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We all loves to play video games but is there's one particular video game that not only you consider to be the worst game ever but the one you never, ever want to play again?

The one game that you hate so much that you ends up rage quit because how awful the game was.

Either the game have annoying music, bad control, awful graphic, messy story or a lot of glitch.

Remember, this is about the game that you personally hates so much that you vowed to never play that game again.

So what is your worst game that you ever play?

TMNT Mutants in Manhattan. Very boring, very generic beat 'em up with a story that was not engaging and not very challenging IMHO. I returned it shortly after I beat it once, which only took about four hours overall (I spent some time looking for secrets and Easter eggs).

I think that might have been The Witness. Or maybe Quest 64?

Then again, that's mostly because The Witness was extremely boring to me and had far too much brainpower required, and Quest 64 had an ARTOCIOUS advancement system.

That said, there's one game that after I beat it, I thought: "Okay, that was kind of fun?... but I never want to play this again."

That was Tornado Outbreak. It was close to being an excellent game... if every single time limit (outside of the tutorial levels) wasn't about 15 seconds too short. Every. Single. Freakin'. One. On EASY mode.

I enjoyed it tp an extent... but I will never play that again.

Group Admin

Ninjabread Man for the Wii.

Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe.

I kinda played The Terminator for NES as a joke after watching AVGN's review on it, but not sure if that counts.

I did not have fun with The Last of Us so I'm tempted to say it despite its popularity.

But I might say Paper Mario: Sticker Star, which I even requested AVGN to review.

  • You have no partners or traditional levelups
  • You have no "free" attacks like you do in the first two games (and technically the third but it's a sidescroller), you need stickers to do ANY attack and if you run out you have to run from battle and get some more. Any RPG should be, regular attacks at no cost, stronger attacks at a magic/FP/item stock cost. You don't just cut out normal attacks like that.
  • You constantly have to backtrack from dungeons all the way to the starting area to pick up stuff to get through the dungeons. Backtracking in Shy Guy's Toybox was fine, and in Twilight Trail it was annoying but manageable. This was going too far.
  • Bowser, who is main villain, doesn't speak, unlike in the first game. (And, really, all the others, but he was last main villain in the first Paper Mario) This game was the first Paper Mario released after his apparent redemption in Super Paper Mario (while he was in it for his own reasons most of the time, he really seemed to reform during the last O'Chunks fight when he nearly sacrificed himself, and after Dimentio is defeated and all worlds saved, in the post-game all four heroes including Bowser return to Flipside after a long time back in the Mushroom Kingdom). At least Color Splash didn't have him doing anything evil when he wasn't corrupted by black paint that he mixed due to lack of a warning sign, and in Origami King is he on Mario's side again.
  • There is a miniboss in Chapter 1 that I think requires you to use coins or something to trigger a way of defeating it, making me fearful that there are more enemies like that where you might not have enough. This was the point where I quit and never stuck that thing in my 3DS again. I'd gladly donate it to James.

For me, it is beyond any doubt Command and Conquer 4 Tiberium Twilight (which I'll referrer to as TT) . Usually I'm not one to listen to the critics and prefer to experience things myself, so I gave the game a try just to see for myself if it was as bad as they said.

It was and worse, now there were a few parts I did like; the music was good and the units were fairly cool (though I do agree that the voices and the designs could have been better) and the idea behind the Crawlers was something new but sadly those are outweighed by the following which are my personal beefs with the game;

First: The fact that the game needed you to log-in. Now usually it's just making new profiles which are no sweat and used to save progress across different players. In TT you had to set up an entire account as for some really bucked-up reason they make the game online when it didn't need to be.

Second: They removed base-building, which had been in the series since the start. I get they were trying something different, but they could have kept base-building and brought the Crawlers in as a Mobile option like say to set-up outposts or attack from different angles. That's what I would have done.

Third: The game required a constant internet connection JUST. TO. EVEN, WORK!!! This, right here, was my biggest issue with the game as at the time I didn't exactly have the best internet, so it would randomly lose connection with the results being listed below.

Fourth: The fact you had to unlock the units. Now I have seen a similar thing in Company of Heroes which is one of my favorite RTS games, where you could unlock units, but in that case these were just different units like the Hellcat Tank Destroyer taking place of the M10 Wolverine. These reward units allowed you to mix-and-match your play style but you still had the standard roster of units, all you had to do was build your base and research to unlock them. In TT... :facehoof: you literally had to unlock every unit past the base one ones you start with through xp.

