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I'm writing a fic and I need a random totally bizarre ship for Smolder the dragon. So tell me what is the strangest ship you've ever seen involving her? Note, it can't be any of the Student Six, Spike, Ember or Gabby as they will be busy during the fic. I mean absolutely strange ship for the orange dragon.




what is the strangest ship you've ever seen involving her? Note, it can't be any of the Student Six, Spike, Ember or Gabby as they will be busy during the fic. I mean absolutely strange ship for the orange dragon.

Smolder and this spoon. His name is Gilbert

I think you ruled out every character that Smolder has ever been shipped with on this site except for the aforementioned Garble, at least as far as a quick search for Smolder with the Romance tag can find. So I can't give you an example I've seen.

If you want to do something vaguely plausible that hasn't been done before, I think Smolder paired with a Wonderbolt could be interesting - perhaps Spitfire. I also think Zephyr Breeze might be an okay option, as both have some insecurities that could be used as common ground. Then there's Autumn Blaze, who could work as someone who also comes from a culture where hiding emotions was seen as important.

If you want to do something that people probably wouldn't want to see, I'd try Smolder and Trenderhoof or Smolder and Iron Will. I don't think those would work out well, but it's your story.

And if you just want to just go off the rails with it, you can always pair Smolder with a diamond dog or breezy, because if you're goal is a crack ship, you can justify going all out with it.

No, no, no, you're right that is a strange ship to some people but maybe not for the reasons you think. Mostly because not too many fans actually know they are siblings. Otherwise, it would be just as strong as ships like TwilightXShining or AppleXMac. I frankly don't ship that way at all, but looking through even a small amount of the more adult stuff on this site shows incest isn't strange to this fandom.

In other words, some find it strange purely because they have no idea the characters are even connected let alone being siblings. If it was more well known the reverse of not shipping them would be found strange... as bad as incest shipping is, even I have to admit this fandom and especially this site stinks of it.

Clearly you aren't too common with crack shipping. They don't need to know each other, they don't need to talk to each other in canon, Heck, one of the biggest ships for Pinkie Pie involves a background stallion who was in one screenshot she was involved in, they weren't even looking at each other, even acknowledging each other's existence and to top it off, it was an episode about Gilda the griffin.

That's right for three full seasons before Cheese Sandwich ever showed up this was the closest we had to a straight "canon" ship for Pinkie Pie. And that's saying a lot. Complain all you want about CaramelXApplejack's nonexistence but at least those two share more than a single screenshot.

A spoon while funny wouldn't work with the story I'm planning out.

Has Smolder ever talked to any of the characters I mentioned in canon? I was just talking about the potential for chemistry between the characters, not that they ever were potentially shipped in the show.

The Orthros? Maybe a tree named Woody? Chancellor Neighsay?


Chancellor Neighsay?

I did actually consider him at one for comedic bizarreness but I have no idea how to work that one out without bashing him to make Smolder seem "better".

Maybe a tree named Woody

Also this might make a good rival for AppleXTree.


potential for chemistry between the characters, not that they ever were potentially shipped in the show.

Yes, but the whole idea of crack shipping is for the characters to have near or absolute nothing connecting them in show. Chemistry given by the show itself while useful in writing is secondary when considering crack ship because most of the work have to come from the writer themselves. Crack shipping shows whether or not a writer can make a ship even with nothing in the show backing them up at all.

I'd try Smolder and Trenderhoof or Smolder and Iron Will. I don't think those would work out well, but it's your story.

I never said I didn't like your choices. I'm just wanted to expand on the idea, show what the fandom has done with even the more bizarre ships. Truth be told, Iron Will is the biggest choice I'm leaning on right now thanks to you. The idea isn't seeing if it could work easily. The idea is seeing how much harder work the writer themselves will have to do to make it work.

Back to what I said on Pokey, he literally had a single screenshot with Pinkie Pie, yet the shipping was so strong that we have three of the biggest authors on this site creating massive AU that involve this ship.

Hmmmm, lesse

There's a few perhaps.

Smolder x Button Mash.
Smolder x Zecora
Smolder x Diamond Tiara
Smolder x Thorax
Smolder x (hit randomizer button on the wiki)

I recommend Smolder x Boulder just for the rhyme.

7610465 This is why I don't trust a randomizer.

Literally, the third ship the randomizer gave me. And before you ask, no, I couldn't custom either choice.

Okay, but I'm unsure how to work a crossover ship into the fic, even if it involve someone so funny.

Strange one... Smolder with Silver spoon and/or Diamond Tiara. HEAR me out.
so Smolder wants to be pretty wear dresses and drink tea... without being ridiculed or made fun of for liking something girly.
With former bullies, she could be taught not only how being raised differently from others, shouldn't affect how you treat others. Maybe even explain why even though they were bullies at first, that no pony would hate you or make fun of you in the long run, as long as you can change your ways for the better and be nicer or a better creature that you were welcomed by all.

Also I would love to see Smolder all huge in a makeshift dress and holding one of the fillies like a baby

I was thinking more along the lines of Maud's pet rock but that works too.

Lol well glad I could give you ideas also I believe Woody should be a pear or orange tree. Maybe at some point have AJ come in and say to Woody something bout his kind corrupting her student.

7610355 Smolder X Boulder and Smolder X Sombra

Applejack: How dare you bring a pear into this place?!

Smolder: But... you are a pear too?

Lol that would be good


I actually think that's a pretty good ship to crack.

Back to the topic, do you want some ships that actually have some foundations to build on, or completely heroined?

If the former, Smolder x Pharynx is a good one. Both are fierce, but Smolder secretly like cute things, and, well, reformed changelings look cute.
Smolder x Daring Do is another potential one, since Smolder thinks Rainbow is cool, and Daring Do is practically a Harrison Ford version of Dash.
Smolder x Marble Pie, well, since Marble's cute, and Smolder can help her with her shyness.

If the later, there're practically a ton. Smolder x Celestia or Luna, Smolder x Flash Sentry, Smolder x Donut Joe, Coco Pommel, Suri Polomare, Fleur de Lis, Snip/Snail, one of the Pillars, etc. Most crazy one I would say is Crackle, or better yet, the dragon suit of Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow that was thought to be Crackle's cousin :rainbowlaugh:.


Most crazy one I would say is Crackle, or better yet, the dragon suit of Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow that was thought to be Crackle's cousin

This could actually work in another story I'm writing. Something a bit more on the stupid side.

As for the other ships, they sound pretty funny.

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