alicorns. She's about the height of most stallions in the show, which makes her taller than an average mare and about on par with M!verse Luna (who is, herself, a little shorter than L!verse Luna)

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Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

408095 Cloud Kicker and Cloud Chaser aren't the same pony.

Group Contributor

This is what happens when i don't go and memorise background ponies names. :derpyderp1:

TY for the correction

Group Contributor

407947 And it also limits options that can fit and make it overall easier. Easier is not a bad thing, mind. Limiting it to pony mares leaves out a lot of characters that should be included over Blmossomforth or Roseluck.

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