Sparity 1,912 members · 1,024 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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It’s a story where Rarity was accidentally turned into a dragon while helping Twilight with some transformation spells and Spike looks for her when she ran (or in her case flew) away.

Have you checked the Transformation folder yet?

Can't see anything like that in the folder.

If anyone finds it, I'll be keen as to give that a read too.

Checked, wasn’t there.

Is this the story you're looking for? Love is blind by Forefront1. Rarity gets turned into a dragon by a transformation spell and is scared away from Ponyville causing Spike to look for her.

OK, well, my search had come up empty on FimFetch. However, as I returned to let you know the results, 6587499 posted their link, and it is now curated in what I hope are the correct folders.

Sorry, I forgot to tag you in my previous comment.

Hi all, i dont normally write here lol but thought it maybe ok to ask for help finding a spikexrarity story i red on this site not to long ago(if i wasnt ment to post here sorry)

i dont remember much, just something about spike saving rarity from a cave-in & right after from falling off a cliff, he changes/gets wings as he saves her, not a lot to go on i know but if any1 knows what story im on about let me know :) oh i think they end up together at the end :)

make a new post !

ok Thank you

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