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As King Sombra is based on Sauron from Tolkien's legendarium, give him more parallels and similarities to the source material he is based upon. A lot of it coming from The Silmarillion

Him being a "fallen" alicorn instead of a unicorn similar to how Sauron was a fallen Maiar. His original wings and horn lost as a sort of punishment for his fall from grace. Like Sauron, he has a love/obsession/fixation for order and a hatred for chaos. Sauron wasn't evil just for the sake of it, he wanted to create an ordered world he views as perfect regardless of how ruthless this "order" he maintains is to the lesser beings under it as well as whatever feelings said lesser beings have towards this "order" of his. Also like Sauron, he was the servant of an even more greater dark lord, being Morgoth. For Sombra, he once served under Grogar who would be the reason he became corrupted and fell into darkness.

the Crystal empire would also be different. It being the pony world's version of Numenor and it's downfall would play out similarly to Sauron's corruption of Numenor. He becomes the adviser of Princess Amore and leads her and the empire into evil and darkness. Seeding their minds with expansionist tendencies, giving them incentives to attack Equestria, convincing the populace to worship Grogar and destroy the Crystal Heart, etc. the last one being similar to how Sauron led the Numenoreans to worship Morgoth and destroy the White Tree, Nimloth. This corruption eventually reaching it's climax when he orchestrates and overthrow of the Princess (involving pitting her and the Crystal Ponies against each other) and places himself upon the throne. After which Celestia and Luna launches their preemtive strike on the Crystal empire and makes it and Sombra disappear as a sort of parallel to Eru Iluvatar destroying Numenor.

When the empire does reappear the Crystal ponies' memories of being under Sombra's Cult of personality would be erase. However, if he does return to power and reclaims the empire, those memories will be restored and you get timelines such as the Sombraverse. His justification for Mind control as a tactic being out of his belief that free thought is a danger to his worldview as he believes it to breed chaos and conflict and ultimately destruction. Maybe even having the foresight of seeing Equestria's downfall between Generation 4 and 5.

As stated before, he wants to create a structured and ordered world he deems as perfect. where everyone is in their place and is what things should, are and will be. His views on Friendship and Harmony? woefully inefficient and fleeting. Seeing them as not enough and justifying conquering Equestria being that the ponies must understand his side of his master plan and must learn their place in his new order. This is the reason Sauron forged the One Ring and why it's "One ring to rule them all".

He would genuinely think he's doing good when in reality he is only brining about harm and suffering to others and not realizing it because of how the dark magic made him deeply delusional.


Dude, just WRITE A STORY and stop what-iffing people to death.

"Shit or get off the pot," as we say in America.


I hear if you want to write pure 100% Sauron fanfic, the LoTR fandom is always accepting new stories.

Also, I don't think MLP:FiM unicorns are really all that like Maiar.

There's a very popular LOTR fanfic where Sauron was actually a good guy and the LOTR as we know it was Gondor's propaganda. I believe it was called The Last Ringbearer.

I’m genuinely surprised there’s not a single mention of some sort of airship or armored vehicles in this relatively large amount of text. It’s an actual backstory to what may be the foundation for a synopsis.

Your threads are improving, but I’m afraid I’m not a fan of crossovers, and I really doubt the world of Faust and Tolkien would mesh well together. (With the exception of a comedy I read.)

Group Admin


This an interesting take, but if we're going to be true to the source material, it is way off. Morgoth, or Melkor, enlisted the help of Ungoliant to poison Illuin and Ormal out of jealousy. He hated the Light from the Two Trees, and his motives were selfish, not noble, as you're trying to make them out to be. It wasn't until the Second Age of Middle Earth that Nimloth, The White Tree of Númenor, was created as a gift to the Númenóreans, and that Tree was destroyed when Sauron persuaded King Ar-Pharazôn to chop it down.

Tolkien was a Roman Catholic and a veteran of The Great War, so his writings are filled with allegories from those experiences. His villains were villains; evil, corrupt, and without nuance, and his heroes were the opposite.

Neither Melkor nor Sauron's motives were, how did you put it:

...wasn't evil just for the sake of it, he wanted to create an ordered world he views as perfect regardless of how ruthless this "order" he maintains is to the lesser beings under it as well as whatever feelings said lesser beings have towards this "order" of his.

Yes. They were. Morgoth (Sindarin for "Dark Enemy") is analogous to Satan in that he tried to rise to the level of Eru's power and mimic his Creation but failed. Too proud to admit his failure, he then went on to corrupt as much of Middle Earth and, therefore, Eru's makings as he could.

Sauron was first named Mairon, "The Admirable," but he lost that name when he betrayed the Valar and secretly (at first) joined with Melkor. In his notes, Tolkien described the character as " ...Sauron came as near to a wholly evil will as was possible." So, there you have it from the man himself.

And while we're at it, Sombra wasn't trying to "create his own order" either. He was a tyrant, pure and simple. He loved power, and he loved ruling over others and making them suffer.

That's canon.

As per usual, your attempts to twist narratives to suit your own imagination have fallen short. This time, you made the mistake of using source material that long-time (45-years) fans of Tolkien (and My Little Pony!) can readily dismiss.

Sauron and King Sombra...let's see where do I start?

The Sombra King is an antagonist plane from the MLP G4 series, not much information is given about its origin and development. The animated series only provides us with the profile of a tyrannical dictator. The comics give more material, but unfortunately it is confusing and contradictory.

As mentioned:


Sauron's story is much more complex, as is the role he plays in the fantastic world created by Tolkien.

It would be very wrong for me to call Sauron a flat and predictable character. Quite the opposite. Taking into account his history, he is a narrative resource with a lot of potential at least until before the creation of the One Ring, where he definitively assumed the place left by his master Melkor in Middle-earth.

Was Sauron in the past someone noble and kind who was twisted by the circumstances he experienced?

Not really. Originally, 'Sauron' (his real name is unclear) was a 'spirit' (Maiar) in the service of Aule (Valar). Each spirit was neutral but had an affinity with an aspect of the world as a whole (art, music, the oceans, justice, etc.)

In Sauron's case this was power. And this affinity led him to approach the strongest of the Valar at that time Melkor (Morgoth) who corrupted him to his cause.

Sauron would devotedly serve Melkor (Morgoth) for a long time (really a long time) until finally his master Melkor was definitively defeated and disappeared from the history of Middle Earth.

This is where I want to make a big parenthesis.

Once Melkor (Morgoth), is defeated. Sauron himself was very dismayed by this event. So much so that it is said that he sincerely sought redemption. However, the fear he felt about Aule's trial, due to the crimes he had committed, led him to hide and move away from the light of the Valar again.

Between this event (the fall of Melkor) and the creation of the One Ring (the saga that we all know) there is a large space of time.

Personally, I think the Valar could have tried harder to seek out Sauron and influence him for good (or in any case contain him). Everyone knew the role Sauron had during the age of the Silmarrills, it was obvious that Melkor's shadow weighed too heavily on him, and sooner rather than later, he would end up becoming his own dark lord.

However, no such efforts were made, the most that could be done was to send the wizards (Gandalf, Saruman and company) to Middle Earth. But it was too late. And the single ring project was already underway and very advanced.

I think it is a very simple comparison. But if you want to make an epic fanfic of 9000 words per chapter, well... I wish you success. I could read it in its entirety if it is well done.

Georg #8 · 2 weeks ago · · ·

Did I mention that I love this fandom? Because I love this fandom.

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