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Something caught my eye recently. I think we can all agree that Fluttercord is generally liked ship. It has an amazing fan content and wherever I go, I see positive reaction to it. But if this is so, my question remains: Why people are okay with Fluttercord, but often hate Sparity in the same time. I LOVE BOTH ships, but I couldn't help but notice an inconsistency. The same issues that people get mad about with Sparity (age gap and spiecies difference) are also present in Fluttercord. Now, I get it that they are both adults but Discord is thousands of years older than Futtershy. It is as if a girl in her 20s tried to date a man in his 90s. And again, I am not having a problem with Fluttercord, I love it. But why the hate on Sparity though? What is so different ? The fact that, for some weird reason, people can't accept an older girl being with a younger guy ? Or maybe the fact that Spike LOOKS small ? Please, share your thoughts and help with my dillema.

I like both actually :pinkiehappy:.

I actually really love Sparity. I believe it to be really cute, and I believe the two are meant for each other.

As for Fluttercord, I actually have an intense dislike towards it, which I posted in one of my blog posts. I believe Dislestia (Discord X Celestia) to be even better than the former.

Me too, I was just trying to think from the perspevtive of the people who don't like it.

Interesting, I am intrigued, it was quite a time since I saw a Dislestia shipper. Cool

I'm a big fan of Sparity. it's the reason i found this site in the first place. I like my flttercord aswell but my main will always be Sparity :)

I see the point you are trying to make tho & have had the same thoughts, there is so much that can be done with Spike(very underrated, if you ask me). I always like the stories where Spike ends up getting rarity, he works so hard in the background & gets nothing for it(though there have been some great episodes where we see him shine lol).

I think that most people forget he's only afew years younger than Twilight(tho i know we dont know any ages, I always like to think that twi is the oldest of the group). Spike is smart/hard working. I like to think that he has more skills/qualifications than anyone of his friends know about. Like he also graduated from school the same time twi did,(maybe like the first no-pony to ever do that) & has magic(can do more than send letters lol) can cook to highest level, great at music, management,writting & so on. sort of like twi is a prodigy at magic & Spike everything else, wich is why he can call himself number 1 assisitant, cuz he can do it all, could also bring in the fact that he grewup in the castle & having him be a prince(cel's son) but made it so no-one but twi,lun, cadencea & cel are the only ones that know so he can live a normal life with twilight lol.

& have it like him being super stong but holds back as not to scare anyone. The main reason he dosnt do anything with his gifts is cuz twi never needs him to, so he goes around just taking care of her, I like the idea of Spike being well known/liked by the ponies in canterlot.

wow went on abit there but i like the idea of his friends not knowing just how great he really is, then having them all find out, again spike is so underrated lol which is why i like to read the stories on this site.

These are just some thoughts/ideas ive had in past & are my own opinions/thoughts. not ment to upset anyone so if i have my bad :)

Because most people view it as pedophilia.

I don't agree with the viewpoint, but that's the reason.

The issue is ultimately Spike's nebulous age in the show.

At the start of the series he's literally called a baby dragon, although physically he is perhaps 6 to 10 years younger than Twilight. Nailing down ages in the show is difficult... Intentionally so.

This... Creates problems, to put it mildly. May -December relationships aren't all that uncommon, but both need to be of age for it not to be criminal.

With the Sparity ship, advancing the timeline, putting it past the show canon, removes this issue... Though makes it more bittersweet considering you add a few more years of Spike nursing his crush.

...of course, the dragon in the room is that we have no idea about how rapidly ponies in the show mature and age and Dragons are... Inconsistent. This leaves room for finagling and headcannons to sidestep the glaring problem, but it does add extra work for anyone trying to handle this ship.

I know about that, but I think that dragon aging is more complexed.

I agree, Spike is underrated, I am so sick of people on chats calling him "shitty" and so on. And I pity him because he seems to be abused and trearing as not deserving something because is not a pony. Spike is not the best character but I can relate to him in some situations and he would make a perfect boyfriend material for Rarity.

Also, never apologize for saying your opinion. It is yours, it matters and we will gladly hear it out😊

I agree 100% with "he would make a perfect boyfriend material for Rarity." :) & yeah its easy to relate to him in some situations, one of the reasons i like him hahaha. he is not "shitty" just under used, which is a shame, so much you can do with him, well thank god for sites like Fimfiction lol

Personally I am not a Fluttercord shipper. I ship Discopie, but yeah I agree regarding your points about people being idiots.

