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A Man Undercover
Group Admin

Story by Jeremy Whitley

Art by Andy Price

Colors by Heather Breckel

Letters by Neil Uyetake

Edits by Riley Farmer

This is just offensive.

IDW actually made this? Are they saying Spike wrote every comic? Was there really problem with Discord being an honorary CMC?

I actually like this idea. Spike wrote the MLP comics, so the differences from show canon are him taking artistic liberties, or just not being present for certain events.

I like this. They did a good job of pointing out all the plotholes in their own comics, and how things deviate, or are written out-of-order. They could have just made an official statement of explaining things similar to this (having to continue producing merchandise while the show was still being written/released and thus needing to invent scenarios on the fly, not knowing how the show itself would actually play out) but they chose to do it in an entertaining way that makes the fans feel seen.

God, I fucking hate how Spike looks. He looks like that squidward handsome meme in purple and green.
And this comic dosent help

My therapist: Roided Spike isn't real. He can't hurt you.

Roided Spike:

But didn't the staff already make an official statement that the comics were secondary canon (that is, canon until contradicted by the show)?

That doesn't mean they can't make this comic

Poking fun at your own problems does not rationalize or make them go away. If the animated series wasn’t allowed to get away with it, neither should the comics. How well the story arcs fit into the show’s canon was not the real issue with most of IDW’s run. The general quality of the writing, especially outside the slice of life arcs, has always been a very bitter point of contention even since the very beginning. This “epilogue” carries a desperate air of damage control.


Were there even that many fans complaining specifically about the continuity errors between the comic and the show?

Yes, but that was sort of a given.


Was there really problem with Discord being an honorary CMC?

I am starting to think the creators do not want Discord to have any positive traits.

And Daring Do, come to think of it.

I'd rather they just never talk about the inconsistencies or bring them up like this. Most of us who enjoyed the comics had grown to accept that the canon wouldn't match up because it was a different staff working on the comics. Trying to justify it like this and having the canon complaints come from the absolute stereotype of the nitpicking neckbeard fan just makes it seem like the staff were insecure and got defensive over a simple problem. It's exactly what Ted Anderson was rightfully called out for eight years ago, and it's sad to see that such an opinion wasn't just his, but many others working on the comic.

Kind of ends the whole affair on a slightly sour note. What a shame.

Also, the Jeremy Whitley writing credit explains everything. That dude gets really salty whenever you criticize his comics.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

What makes you say that, by any chance?

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


Also, the Jeremy Whitley writing credit explains everything. That dude gets really salty whenever you criticize his comics.

I agree. He criticizes Sombra's appearance in Season 9, yet he doesn't like it when a great many others criticize his Sombra comics. It's as if he thinks criticism towards his works is the same as getting an insult, and that's coming from a guy who knows from experience that it actually isn't.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


Was there really problem with Discord being an honorary CMC?

I think the real problem behind the 2nd "Friends Forever" comic is that it didn't age well in terms of continuity. It showed Discord becoming friends with the CMC, yet they acted with hostility towards him in "Make New Friends But Keep Discord".

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

The whole "creators not wanting Discord or Daring Do not having positive traits" thing.

Is Fame and Misfortune or this comic more accurate when it comes to Enjoyer/Disliker ratio?

While everyone else seems to be speaking for me about Discord, I'll direct your attention to the final episode that starred Daring Do in a major roll. The one that tried to convince us that Ahuizotl was a good guy all along, despite trying to bring temperatures to a blistering high. There, she's pretty much forced to give up treasure hunting without much of an alternative...

At least I think so. It's been awhile so correct me if I'm wrong.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

You’re not wrong on that.

Then again, that’s why I’ve frequently questioned the episode’s place in the MLP canon overall. Especially since it was never referenced or mentioned in anything after it aired. It’s also why I’ve been hoping to introduce Hasbro to my ideas for a sequel series to the episode.

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