Now this wouldn't have been too much of an issue, but remember the need for a constant internet connection? Well if you were in a match and your internet connection cut out you would lose all progress you made during that match, making it a waste of time. I cannot tell you how many times this happened to me or how many times I raging.

Also, while you only had the base units the AI had THE ENTIRE ROSTER from the get-go, meaning that you could get steamrolled by the AI real fast on harder difficulties.

That, plus needing the constant internet connection meant that if my net was bad I couldn't even log on, so after I'd say a month I finally lost my practice with the game and just uninstalled it, put it on my shelf and have never even touched it since then.

And that's only my biggest issues, there are others but if I go deeper I'm gonna start ranting.

Tiberium Wars was a far better game.

Now as a future game developer I have played many different games, some good, some bad and some that were just plain awful.

I've played bad games like Paper Mario: Sticker Star, Sonic 06, and even Metroid Other M. But even then I didn't return the games and demanded a refund and I stuck through it and played through them all.

But there was one game, one that I disliked the most that I actually returned it. And it was Skylanders for the 3DS.

I originally got the game since I played through all of Skylanders on the Wii and fell in love with it and wanted to try the 3DS version, that was a big mistake. You would think that they would be the same but no, they are drastically different in both story and gameplay.

One thing that immediately noticed was that you could only use two characters, and if those characters were defeated, that was it. The other versions let you use as many character figures as you wanted until they were all defeated, and you could swap them out whenever you wished, weather it was for exploration or to train a certain character. But in the 3DS you are stuck with two for the whole level. And then there's was what really made me hate the game, it was that you were timed. For some reason, a developer thought they should make levels with exploration and secrets, also timed! And if you ran out of time, instant Game Over and back to the beginning with you.

I mean, the whole point of an exploration level is to well... explore at your own pace. So when I found out that the game basically punishes you for take your time, I flipped my lid.

Now if the level was timed on a run after completing the level then it would be okay, but to implement the time limit right off the bat? What were they thinking?!

Luckily they learned from their mistakes and ditched making the same mistakes in the other installments, but that game had engraved itself in my brain as the worst I've ever played.

I was going to end it there but I just remembered one particular game that actually made me lose my love for a franchise. Rambo the Video Game.

I was already in love with action movies since my Grandfather was a movie buff and I've watched all the old action movies with Rambo being my favorite. So when I heard that it was getting a video game in 2014, I pre ordered it and hopped in with a smile on my face. Only to be disappointed and stopped 1 hour into it. It felt like a parody of the franchise combined with buggy controls, bad first shotting, and a watered down version of 'First Blood'. Now whenever I think of Rambo, all I see is the video game.

(NOTE: When Mortal Kombat 11 announced him as a DLC fighter, I actually did have a PTSD flashback to the video game. No joke.)

But this lead me to see other games in a new light, even the first three I mentioned above. Cause when you've played the worst, you start to see the good in other bad games. They are still bad games, but it made me appreciate just what the games did have rather then what they didn't.

Group Admin

For me, it's gotta be Telltale Games The Walking Dead: Final Frontier (aka Season 3)

Normally, I like Telltale Games, and I loved their Walking Dead series. But this was the absolute low-point of the series for me, which I think is why I hate it all the more, since it's such a disappointment when compared to it's predecessors and even it's successor (The Walking Dead: the Final Season, which, as mentioned, was leagues better than Final Frontier)

It wasn't bad enough that they relegated Clementine (best girl :twilightsmile:) to being a side character. It was already a struggle to go through a story where every choice resulted in my player character getting yelled at or blamed for every single thing to go wrong - even when the situation was out of his control. And it wasn't already a completely asinine move for the game to spend most of it's runtime building the titular Final Frontier up as a group of evil survivors that caused countless innocent deaths, only for the final episode to turn it around and try to portray them as pitiable victims that we need to save now because we committed the 'horrible crime' of fighting back against them and causing walkers to overrun their home.

But the thing about this game that makes my blood boil every time I even think about it was the relationship between player character Javier Garcia and his brother David Garcia.

Because David Garcia will forever be my most hated character in pretty much all of media. He's an abusive, toxic, controlling @$$hole, and worse still, the game pretty much forces you to sympathize with him.

