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Whenever it comes to movies I try to be impartial and with the latest Mufasa movie I explained why these movies are popular. I am fine when people say that they do not like the movie and I only stepped in when there is was false statement about these movies and it feels that most on here would rather be spoon feed with only the information they want to hear. To me that is very frustrating. I think you can hate a movie and acknowledge that those types of movies are popular. On a side note someone called me a narcissist in another group all because I said that I was not sorry for disliking a video they made. It was not even aimed at the OP who posted it. I only said it once someone complained that I put a dislike on the video. I feel that people are sensitive over dislikes for the wrong reasons. I also feel like some have selective memory because there is always this cycle of hate for Disney movies online. I told one guy that this was the most I could find on internet drama regarding modern Disney movies. I even said most came from memory and I didn’t say this to him but I also feel that the media doesn’t care much about internet drama.

Group Admin

Sorry to hear that happened to you. :ajsleepy:

Yeah, I remember one writing group on this sight that had a poster who was a serious piece of work: always liked touting their opinion like it was the only one worth having, and then cussed out anyone who didn't agree fully.

In regards to the Mufasa movie, I'm a little wary of it, since it reminds me of the Lion King remake, which I will admit wasn't awful, but I personally don't feel is as good as the original. Which is already a tough enough act to follow, since the original Lion King was one of my favorite childhood films growing up, so it's got that nostalgia filter that can be really hard to bypass.

Either way, I'm sorry that people are just trying to dismiss it as not worth watching right out the gate. Because while I did say that I was wary, I am also curious, since Mufasa and Scar (or Taka, as he was originally called) do have an intriguing backstory, and I'd be curious to see how it was adapted to film.

That is a fair point I myself am not a fan of these movies either but I am willing to acknowledge that they are popular. As for the other thing I think I might know who you are talking about. It seems like with this person no matter how many evidence tossed at them they do not care. Does this person call you a studio shill by any chance? Somehow the Mufasa convo changed to why Magnifico was the hero. Apparently this one guy said that the Publix deserves to be executed because they were obsessed with wishes. First off not true and I have a problem that this user said that.

I do wish the Mufasa movie was animated, but I'm still curious about it and might see it.

As for those that are already hating on it, I just hope they don't form some big hatedom for something they know next to nothing about, or at least just assume it's bad, say something to get it out of their system, and move on. Fans of this show and games like "The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker" should know not to judge something based on how it looks because it might not be so bad or even be good. Maybe, if it looks exceptionally bad or weird if the show or movie is still early enough in development and could spark someone higher up to change it; it happened and got Sonic to look a lot better than how he was originally going to look in the first Sonic movie. But even that line of thinking could get fans' heads too big for their own good.

As they say never judge a book by its’ cover and yeah that Sonic from the original design was a bit off putting but I never went out of my to say the movie would be the worst thing ever. I said my opinion and then held my peace. I may hated the design but I also wanted to see the move anyway because well it was Sonic. As for forming a hatedom sure the movie, I think it is already too late for that. This happens with every Disney movie.

Group Admin


That is a fair point I myself am not a fan of these movies either but I am willing to acknowledge that they are popular.

Exactly; there will be people that will want to see it, and I respect that. I'm just not sure if I want to join them or not since I don't know if I personally will like it as much as they do.

As for the other thing I think I might know who you are talking about. It seems like with this person no matter how many evidence tossed at them they do not care. Does this person call you a studio shill by any chance?

I think so; it was hard to tell as I lost interest after the fifth f-bomb and just stopped reading.

Worst part was that whoever they were, they were friends with the admins, so when I tried to report them for abusive language, the admins pretty much just shrugged and said, 'people will be abrasive.'

I just really hope whoever they are, they don't find this forum, as I've really enjoyed it here, but I will definitely leave if they join this forum. I'm not here to pick fights and start flame wars; I just want to share content that I love with people who have similar interests. :twilightsmile:

Somehow the Mufasa convo changed to why Magnifico was the hero. Apparently this one guy said that the Publix deserves to be executed because they were obsessed with wishes. First off not true and I have a problem that this user said that.

:pinkiegasp: He said that the publix deserves to be executed for being interested in wishes? Not like... the actual public, as in the viewing audience, right? Because that's really not okay. :twilightoops: Real or fictional, wishing death on someone for something as small as liking wishes or a film is way too overblown.

I meant public it was a typo sorry and I agree real or not it should not be warranted and I am sorry it happened to you. It was the public in the movie Wish that we were talking about to avoid confusion. He basically said that the king in the movie was justified in doing it. As for the other thing, I think it was different guys. Different story but I also once said that Ubisoft was not corrupt for wanted to discontinue a game online. I tried explaining that most modern gaming requires the internet but the group wouldn’t have it. One of them was also an admin.

Group Admin


He basically said that the king in the movie was justified in doing it.

Yep. Not sure if it's the same guy, but the one I'm thinking of similarly got involved when the topic of Depp vs. Heard came up, and pretty much insisted that Amber Heard was in the right and that anyone who disagreed was a misogynist.

And again, it's okay to have an opinion on the matter, but insulting everyone who doesn't agree isn't the way to discuss it.

I tried explaining that most modern gaming requires the internet but the group wouldn’t have it. One of them was also an admin.

Yep, and if an admin's not going to hear it, then there's no much you can do, since they pretty much control the page.

For what it's worth, a lot of stuff requires the Internet nowadays. I have friends and family who pretty much work exclusively online, so if the power or Internet dies on them, it's not going to be easy for them to adjust :fluttershyouch: Modern Gaming would definitely not be exempt from that.

I am sorry it happened to you

Thanks. All just part of living through life's crazy moments, I guess. :derpytongue2:


I just really hope whoever they are, they don't find this forum, as I've really enjoyed it here, but I will definitely leave if they join this forum. I'm not here to pick fights and start flame wars; I just want to share content that I love with people who have similar interests. :twilightsmile:

Here's hoping too King, I'm really enjoying sharing content with you and would be quite said if you left because of this person.

Group Admin


Here's hoping too King, I'm really enjoying sharing content with you and would be quite said if you left because of this person.

Thanks buddy. :twilightsmile:

Part of me has pondered about whether or not I should make my own group just for sharing OCs and invite you, Ragnarok17, Auramastermg, the Kelduo and anyone else to continue our OCs adventures together. But for now, I don't think that's necessary, since we still got the Friendship is Awesome Forum. :pinkiehappy:

In all fairness, all of our characters have basically taken over the group. 9 outta 10 forums seem to be OC related in some way (and 99.999% of those seem to be yours, Ragnarok's, Aura's, Chill's, and Kelduo's characters). Maybe it is time they get their own group.


Part of me has pondered about whether or not I should make my own group just for sharing OCs and invite you, Ragnarok17, Auramastermg, the Kelduo and anyone else to continue our OCs adventures together. But for now, I don't think that's necessary, since we still got the Friendship is Awesome Forum. :pinkiehappy:

True, and that does give us a fallback option should we need it. 👍

Group Admin

So, you think I should try and make this OC only group?

Group Admin

Maybe. I'd like to run it by Ragnarok, Aura, Chill, Kelduo and the rest first though.

Group Admin

Thanks. Just read it, and I appreciate your feedback. :pinkiehappy:

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