Free Speech Group 72 members · 71 stories
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Group Admin

The reason (and in ancient Roman terms) they are hiding their dislikes is so that the dirty plebeian lower classes are angry at the Patricians and Noble classes. How dare those filthy plebeians voice their descent.

Not this 'protect the little guy garbage'. No, they just want to make a dumb hottake, and not get called out for it. Unless you are a dirty rebellious plebeian, then maybe you will get dislikes.

So far I only saw Anthony Brian Logan talking about it on YouTube.

Yeah I just saw this. This is without a doubt to protect the "news" that gets ratioed into oblivion and disables their comments

Group Admin

And also Joe Biden is downvoted to hell in nearly every video. So, that's something.

Group Admin

It's official. YouTube's gone corpo.

Then again, it's been corpo for a while.

It was the one reason I opened "news" videos, was to see that beautiful like to dislike ratio, that hopeful sight. I hope this gives YT a reckoning

Group Admin

It's CorpTube.

They even censoring, and demonetizing leftists like TJ Kirk (the Amazing Atheist) as well. So, it's not just the right.

Group Admin


It's CorpTube.

That's what I'm gonna call it now. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

We can only hope YouTube alternatives rise and crush them.

Yeah, that's their name now. It should be that.

It looks like some major feathers has been rustled.

7598843 Sadly it has been, Youtube being bought out by Google is the worst thing to ever happen to it. I miss the old Youtube of the mid 2000's.

Group Admin

Same here.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7598835 I should be glad because I have twice as many dislikes than likes on my video. Yet I'm not happy about the change.

Sometimes CorpTube doesn't protect me from the videos I've already seen. But I can recognize it if I put a like or dislike on it, so I try to either upvote or downvote every video I see. If the video said to upvote it or if it wants me to subscribe, I always downvote the video because that just wastes my time and I hate Youtubers who do that. Mostly every other video, I upvote.

But now, I'll have to upvote even the videos that tell me to upvote them even though I'd rather downvote them. I hate CorpTube for forcing me to upvote videos.

They are doing this to protect themselves from anyone with a social media account, have a 1/4 of a brain, and mega Karens. If this continues they will burn themselves in a hole that they can't get out of.

hey, here's something I'm thinking of doing for a template. Just commenting "Upvote this comment if you disliked the video." Let's see if we can get this going.


We can only hope YouTube alternatives rise and crush them.

I've been looking at alternatives for years, and every alternative makes the same mistake. They try and deliver flashy stuff that is slow and barely works, instead of extremely simplistic HTML that is blindingly fast and always work, no matter how old your browser/phone is.

The competitors make it hard to scrape messages (tweets etc) and next to impossible to download videos, so youtube are always preferred because you can do that easily. And ease of use will always win, all the time. Always!

So there will be no competitor until that changes. Perhaps if more people told them about it, they would realize customers > consultants?

Group Admin

Yeah, they want sheep that do what they are told. Not critical thinkers.

Maybe the only way the plebs may be able to get their voices heard then.

Maybe some time down the road. But I am hopeful for alt tech.

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