Alternative Conversion Bureau 1,052 members · 344 stories
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Someone explain to me what the hell is going on over there? Chat-girl is opening a new TCB group while the old one is seemingly at war with itself.


Now, I know that our group don't have a hand in we?

Please explain!!!!

750860 We are not talking about this. Discussion over.

No one invited you to this conversation.

If you don't like it, there is the log out button.

No I'm trying to make sure shit doesn't hit the ceiling fan again tonight. So if you wish to make my life hell then please continue.

Trixie is confused.

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


Sorry, DBK.

Honestly, change in management in the TCB group is what happened. A certain someone disagreed strongly, so made her own group. Honestly, we shouldn't even get involved. It's just annoying that my dashboard is filled with just the same post.


There's a new TCB group run by Chato.

Then what the hell is going on! That's all I asked?!

I woke up, everything was fine.
Went to work, came home and logged on, and suddenly it was the apocalypse in the TCB group and Chat-girl open a new TCB group.


Okay look here is what happend.

Silvertie became admin of the group to change banners and Mids and Chat got put to moderator as they were not preforming their jobs and an massive error in miscomunication. Chat didn't take it so well so this happened and things are spiraling out of control. SO can I please stress to leave Chatoyance alone for the time being and not to antagonise her or the new group. It is stressful for us as we are trying to find out what is happening and making sure this transition of administration and rules goes as smoothly as possible. The less we draw attention to it the easier it gets for all everyone.

How strongly did this person disagree that caused an upheaval of entire social group?

Did they say another person was fat and they just said. "FUCK IT, THIS ENTIRE SOCIAL GROUP IS GOING DOWN!"

DEL and DBK are right, it's better to leave this as it is and wait to things to cool down.
Now if you are just curious there is the post where all is more or less explained.
I found this when I woke up and I was like 'wut?':rainbowhuh:, so I'm just watching how things are developing.

Chat-girl can have her group. I not going hunter-killer on her. Jeeze, I have standards for god's sake.

I am not even bothering her, just utterly confused.

Cliff's Notes:

The Horus Heresy happened. Except on a pony fanfiction forum, not a galaxy spanning empire. So maybe not like the Horus Heresy. Now Fangwarden rules from a Golden Throne, a thousand souls sacrificed every day to maintain his existence, while the Legions of the Warmaster have fled into the Eye of Terror.

Which makes this group either the Dark Angels OR maybe the Dark Eldar
Dark something, for sure.

*Peeks out*

Hey guys what's going on...

*Checks what's going on*


Pro-TCB civil war?

*Grabs popcorn*

750890 750898 750894 750897

May I please note that anyone who antagonise Chatoyance or the old Conversion Bureau group as well as the new one shall be given warnings and people can be banned depending on the comments said as well as any previous ones in the threads in both TCB, ACB and NTCB. The less attention we draw to the issue and interfere with what the administrators and moderators of each group shall only impede on the solution.

Dude....can have whatever you are taking?:rainbowhuh:

I will not purposely antaganize Chat or the new group. For one thing, I've extended my own personal olive branch (take four or five now?) to Chat after all the 'fun' that has occurred. However, if Chat decides to take something I say as such...there's not much I can do about it.

As for the new group, I couldn't care less one way or the other. I don't have any positive or negative feelings towards it.

750899 Er... sorry? :applecry: I was just trying to keep him or anyone who reads this post informed and that, I was not trying to antagonize nobody nor anything 'bad' towards anyone...

I suggest we keep a lid on disscussing this for now.
Otherwise I fear we could potentially incur the Site Admins wrath.

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


Let's just keep it here. At the ACB group. Let's not have it spread out yet. Let our newly--adopted sister group sort this out.

As I have stated earlier the less attention we draw to this, the better it will be for a solution to be found.

For what? All I was looking for was answer, and this was the quickest way to get it. I not trying to start shit, I am literally confused on what was happening.

Now that I got my answer...sort of...I now know.

But it is better to get this kind of info out before other people start posting on here as well, that way they can read on this thread, rather than make their own.


*Munch, Munch*

I'm not antagonizing anyone. I'm just enjoying the (quite ironic imo) shitstorm. It's quite entertaining, and I don't have to do anything. Well, back to watching Dexter. I'll check up on the chaos later.

*Munch, Munch, Walks away.*

As I have stated earlier the less attention we draw to this, the better it will be for a solution to be found.


Group Contributor

Unfortunately stuff like that happens on the Internet all the time. My advice is to stay out of it as long as you aren’t personally involved and wait until things calm down.

But of course. I suggest we issue a lockdown on this thread and give post pause until further notice.


(Last feeble attempt at humor referencing the franchise the cheerful gentleman in my avatar calls home. I have said my piece, and will now be silent)

Aren't we staying out of it? It not like we are going over there and talk about it in their threads (Or making it worse for the more evil-minded people of the site), we are talking about the repercussions and the confusion of what is happening over there.

Its not like I am demanding we go over and mess with them. Sooner or later someone was going to ask.

I just happen to be that guy.:pinkiehappy:


You've made your point. Stop spamming obnoxiously large red text.

yeah, it tend to attract attention, right Commando?

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


And damn it I was in the middle of a writing-jack.

what were you writing?


Well anyways, thanks for making this post to find answers, because I was in a very serious state of WTF, and I'm sure that eventually I would've made a thread asking the same thing.

So yeah, thanks :pinkiehappy:


Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


Gentleman for Mares. I've been hoping to get this chapter draft done. Now that things are calming down, I'mma continue my writing-jack. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish this today.

Forgive me for saying this, but you expect a solution to be found? That is a rather optimistic (if refreshing) thing of you to do.

Me, what I sense is an impending Schism, and as is their nature, schisms rarely end well.

But again, I at least have no intention of doing anything to aggravate things. I just want to reaffirm my somewhat friend status with Chatoyance so I can go back to talking Trek with her, asking for writing advice if she is so inclined to be willing to give it, and offer feedback on stuff I think up for my own TCB fic.

Darn, Beat Trixie to it. :derpytongue2:

I'm trying to remain optimistic but its hard. I just don't want shit to hit the fan again tonight and I don't see me getting to bed anytime soon.

So basically, people are no longer admin status and pitching a fit about it by creating a new group?

Its a long, long, long story but it did give you the tl;dr version of it that I think fills you in on what needs to be known.

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


Well, I don't know if my eyes are fooling me, but apparently, Chatoyance is the founder as she was in the group for 56 weeks. :rainbowhuh:

If that's true, then this was a long time plan. Probably when Fang/Cloud set up the peace brokerage?

I know the whole story but there is a reason that I'm not telling it, so I don't want people jumping to conclusions. This will run it's course.

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


*shrug* Doesn't matter I guess.

As long as she doesn't just continue her whole hate group tirade. I know she's your friend and all, but God that was getting old.

Frak. Write write.

Group Contributor

Absolutists gonna absolutist. That's all I'm going to say.

You know, until I read Redskin's site blog I didn't know anything was going on... "Over There".

I'm glad I don't follow those guys... it would be depressing. Maybe they should all get turned into ponies and they can all get along... unlike mean humans who can't be friendly unless someone has a 2x4 to "persuade" them. :trollestia:

Lock the thread down please.

Group Contributor

Not an admin. Can't do that.

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