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Alright everyone, my first ever official contest is now CLOSED!!!

Special thanks to everyone who participated in this contest with such unique stories based upon their own perspective.

Without further ado, let's announce the winners and their results.

Before we begin, although I said there would be an honorable mention; there aren't quite enough stories to properly decide who gets that honor. (To my knowledge, there are only 4 stories that have been entered in this contest. If there are any mistakes made about the number of entries, let me know as soon as you can, although that will not guarantee a result change.)

Anyway, moving straight ahead...

3rd Place: Breaking Your Limits: by Timeman202

Being both autistic and having dealt with suicidal thoughts myself made this story hit home pretty hard. Taking place in the Wonderbolt Academy alongside Rainbow-Dash, Spitfire and Soarin; new member Rob Snowden is inspired by the tragedy of his past, along with mental and physical challenges, to push himself further to test his limits to see what he can do.

Over time, he develops a fond friendship and romantic relationship with his idol; the legendary awesome Rainbow-Dash.

This story sets itself in motion as a good underdog story of someone who is more mentally challenged rising up past his known limits to test their boundaries. It's also a story that openly discourages bullying and warns of how traumatizing depression and suicidal thoughts or actions can be to those around you.

Unfortunately, a good premise does not always equal a winning story. This story felt like it borrowed its storytelling from Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy (telling the exact same type of story 3 or more times, with enough small changes to make it different). It also has no real character development proven because the author elected to go with shorter time-skips instead of fully fleshing out its development. (I know I said only 5,000 words; but there are ways to tell an awesome story while still taking time to show and not merely discuss a character's development)

Regardless; with more practice, research and learning how to be a more descriptive writer. Timeman202 is someone who has a lot of potential on this site if they're willing to put in the work.

2nd Place: Confession: by Bicyclette

This story features the reader during the final days before Princess Twilight becomes Ruler of Equestria. The author here does an amazing job explaining what life would be like for a typical human who had first visited this new world and how perspectives would change over time.

There's only one slight con that prevented it from getting the win, and that was actually the thing I was hoping the stories would stray away from.

The "you" rule. Even though this could be my fault for not explaining it in the rules well enough, the whole point of this contest was to explain the story from the author's perspective and yet still make it relatable to the reader.

There are simply way too many stories that make the reader the main character. I get that it's supposed to make the reader feel like a part of the story, but how about the author shares something from their own perspective in a way where the reader can still relate to and even feel captivated into the magic themselves.

If not for that one detail, this contest would have actually ended in a dead-heat tie.


1st Place: VR Equestria Girls (Diversion Program With Optimal Anomalies): by Mockingbirb

This story is a pleasant mix of reality and escape, the struggles of human life with the fictional world around them. This is a story of how imagination and fantasy can help enrichen the real world all around us.

Perfectly timed considering the possible real-world construction of a "Metaverse", this particular character is sent to a virtual-reality therapy program to help him learn more about how to better deal with people.

After being framed for something they didn't do, the main character and Sci-Twi work together to help improve our hero's life. But not only does Sci-Twi help improve the hero's job situation and legal standard, she helps him to open up about his fears of unrealized dreams and the abusive environment they were chastised into at their workplace.

This was a very close call for a winner. In fact, both this story and Bicyclette's put out amazing tales that are personally relatable that I would really want to see sequels to in an instant.

Bicyclette obviously has the advantages of being a classic story within canon, and shows the best character development out of all the stories entered. This author also best personified the relationship between writer and character, and did a phenomenal job explaining how that friendship blossomed and developed over time.


Mockingbirb proved that an MLP story doesn't even need to be too incredibly canon-based to be a memorable read. And the story's integration of one's trials from our world with healing from another world meshed together incredibly naturally. The story itself is shorter, but not rushed to the point where the impact of their friendship with Sci-Twi doesn't mean anything. In fact, with such an open "prequel" if you will; how natural a relationship the two seemed to have right on the spot leaves me panting for a sequel to this story as to how further this relationship will develop.

With my personal concerns about the Metaverse and how we as humans will abuse it (along with overtly avoiding our problems in the here and now of reality), it's vital to have a story returning to the roots of what social media and any form of technology is supposed to be for. Bettering our real lives, not replacing them.

Side notes aside: the final nail in the coffin was that, somehow, the author left no mention of who exactly the main character was... and yet executed that writing with such mastery that the identity of its main character (up to the point of the end of the story) is absolutely irrelevant. Initially, through my first read, I was concerned that the lack of identity would make it lost and shrouded. That since I couldn't put a name, any name, to this character; it would leave me lost.

Without that sense of identity, I couldn't tell whether or not it was through their lenses or through someone else's. In short, the story's only con was that I couldn't tell is if it were the writer's own personal story about how MLP changed their life; or just a well-written story for a contest they hoped to win.

Except, thanks to such brilliant execution, vivid imagery, relevant topics and evenly-meshed ideals and worlds; it virtually had the opposite effect. (No pun intended) Instead of feeling lost, I just read and was transported away. I didn't need to see a "I did" or "Cal discovered..." or "Y/N sang..." because it, literally could have been anyone. (Even though I am trusting that the author indeed write this from their own personal experiences).

Looks like the Mockingbirb was chirping up a win.

The winner is... Mockingbirb.

But again, thank you all so very much for entering this competition. It really means so much to not only be able to share my passion for this franchise here; but also see what truly inspires them as well.

For those of you who missed the deadline, my condolences. I will read your stories, but the contest is (unfortunately) officially closed.

Winners, please DM me your Paypal/Venmo/CashApp information so that you can all receive your prize and I will get that all to you when I possibly can.

Thank you so much, and as always...



Group Admin


thank you for the kind words and the honor of a prize! despite the second-person format, i did intend my story to represent a perspective that is very specific to me, though the final product ended up with fewer details to make that intention as clear as i had hoped,

in any case, this was really fun to write for, and a great excuse to dip my toes back in to HiE stuff, so thank you! congratulations to mockingbirb, and thanks to all of those who have participated!

You're very welcome.

Your story was a very fun read. I'm really looking forward to seeing if this story's gonna gain more wings or not as well.

I figured the "from your perspective" thing was what you were going for, but I just couldn't figure that out with all the second person stuff.

It really is an amazing story, and I can see your perspective from it now.

Thank you so much for entering, I will try to send you your prize by the end of the week.


Group Admin

aww, thank you! this actually isn't my first foray into writing HIE from my perspective, so if you want to read more of the same you can read my earlier works which are written in third-person with a character name and everything. it's funny, since HiE was actually the type of story i came to this site specifically to read, and i was disappointed that i could find pretty much nothing that is #relatable to me, which meant that i had to write my own. the story you read is actually sort of set in the "future" of the following stories, with the same character being addressed as "You".

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