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A Man Undercover
Group Admin

When it comes to the “supposed reveal” of Ahuizotl being a relic guardian in “Daring Doubt”, I’d like to ask this:

How interesting do you guys think it’d be if Ahuizotl turned out to be lying the whole time? Even despite touching the Truth Talisman?

Also, would that be a twist that you’d all personally approve of? And how would you guys like to see it come about?

By definition, you can’t lie when using a magical artifact that forces you to be truthful. It would make even less sense than the canon plot twist if it were otherwise.

The ending of Daring Doubt was a misguided attempt to teach viewers to listen to others’ side of the story that flies in the face of continuity and the reality of the conflict between Ahuizotl and Daring Do. It’s one of several badly-written parts of Season 9 that Hasbro should go back and officially change.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

I dunno.

Considering Equestria is chock full of magical artifacts, I wouldn’t be surprised if Ahuizotl got ahold of one that made him immune to the Talisman’s effects aside from making his eyes green. Heck, he didn’t even act like he was telling the truth.

I'd rather it be that Ahuizotl was more of a complicated individual than what we got...

Millennia ago; before Ponies would establish Equestria, there were two factions each vying for control over the same region and would soon become embroiled in a war so devastating and violent that the victory of the conflict decided that the best course of action would be to suppress all knowledge and information about the war and technological advances made in it to protect both future generations from its atrocities and in preservation of Andrealphus: one of their worlds' primary Gods who holds domain over all things regarding Knowledge and Science. The person who would eventually become Ahuizotl was originally one of Ahuizotls' Priests: having been granted immense knowledge, only to recoil in-horror at what he had created with that Knowledge. His Transformation into Ahuizotl was seen as his Atonement for his Sins of using andrealphus' Knowledge for the sake of taking life rather than preserving and elevating life. Since then, Ahuizotl had lived within the Basin: in-truth it is one of Andrealphus' dedicated storage facilities for housing Magical and scientific artifacts that Andrealphus had designed and built.

In terms of Cosmology, Andrealphus in this setting has been worshipped by many different groups and civilizations for a variety of feats and deeds:

  • The Crystal Empire: their nations primary God who granted them with eternal bodies of crystal that allow form them to interface and network with the raw data streams that pass through the Imperial Spire: originally the peak of a large mountain that the Crystal Ponies had carved down.
  • The Griffins: they revere Andrealphus due to his familial connections with Andras and Hræsvelgr, the Gods of War and Winters respectively.
  • The Hippogriffs: they hold worship of the entirety of the Pantheon that Andrealphus is a part of, who helped to carve down Mount Aris and lend his voice to The Harmonizing Heights.
  • The Kirin: Revere Andrealphus as the Brother-in-Law to their God of Tides that had created such natural wonders as the Mirror Pool and Stream of Silence.

A counter to the relic would make more sense.

Or by definition Ahuizotl only needs to guard *his* relic and otherwise can still do whatever he wants.

By definition: not lying. Omitting the key part of the situation while technically telling the truth by staring he intends to protect the artifacts.

After he uses them of course.

The thing about "Truth" is that it's extremely suggestive when you are demanding a singular person tell what they believe to be true vs what is universally true.

Would the artifact forcibly input knowledge to make them speak only that which is universally true there by only becoming a glorified mouthpiece for a universal search engine.

Or are they speaking the truth *they* are aware of and believe to be so due to limited perception and information?

More so the artifact demanded he speak truth. Not *all* of it.

Besides the whole Habsro should go back and change S9, I have to agree with Mixmaster226 here.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

What if Ahuizotl somehow acquired another relic that made him immune to the Talisman’s effects? With the main exception of making his eyes glow green?


It’s one of several badly-written parts of Season 9 that Hasbro should go back and officially change.

-sigh- You just never learn to give up, do ya? :/

Not even after when partaking in Brawny Buck's Brony Debates podcast did you even stop. :/ :ajbemused:


Besides the whole Habsro should go back and change S9, I have to agree with Mixmaster226 here.

Pardon my swear, but you are a FUCKING IDIOT! >:/

Seriously, do NOT agree with the annoying MixMaster226 on that. He is just a liar.

Of course. Why would I give up?


I swear though, if you continue to do this even when it's like say either 10, 20, or heck even 100 years after MLP FIM has ended, you're just gonna be... well... have no soul left. :/


I mean, sure. But that'd kind-of be out-of-nowhere and I don't think it really changes how much damage this episode did to Daring Do.


I only agree with him that “Daring Doubt” is a terrible episode.

How about instead of insulting me, you just ignore me and focus on insulting MixMaster226. :raritywink: I know how annoying he is, but imo you're just as annoying for constantly arguing with him.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

I was just wondering. One of my biggest goals is to figure out how to expand on the whole “Ahuizotl being a relic guardian” thing by giving a surprising twist and turn in the long run. Everything about the episode pretty much felt like the beginning of an incomplete story that no one bothered to finish, and in my opinion…even though Ahuizotl was touching the Truth Talisman, something about his “confession” didn’t sound truthful or genuine. To me, his tone of voice was incredibly suspicious-sounding compared to the times when he wasn’t touching the Talisman.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

Honestly, the idea you’re proposing seems incredibly…complicated for my understanding.

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