I Hate Equestria Daily 641 members · 642 stories
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What the hell kind of fuckery is going on over at EQD?

They be [insult here], [insult here] like superior sites.

To laugh at guys who make groups like this I assume

Um, I think they care a lot about your guys input. I mean, nobody wants to be a dick, right?


Alexstrazsa gets a bad rap. EqD mods get a bad rap. Alex is actually a nice human being, he's got a soul and everything. I have had shit knocked back in the past from EqD and yeah, I've been butthurt too, but I genuinely feel like their complaints were well-placed, and it doesn't stop me from getting along with him just fine.

If you really want a 24-hour taskforce that is willing to scrounge through all the shit that you (and I) have ever submitted thinking it was god's own, then you're shit out of luck, friends. These guys are just here to stamp it yea or nay, and given exactly what kinds of shit will make front page on this website I really don't blame them not bothering to 100% read everything they're given.

And no, I'm not saying you guys dont have taste or anything. But hey, let's be real, they're humans, they have some serious standards, and we should respect that.


oh pls. alright, let's all remove our thumbs from our asses and be slightly MORE real for a sec. Like you wouldn't do exactly the same fucking thing for a friend. If NTSTSTST writes good fics on a consistent basis, is there really any reason that ones that aren't as 100% good should be locked in a chest beneath the ocean to await the pleasure of Davey Jones?

I mean fuck, I get it, you care about nepotism but you don't need to suddenly claim he's lost 'credibility', whatever that means. It could simply mean he's just being a nice guy who earnestly believes that it's decent and worthy of whatever he tags it because NTSTS doesn't suck complete donkey balls.


Author Interviewer

It's like people don't even remember Spiderses.



You opened the gates of hell now...

Author Interviewer


1326363 Dude, it had more downvotes than upvotes.

Comments were saying it sucked.

A fic with over 1,000 upvotes and 10 downvotes and tons of praise was rejected by EqD.

Sorry, but that's a credibility loss.

Do you want me to submit my story with 1100 likes and 20 dislikes to EqD? Because I can tell you what would happen. It would be surely rejected on the grounds of lack of quality.

I'm not trying to pour salt in the wound here, but maybe you need to accept that the shit that gets put on EqD tends to be worthy, and that FimFiction is not the best gauge for literary prowess. And there's also the fact that good authors will get their stuff posted, regardless of whether or not it's actually good, and unknown authors will have a hard time punching through the glass ceiling. So basically, it's exactly like everything in real life ever. Obviously, the key is to keep persisting and eventually you'll get there - again, just like real life - as opposed to having a good old fashioned whine on some forum somewhere.

And I don't wanna be all 'durrrhh, I'm a hipster and upvotes mean nothing', but you actually need to be mindful about this assumption that what you've written is actually good. Because it might not be. Like, I can be real about what I've written. I don't think that because one of my stories got a thousand likes, that it's a good story. In fact, I think it's an awful story. It could have been really popular for a lot of other reasons at the time of its posting, and overall, I really, really, really doubt it'd get onto EqD. I bet any given EqD moderator would agree with me.

There really is this discrepancy between what FimFiction thinks is quality (which, let's face it, is pretty trashy most of the time) and what EqD thinks is quality (which can also be trashy, but only once in a blue moon).

I'm not even devil's advocate right now.

1336182 It was just that one fic. Combined with the comments about Seth, Cereal, Calpain, and Phoe being gone, it looked like they decided to mess with people and feature a trollfic. NTSTS doesn't strike me as the type to write a winningverse fic at such low quality.

I'd figure it was a joke.

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