Sad 2,625 members · 4,385 stories
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Perhaps it's my moderately happy upbringing, or the fact I didn't have friends from 5th to 9th grade, but are sad stories just easier to write? I went through my Trashed Stories list, and 3/4 of them have the Sad/Tragedy tag on them. Any thoughts?

Trashed stories list?

Anyway... not really sure if that's right. I wouldn't say that sad stories are particularly easier to write than any other genre. I think some people think that something being darker emotionally automatically makes it srs bsns, but in terms of writing, I wouldn't really say that sad stories are easier to write than any other story attempting to evoke a single emotion.


I'd say that the only times writing is easier (and it's never truly easy) is either when it's fun, or when you can draw directly from life experience.

5092357 Stuff that resonates with you is the easiest to write. For some it's comedy, for some it's sad.


5092357 It depends largely on what comes naturally. I for one find comedy that isn't just dry wit and cursing to be massively out of my field of knowledge, whilst sad or darker material is what really gets the ink flowing. I think it has more to do with the way you write. Certain styles lend themselves to certain atmospheres and themes. I've had a good upbringing, and I can never say that I've truly been massively sad or depressed or emotionally hurt in any way, so why sad things appeal to me the way they do I don't know. Like I say, I think it's to do with writing style more than personal experience.

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