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so what did everyone think of the finale

It was an ending that the show deserved to have because it showed that even after every obstacle, every path, and every dream.............. Friendship............. Is ALWAYS magic.
Whelp....... See you all in G5............ NGD out.

I liked it
On the topic of Sparity though, while I'm glad Spike is now an adult in the end and Rarity still looks presentable, I wish they coulda done one last Sparity nod (like her hugging him or something)

Oh well.

With the upcoming Season 10 via comics, hopefully, they'll explore that topic. Of course we dunno whether or not it will take place in the future (with the adult Spike) or the past (with the show accurate Spike)

They could have work better for Spike's design tho...
But still, the ending it deserved

Despite Sparity not getting any love it deserved, I was very happy and surprised at seeing some relationships get confirmed. I always hoped Cheese and Pinkie would hook up, but Rainbow Dash and AJ AND Discord and Fluttershy?!? Never saw those coming.

Only thing that would have made it perfect was just a little something with Rarity and Spike, though her looking at his finally evolved buff state was about all it seems we'd get. Overall, I feel the same I did after "Dragon dropped" nothing has been confirmed or denied. Still, with her dapper grey look and Spike's grown form, kinda paves the way for this to happen.

I'm still 100% supporting Rarity and Spike together and I doubt I'll ever stop. I still feel they are the ideal couple/ship from the series and who knows? Comic season 10 may hold some hope. Not giving up either way though!

You guys never know... Rarity probably kept that robe on, even inside, for a reason. Maybe she is pregnant with a certain dragon's children and wanted to hide it...

Group Contributor

While we talking about Sparity, let's enjoy some awesome art by Pia.

yeah i posted a link to a tweet with that but thanks for the direct post

i hace a place in my hart

Fluttercord was the one I MOST expected...and AppleDash got more affectionate than them. I wanted a Fluttercordy kiss! :fluttercry:

It got more than Sparity did so take comfort knowing you got something. I'm not bitter. I was really into Fluttercord before I went to Discord and Celestia but I'm still pleased to see something was done.

That beautiful Spike and Rarity pic feels like the finale topper that would have just made everything perfect. I'd be jumping and screaming for joy if that happened, seriously, I would have done that as I have done that in the past when other ships I've seen clicked. But with the show over now, that pic has inspired me to possibly write a story about it.

This makes me feel a little better.

Thank you. :pinkiesad2:

It was okay, could’ve been a lot better but what we got was a decent enough ending.

Ending of the End:
- Great, climactic finale
- HATED the Grogar twist, but Discord's actions made sense given his character

The Last Problem:
- No issues with it. Many people don't like how young Twilight looks compared to her friends, but to me that doesn't mean that she'll outlive them.
- My boy Spike got jacked lol

I'm still laughing over Spike getting jacked. I'd love to see a season 10 comic episode about Spike working out.


the ending it deserved

but not the ending that we need

Group Contributor

What do you mean by that?

the hero we deserve but not the one we need

In my perspective, It was a nice ending. They gave Spike a nice development, now only if they gave him, his ultimate reward that he's been trying to achieve since the first episode. I feel like he was ready for the next stage of life.

I doubt that Rarity want at least date in the future. There are no more reason for them to not be together. And I saw how she was smiling at his abbs.

I think we can influence comics while they are still in production. Maybe if we get them to know that we want to see more of Spike's love life.

hopefully they go over this relationship, but i question if the comic will go over what happened before it got to last problem or continue after season 9? since the pic of the comic has all of them before there new development.

I think that comics will cover space between ep 25 and 26 first.

true facts. my bro spike needs this break through and he should be a chad

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