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TThe New King
After a tragic accident happens, Spike has to be the new ruler of Equestria
ShowShine · 13k words  ·  72  14 · 3.2k views

Should I rewrite this? It had a terrible buildup and too many characters. But I still see the potential in it


But I suggest posting it separately in case of others wanting to see the old version

I was planning on posting it separately. It'll have big changes, so there's no point on adding to the old version

Yes I loved the premise of this story

If you are gonna rewrite it then do you mind if I give you some pointers then?

I was thinking, for starters, Starswirl would be less of a jerk in the rewrite and have him be deeply saddened by the loss of the Royal Sisters as he saw them as the daughters he never had. Spike would later try to comfort the old unicorn over this.

And maybe have Discord not suddenly be all "I'm evil again!" and have him try to find way to turn the others back to normal.

Those are my thoughts so far.

I’ve been thinking of taking Starswirl out completely. He was only added in to be a jerk.

And since I’m changing what season this takes place in, Discord probably won’t have an appearance

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