This waste of life stole Clementine's adopted son from her, and is constantly giving our player character Javi grief even though Javi's been taking care of David's family since the apocalypse started - a family that David already wanted to abandon before the dead started walking again - and yet you're constantly being told about how you have to be nice to him because 'he's your brother' and 'family's important' and all that.

And I get it, family is important, and that's a major theme in Telltale's Walking Dead games. But David is just such an arrogant, self-righteous scumbag that every time the game tries to guilt-trip me for not agreeing with him or hating his actions, it only creates a bigger and bigger divide between what the game wants me to feel and how I actually feel.

Needless to say, every time I go back through Telltale's Walking Dead series, I will always skip this season.

I won't deny that there are some good elements in it: Javier is played expertly by Jeff Schine (which some of you might know as the voice of Carlos Oliviera in the remake of Resident Evil 3), and it had Brandon Keener (the voice of Garrus Vakarian in Mass Effect) playing as comic series fan-favorite Paul "Jesus" Monroe.

Unfortunately, good voice actors and some interesting ideas are just not enough to save this game for me. Not as long as it has David Garcia in it.

Group Admin

Yeah, I would be annoyed if the game put timed for exploration selection, especially if it was game's selling point.

So when I heard that it was getting a video game in 2014, I pre ordered it and hopped in with a smile on my face. Only to be disappointed and stopped 1 hour into it. It felt like a parody of the franchise combined with buggy controls, bad first shotting, and a watered down version of 'First Blood'. Now whenever I think of Rambo, all I see is the video game.

Oh yeah. :fluttershbad: Angry Joe reviewed that game.

Well, I hope this help you to be prepared as future game developer... and I had a feeling you won't have exploration level on timed for your game.

Thank for sharing your thought, Aura. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Yikes! :twilightoops: I can see why you considered Final Frontier to be non-canon.

It's for the best to ignore that season.

Though, I know that game suck ball but it does help you to not make same mistake when you are writing your books.

Like you want everyone to sympathetically with Winter despite her bigot attitude toward non-humans, give the readers a reason why they should feel bad for Winter and why she isn't your cookie cutting bigot? It's hard to sympathize with the bigot if done not correctly.

I hope my advice help you with that.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


I know that game suck ball but it does help you to not make same mistake when you are writing your books.

Absolutely. If there's one good thing I can say about David, it's that he taught me to always give my characters depth.

Like, personally, I always felt that David only had one card he was allowed to play: hate his brother Javi. They tried to give him some other traits - like him being a soldier or having marital troubles - but it felt to me like they all kept swinging back to him always having a problem with whatever Javier was doing.

He gets into a fight with his wife early on; he suddenly swings it right back to it somehow being Javier's fault, even though I didn't have Javier say anything or take part in the argument.

He's feeling inadequate and I decide to have Javier try to cheer him up; he still gets pissy and throws a tantrum.

Clementine (Best Girl) literally has a gun at David's head, confronting him about taking her adopted son? David's ignoring her and glaring at Javi.

And of course, a game that always advertises its choices won't give me the option to kick his teeth in and demand he acknowledge what he did to Clementine. :facehoof:

As a result, I want to make sure my characters have a little more going on.

For example, you mentioned Winters, and I have an idea to make her a little more interesting outside of just being a bigot:

There was a character in the first Of Scales and Fur book - Dr. Jericho - who Winters worked with. Jericho was a demi-wolf sympathizer and quickly befriended Shiva despite Winters having reservations, but then Jericho's kindness led to her getting attacked by Myst, who was still in her delusional phase and thought Jericho was tricking or gaslighting Shiva. While I left Jericho's fate ambiguous with Connors implying she was still alive at the book's end, I'm wondering if I should have it be revealed in the sixth book that Jericho died offscreen and that Winter feels guilty about it since she had been there when Myst attacked Jericho and feels she could've done something or that she should've died in Jericho's place, leading to a small arc where she feels haunted by letting Jericho die and comes to terms with the fact that even dead, Jericho wouldn't have wanted her hating the wolves she had risked her life to help.

I hope my advice help you with that.

My friend, it always helps. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. :twilightsmile:

Always happy to share. :pinkiehappy:

Paper Mario: Sticker Star.

mine was agony on the ps4 it looked good the graphics good but the story and gameplay was just a headache on its own and not making much sense

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