Spike Fanfictions 2,965 members · 5,610 stories
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After seeing the new version of West Side Story, it got me thinking what if Spike joins a group of six dragon kids some about his age who don't have their wings, and some around Smolder's age. They'd also live close to Ponyville in different caves occupied by other dragon families who just want peace so long as others don't antagonize them.

Anyway, Spike having been tired of being left out of Twilight and the girls activities and everything feels he'll never be part of any group until he meets these six dragon kids and joins their own gang to have fun. While Twilight and the girls are glad Spike found other dragons to have fun with they still can't help but worry being in their gang may end up changing him for the worse.

Spike did have his own dragon gang in the G1 comics. He was the leader because he was oldest, and there was a seven of them counting Spike. They were all just Spike with different colors and some character cards that give out there personalities. Not that it matter as in the comics all seven of them acted the same. Fun fact all seven of them were earn by pony royals with Spike being owned by the pony queen, they were called the royal pet dragons and they were sold with the pony royal dolls who were their owners


I think i remember that idea. The story called "The Rise of Spike the Dragon (deleted)" uses this idea before.

Not a bad idea I think this could work.

Yeah, they need a name for the gang, like the bearers of the elements are "The Mane 6", they could be "The Scale 6".

you mean " The Scale 7".

reminds me of Huey, Dewey and Louie.

"I am Spike, and this is Mike, Tike, Fike, Bike, Sike and Krike."

Basely, but their names were firey, smokely, spiney, pickles, sparks, flash


Ya can't hang out with us
'Til ya make this rock glow
So heat it.

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