Spitfire 1,118 members · 609 stories
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This has been something I've seen done to death in various stories but I was curious considering how Spitfire's character is taken differently by different people, would Spitfire make a good mother to you? If you're saying yes who do you think her partner would/should be?

2633380 Well, I always thought that Spitfire pictured her team as a sort of family. I don't see why she wouldn't be a good mother. She would probably soften her approach from how she treats the cadets, though. :duck:

2633380 Yes.
She should be with Rainbow Dash and they should adopt Scootaloo.

2633491 Write it. It's probably been done, but the internet needs more of it anyways. :rainbowkiss:

2633514 It has been done, but I'll write it anyways.

2633380 yes, but I see her as hesitant and unsure as well. Moreso with an adoption though, think that she'd be reluctant to remove her athletic body.

She'd probably be quite good, but, using evidence from the newest episode, she would try to help out her foal too much. In other words she'd be a helicopter parent.

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