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I deleted the last thread since it wasnt getting any positive votes. But I want to take a moment and try to ask what am I doing wrong? I've been trying to be fair toward others with different opinions towards immortality, by requesting that we not argue. But all I get are downvotes on my statements and requests. If you disagree with someone its probably best to just leave things alone.

I can get not wanting a character to die, and that you might like the idea of being immortal yourself, but I dont. To me, wanting someone to be immortal is pretty much the same as wanting them to be tortured. Now I know not all immortal characters are unhappy, I've seen cases of eternal love and such. There's neutral ground, happy ground, and sad ground. I've seen all the cases in various stories. But in mlp there has been nothing stated about how Celestia, Luna or Twilight feel about the idea of being immortal. Celestia appears happy on the surface, but I've met a few people that feel she is keeping her pain hidden, just like I have.

Now it's okay for you to believe that Twilight can be happy once her friends pass if you want her to be immortal. But I'm a firm believer in immortality being a curse, and since a writer stated that Twilight would not outlive her friends that just makes all the outliving stories dishonorable in my opinion. Miller said it was left to us whether she outlives them or not.

Once again I am not trying to start an argument with anybody. But I'm tired of being shot down. We all have our opinions and headcanons, you want to have Twilight immortal and happy you just do that. I'm trying to be fair here but not getting a lot of fairness in return. If I run into something on here I disagree with I dont usually downvote even if I disagree. This is how I see things.

You are being as fair as you can, I think. But the problems are 1) you are defending death as a good, and 2) you are getting far too worked up about votes. Better to not worry about them.

Really um.. sorry if i was causing ruckus in the previous post...
Though.. it just really hurts about Luna's case since she really got the short end of the stick due to the whole retirement thing..

And the idea it comes with imminent death just adds injury to insult?

I've put up with a lot of bullying by pro immortal people ever since I began my campaign last year. So after this long it is a little personal. And FYI I have never once said that death is a good thing, I'm simply saying that between it and the curse of immortality I would take it.

That is pro death - you're saying it's the lesser evil.

And your view is never going to be universally popular, so you're going to need to stop worrying about votes to be happy.

I'm okay , I'm just sensitive on this. Trying to learn how to improve.

Well deleting a thread isn’t exactly a good look, I can tell you that much.

Except I turned away from happiness a long time ago.

I’m sorry, I’m reading this over and I’m not exactly sure what you want out of these threads.

Well that's quite sad. May I ask why?

Affirmation of his anti-immortality views? Or at least, not the opposite.

To express my feelings and views.

So...what, people with opposite views should not be posting? Because if the deleted thread is anything like the last time I remember the discussion being had it wasn’t “bullying”, he had reasoned arguments presented to him as to why immortality isn’t necessarily negative.

Latecomer's right, votes mean nothing. If it's a good story, it's good enough.

Sigh. A personal tragedy involving my biological mother. Than a second blow with my first girlfriend, that really hit hard. I cut myself off from full happiness. I'm not totally miserable but I'll never be truly happy.

Yeah, but he clearly isn't going to change his mind. That's why I didn't bother this time.

Have tried counselling/therapy?

Just accept that people will disagree with you and you will disagree with them. Some will be nice about it others not so much but that shouldn't matter. We all think differently and have different beliefs. And if that bothers you, my only advice is to ignore it

It makes it even worse.
It was bad enough she didn't get to rule for much long or enjoy her destiny for much long(a few years is ultimately not much).
Not getting to experience life much(20 years is not much compared to how Celestia lived for a 1000, especially with death looming over Luna due to aging rapidly upon losing her immortality)
Luna pretty much spent most of her life on the moon.
Why didn't Celestia stop and realize that pretty much?

I'm just.. well..
The writers just dealt Luna a really bad hand pretty much and it just hurts honestly.


Well you don't have to believe she's mortal.

Well it only caused me distress back in Will Relations Die. I'm not referring to that here. But I'm not asking in any case for people to try and change my mind. I'll just leave it at that.
Not really interested.

Well, if you can't ever really be happy, then I guess I can understand why living forever might not seem worth it for you.

I know you’re not asking for people to change your mind. What I want to know is if you’re open to the possibility of changing your mind.

As I said I'm a firm believer immortality is a curse. I don't know. I don't really want to see immortality as a good thing.

There’s nothing wrong with thinking you’re right if you can lay out a solid line of logic for why. But if you’re not open to the possibility of being wrong, then these threads aren’t about discussion. They’re about you either seeking affirmation for being right, or correcting the masses for being wrong. In either case, mixed with your tendency to delete threads and plus erase time and effort that other people have put into their posts...it’s not a good look. It’s a pretty shitty one, to be honest.

I'm fine with my mortality because there is literally nothing I can do about it but the overall narrative of MLP in general doesn't treat the Royal Sisters with any respect most of the time, them having Luna die as a mortal when she just came back(from her PoV) from her banishment on the moon only to retire and die rapidly as a mortal is absolutely nonsensical and disrespectful by any standard. It's this simple fact that you seem to have trouble grasping.

Really hurts that other people are saying that though..

Luna already got the short end of the stick many times honestly.
Her not getting to experience life as much anywhere near Celestia as did just makes the NMM fiasco hurt way too much than Luna should go through.

