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A Man Undercover
Group Admin

Over the years, I’ve often noted that a great many have theorized or concluded that Grogar was Discord’s creator. In large part because of the latter posing as him in Season 9.

However, I personally fail to see the connection between the two of them, and I can’t see how Grogar could possibly be Discord’s creator either.

How can Grogar possibly be Discord’s creator?

Better yet, can anybody explain to me how that idea is logical? Or sensical for Discord and his character?

Grogar is called the Father of Monsters in the show. That title must have come from him creating something (or rather multiple somethings). Though personally speaking I don’t connect the two either.

Well... Sombra did say Grogar is the Father of Monsters and in Tartarus when Twilight use the magic from the monsters to escape, they all reverted into 2 or 3 animals. So it is Possible that Discord was created with different animals and Chaos Magic by Grogar. Also I have a theory about Grogar, if he is destroyed, then all monsters created by him are turned back to normal and if Discord was created by Grogar, Discord would cease to exist and not even Friendship can bring him back. Reason, Friendship is not chaos and not one of them are an expert on Chaos magic nor dark magic. They would risk the end of Discord's life for Harmony and friendship. I know that's dark but it makes sense and their magic of friendship will prevent them from accessing Chaos and Dark Magic to bring Discord back.

I disagree with the idea of Grogar having created Discord. Aside from preferring the idea that Discord has his own distinct origins, I don't think Grogar would create something that could potentially be a threat to him.

Now, Grogar being behind the creation of creatures like Cerberus? That I can get behind.

Honestly going of a mix of the original Grogar and how FiM spun things, Grogar probably is the sole survivor of his empire/people.

And with the generally necromantic bent it's more likely Grogar was a less monstrous Shou Tucker and used his magic to create the many hybrids/nonstandard creatures that cohabitate the world over hundreds of years while using his power over life and death to keep himself alive.

Discord is by cannon his own thing, but Grogar may have come to a fight fire with fire solution to Discord breaking entire nations.

Whether or not Grogar would've set out with good intentions and become a bitter, venom filled survivor who sees his creations as tools as many have ascribed is up to debate.

I feel Grogar and Discord are linked, but as opposing forces since og Grogar wants his empire-his world-back at all cost.

Discord would obstruct that purely because he'd find it funny, thus.

As others said, creating monsters is what the G4 Grogar is famed for. Many of the more threatening creatures seen throughout the show (Windigos, Cockatrices, Timberwolves) are implied to have been his doing. Grogar toying with chaos magic to make Discord his magnum opus and getting screwed over by it somehow isn’t an uncommon trope. See the first Pokémon movie as an example of an all-powerful creation (Mewtwo) that turns on his creators.

In-universe, there are implications of Discord and Grogar having some sort of connection. First is Discord’s curious interest in the Bewitching Bell; how did he track it down? Why seek it out? Then there’s ‘Grogar’ giving Tirek some magic as a boost; why didn’t Tirek recognize it as Discord’s chaos magic? He’s absorbed it before. You can handwave this as Tirek not being able to specifically tell or particularly care what kind of magic he absorbs to fuel his power, or just blame it on being a plot hole brought about by the writing. It’s just fun to speculate on.

I personally like the idea of Discord rebelling not out of benevolence, but rather for the sake of his ego and silly villainy (compared to Grogar’s) but that’s just me. That said, I’m scratching my head a bit over how that would actually work out timeline wise.

most everyone is brining up the moniker of grogar being the father of monsters and how it seems like the monsters are his creations and discord knowing about grogar's bell but there's one other point. As established by Bats! it's shown that magical essence can shift creatures even living creatures into a new species that's likely how he did it. Used the bell to disenchant forms of magic and put them in his monsters and discord being a huge amalgam with chaos magic fits the blueprint. honestly I was worried when we first met grogar that they'd go down the route of nonponies are all grogar's creation and something something racism bad something something thankfully that never happened.

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