Badass Twilight = Total Domination 4,275 members · 1,245 stories
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Why, in-show, aren't more people jealous of Twilight? If you think about it, it really doesn't make much sense. She pretty much literally had everything handed to her on a silver platter. She has tonnes of friends, a loving family, she lived the high life even before she became Celestia's student, and that's not even getting into what happens to her as the story progresses! But the only one to ever be jealous was Sunset, and that changed whiplash-inducingly fast. So, why?

Sunset's waste of everything was at Twilight because she was Celestia's student after her. If it had been anypony else, I doubt she would have gone after her.

As for why? Does it really matter? There probably were a bunch of butt hurt ponies, but Hasbro was smarter than to sink the show with it being a central plot point.


Wait a minute, I thought Sunset was Tia's student before Twilight was.

Considering how long it takes for ponies to notice she was an Alicorn, I doubt they’d notice something like that. Also Sunset didn’t really care about Twilight, she only cared about someone other then her getting the Element of Magic, and she only cared about the Element of Magic because it would give her the means to face Celestia and take over Equestria.

When did I ever say she wasn't?

Perhaps they realize that along with all those benefits comes near-weekly monster attacks.

"R-Really? You're jealous of me? But I'm nothing special..."

She's just too sweet and humble...this refers to pre-s8 Twilight, not the psycho Twibitch parody of the last two not-seasons.

This is something I've thought about before actually. I've got some ideas but I don't wanna talk about it just yet.

Is it gonna be in a blog post? I'd be interested in reading.

Actually I was thinking about using this for a story.

Consider me interested. Could you let me know when the story is out?

It already is. The plot point just hasn't come up yet. No Friend is the story I'm referring to.

Although its implied, that sunset only wanted to beat celestia, cause celestia replaced her with Twilight.
Celestia knew, that Nightmare moon was going to return (as she was probably the one to write the Prophecy book), and used her School to scout for potential main characters, to wield the element of magic.

at first she thought sunset was the one, but then Twilight appeared, with a cutiemark, that undeniably represented the tree of harmony, also she probably did Research on the rainbow Explosion that triggered twilights cutiemark, so she learned About rainbow, further Research showed, that 4 other ponies gained their cutiemarks also at the same time, one doesnt Need to be a Genius to figure that one out.

However, if those were the 6 Chosen ones, that meant that sunset wasnt one of them, and sunset didnt take that very well. the Portraits in the first movie implied, that sunset became more and more Evil as she lived in the human world, and the Memory Stone confirmes it. after she was reset to how she was when she first came to the human world, she wasnt Evil, just confused, desperate and alone.

And sunset wasnt the first one turned Evil being neglected by celestia, Luna also turned Evil, but not instantly. between celestia and Luna getting their cutiemarks and Nightmare moons entrance, there is a more than 100 years gap, where they ruled together. And if between dusk and dawn and a royal Problem are any indication…

Starlight glimmer and Trixie were also jealous of Twilight.
there was a subtle plot thread About that in Season 5. during the first two map missions, Twilight got left out, but refused to admit, that she was jealous. in s5e22 discord randomly decides to make Twilight even more jealous, by leaving her out of their Bonding experience, which leads to her Breaking down, and learning two Things: 1.: just because shes a princess, doesnt mean she has to be perfect. 2.: she should recognize jealousy before it gets too bad, instead of ignoring it.
In the very next Episode, Twilight finally gets called by the map, and its a Problem, thats been around for ages, and didnt require any Special character development, just twilights Freeze spell, from Season 4 Castle Mania and fluttershys ability to talk to animals, why did the map wait this Long to call Twilight? hmm…

In the finale of Season 5, Starlight puts Twilight in an unwinnable Situation, as Twilight doesnt just have to beat Starlight, she has to do it, without anyone in the past noticing. Normally Twilight never gives up on anything, like in rainbow rocks, where she tried to finish the counterspell, even when everything fell apart, "because she has to", but during the fight with Starlight, she admits "i cant beat you", which ties in with the not being perfect lesson from s5e22, and when they talk, Twilight realizes, that Starlight is jealous of her: sunburst left her, because she wasnt a magical prodigy worthy of being in celestias School (at least untill she learned her semblence of rageboosting), also when she was left behind, no one cared About her, and when the mane six take away her Village, once again noone cared, but when Twilight steps her toe, the entirety of spacetime collapses because twilights so Special. thats when Twilight realizes, that the key to solving this Problem is the second lesson from discord About jealousy, and tells Starlight, that shes important too.

also Trixie is jealous of twilights abilities, and Mary sue-ness.

The sonicrainboom happened after Sunset left, so Sunset didn't even know about Twilight until much later, and Sunset only left because Celesta refused to turn her into an Alicorn. She certainly wanted to beat Celesta, but that's only because she refused to give Sunset what she felt she 'rightfully' deserved. Twilight was just an obstacle to her, if she was directly angry at Twilight, she wouldn't have warned Twilight to stay out of her way, and she definitely wouldn't be as calm around Twilight as she was, Sunset would have been much more aggressive than she was in the movie. Also, of course she wasn't evil, baring Cozy, every bad filly is just a normal brat. Also, the show mainly focused on the Mane 6 and those either close to them, or opposing them. The rainboom was seen all over Equestria, it's highly possible that other ponies got their cutie marks at that time, but since those ponies aren't the main characters or connected to them in some way, we never learn about them.

We dont know exactly, WHEN sunset left, at least not from Canon material. we only know, that she BEGAN her studies not Long before Twilight.
Also in the main timeline, celestia knew the identities of the mane six before she sent Twilight there, but in the timelines, where the rainboom never happened, she apparently doesnt recruit them. Also sunset might not know About Twilight, regardless of when she left, as she probably only decided to seek Revenge after she went to the human world.
Also, i wouldnt blindly believe everything celestia says About sunsets or lunas Motivation. Not necessarily because she lies, she might actually not know About their motivations, due to the communication issues mentioned in a royal Problem. Based on their characters, its possible, that celestia told sunset, that she got a new protege, and set sunset off with that.

I understand how she would know about Rainbow and Twilight, but how would she have known about the others. And unless Celestia had said that Twilight was gonna become an Alicorn, why would Sunset be Jealous of Twilight at that time, Sunset already believed she was the best, and they were at similar levels assuming she was still around when Twilight became Celestia’s student. Also Twilight didn’t know about Sunset until Celestia told her about Sunset (she didn’t recognize Sunset when she pinned her to the ground), and with how Sunset used to act, I doubt Twilight would have forgotten about her. Also why do you keep bringing Luna up? I don’t mind, I’m just curious.

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