I feel like it's a combination of the fact that most people consider him a minor, yeah the 20 dating 90 example is weird, but it's important that it's not a minor, which then the creepy becomes insidious, and that a lot of people formulated their opinions in the early seasons, where Spike was straight up a bad character (even if I did like him then too)

Hence the "I don't agree with the viewpoint"

Spoiler warning for season 8
Though ya might know already
Spike got the dragon version of puberty and now has wings and looks like a purple people eater .
So is he now of age?
Was twilight at magic kindergarten or proper school? I’m a fan of the ship, but it can take on to much water to easily, until the devs patch it up.

"Was twilight at magic kindergarten or proper school?"

I think she was at kindergarten, also just done abit of looking & found this.

Although state laws require children to wait until they are at least 5 to enter kindergarten, individual schools can usually waive the requirement. meaning Twilight may of started when she was 4 not 5. though that is in human not pony hahaha

So if we go by that then Spike would be 4 years younger than Twilight, & as i said before i like to think Twilight is the oldest of the group. so you could say Rarity could be afew years younger than Twilight, maybe even the same age as Spike, who knows since we dont know the ages & not every pony gets their cutie mark at the same age. Thinking like this means that there should be no problems for spike & rarity to be together? what you think, make sense to anyone else? Just a thought i had.

Actually I seen people who called fluttercord pedophilla. But on why people hate sparity is because of age, size, and species. They think the mane six are about 30 years old ignoring that in most cartoon made for children, the characters are generally 10-17 years old. They tried to equate Spike's age to his size by erroneous comparing him to the cutie-mark crusaders. They view the cmc as 8-12 so to them Spike must be the same age which totally ignore that dragon and pony have different biology. They accepted as fact when Twilight Sparkle call Spike a baby dragon but totally ignore latter episode where she admit ponies do not know anything on dragon's biology. So all we know Spike could have his natural growth stunted because of his unnatural hatching, his no hoarding or his no eating meat.

Jim Miller on his twitter page put Spike at 10-12 in dragon year but 16-22 in pony year. Like the formula for dog to human conversion, 1 dog year x 7 aging rate = 7 human year. I did the same for dragon to pony conversion, 10 dragon year x 1.6 aging rate = 16 pony year or 12 dragon year x 1.84 = 22.08 pony year. But this doesn't including maturity, the rate of a creature going from a child to an adult. Depending on the breed, a dog can mature from a child to an adult in 12-15 months or up to two years while a human mature in 12-15 years.

So if Twilight Sparkle was 4-6 when she got her cutie-mark and if 10-12 years have pass between this event and the first episode, Spike could be 15-17 year old.

I can pull evidence from the show that prove Spike is older than he look. First is that he went to Canterlot on royal business meaning that he work for Celestia. In Equestria, royal business mean government business and you have to be sixteen to work for the government. The second is that all the dragons we saw participating in the Gaunlet of Fire were all teenagers which would include Spike. I doubt the dragons would let a baby or a child be Dragonlord. Third is that Hoity Toity listen to Spike and came to Ponyville to see Rarity's fashion show. I doubt a fashion mogul who listen to a kid.

Of course the real funny thing is that nobody who work on the show or any of the show's characters seem to have a problem with sparity especially since the writers keep writing about it. Another funny thought if Spike is a child than Rarity would be guilty of physical/sexual abuse of a child.

As a person who loves Sparity, I think the main problem people have is that it's been 8 years since the beginning of the show and we have got... nothing, absolutely nothing about this pairing other than hints. Fluttercord, otherwise, has many clues over the years (less than Sparity) and at this point, it's almost canon.

With only one remaining season, we don't have many chances now. Let's hope they get together or separated (to stop unpromised teases and hints).

I would challenge that and say that Sparity has had far more clues than Fluttercord. For starters, Discord has never said, shown or displayed any actually identified or verbalized romantic feelings towards Fluttershy, neither has she. Spike has made it clear his feelings are legit romantic affection and not friendship longings. Everything from his big gestures, the way he talks to her, his dreams, they are all in acknowledgement of his love for her. I never felt Discord has shown anything beyond friendship towards Fluttershy. And let's be honest, considering how this show typically handles romance its unlikely ANY couple will get officalized, some don't even get ANY hints.

I do find it grossly hypocritical that Discord is thousands years old between Fluttershy and Spike is barely that younger than Rarity and its viewed as pedophilia. Statistically, EVERYONE is underage to someone like Discord aside from Celestia, Luna or Starswirl or someone similar. I think the fact Spike and Rarity are STILL getting hints and lovey connections after all this time even into "Best Gift ever" shows it's more than a passing fancy or flirtation, it's more real than any other pairing in the show if you ask me

It about as real as Lyra and Bon Bon. And in Rarity's chapter book, the curious case of charity which is canon to the show, Rarity felt a pang of jealousy when she saw Charity Sweetmint flirting with Spike. Not mention she basically told Charity Sweetmint to back-off with "Let's get one thing straight. That's my Spikey-Wikey, capiche?"

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