She should at least live for at least a 1000 more years to make up for the lost time or something..
Or just the sisters continuing to live instead of Celestia thinking its wonderful to dump their immortality onto Twilight(who in turn might do so for Luster and so on)

Well thanks for your opinion. But it just seems that whenever I do try and express my view I more often than not get shot down. I'm trying to give people who feel the same way I do about immortality being a curse a happier ending in which the characters are together in the next life. I've noticed things lately that seem that seem to indicate that people have given my story some dislikes without even reading it, and that is bullying. Excuse me if I'm trying to protect my stories from bullies who give them dislikes without even reading them. I keep thinking that maybe there's something wrong with how I'm doing things here but maybe its just my way of being against immortality in general. Latecomer here started a whole discussion back in the very first draft of my headcanon, just going after it based on the short description and didn't read the longer description where I DID explain that I viewed immortality as a curse.
Well I can agree the sisters don't get a lot of chances to win. But if Luna wants to give up her immortality like I believe she and Celestia did than who are you to stop her? Its her choice after all, as it is for all of us whether that happens or not. You want her not to give up her immortality and do more with it, that's totally fine. Think of all the pain she must have gone through, I mean sure she didn't have a lot of time like Celestia but any friends she had a thousand years ago are gone. Maybe by the end she's read to call it quits and is satisfied. All depends on what you believe.

As with the OP, you might need to worry less about others having different headcanons.

Have you considered that people might be giving you dislikes because they, well, dislike your opinion?

I guess that's probably why I get dislikes here when I am expressing opinions, but going after my stories that I work hard on isn't exactly nice. I always take a look a the description and if it is something I don't care for I simply move on and don't give a dislike. One time back in May when I advertised my story as separate they both got disliked. Its okay to not agree with my opinion but taking it out on the story I write is not good, especially not without reading it. I'm just very fed up because of that, I'm fine with people disagreeing with my opinion that immortality is a curse, that the sisters gave up their immortality, died, and Twilight will do the same to be with her friends. But giving stories dislikes without even reading them is not a good thing at all. That's true bullying. I express my opinion ahead of time so if people dislike it they don't need to go after the story it happens in.

I pretty much agree (and never give dislikes anyway - I barely ever give likes). But it's a controversial opinion, so there are going to be those who dislike it. It works for you, though, and isn't that what matters?

A solid line of logic huh? Well I have been trying to incorporate some for a while now. Here's the logic I've come up with in regards to immortality.

Now people like damaged told me about that thing with age. While I dont deny that as you get older you mourn less but that's not always the case. Something I found out is that the highest age for suicide is people in their fifties. Some people just cant take the pain the world throws at them, either they are weak or they go through too much. Personally I think out of all the princesses twilight is most likely to go insane from loss of friends. Shes been shown to be mentally unstable in stressful situations. That's my argument for why she shouldn't be immortal aside from the writers rule. When your life is consumed by pain, or when you are in constant pain, you definitely dont want to live through that pain forever. That's the way I live. Some people let go others dont.

More like its due to Celestia's choice.
Like if Celestia didn't decide to do the whole retirement thing, Luna wouldn't be retiring and giving up her immortality.(Like she didn't want to be without her sister).
Like didn't get to experience life as anywhere near as long as Celestia did.
Literally most of Luna's life was being stuck on the moon. It makes the NMM mess even more hurtful to Luna due to that.
Its just isn't right really..
Even if Luna enjoyed those 20 years, problem is its muddled with death is looming over her badly and her rapidly aging, she didn't get to enjoy what Celestia did with the whole 1000 years thing. Didn't get to enjoy her destiny of raising the moon for much long(a few years is ultimately not much given the whole timespan there). Its still ultimately not much, she really got the short end of the stick here..

It also makes the shortcomings worse due to while Celestia has the whole "1000 years of protecting Equestria alone" to fall back on. Luna doesn't have that, since her return she kept falling flat on her face.
And on the last days as rulers it was her last chance to not "fail"(no, distracting the trio and turning the powerless trio to stone doesn't count as fixing that) but she ends up doing so anyway.
By the time Grogar arrives, Luna and Celestia would be dead.
Just felt it hurts more due to that too..

I think it's a highly contentious issue that will remain a highly contentious issue. There's really no way to please everyone.

You realize though that with the thousand years of experiencing life, Celestia also likely experienced the pain of losing a thousand generations of students and friends. She may appear happy on the outside but who is to say she isnt hurting inside and wishing for death? Why else would she give up her immortality? The characters have never once said their opinions on immortality so we dont know if the sisters like being immortal and it's all up to how we feel about it.

You want to go by the living forever is awesome path go ahead, but I'm going for the it's a curse way. True you can experience life, which can be joy or pain, or both. The pain I've gone through has overridden my joy to an extent. Celestia no doubt would have watched many ponies she cared about pass. Luna didnt, she was spared the pain of that but spent a 1000 years on the moon. Both the sisters suffered there, in different ways.

Because for many, Eternal Life is a good thing. I'd take it in a heartbeat, even with the downsides.

Also, deleting a threat just makes it look a bit like you're throwing a tantrum.

I guess I can see why choosing to die a mortal would be more fair than living forever and seeing so much people, places, and things come and go to the point it stresses you out.

As I said, I mostly I delete threads to prevent my fics from being bullied, as I've had cases where they get downvoted apparently without getting viewed. That is not acceptable to me. You can hardly blame me if I'm protective of my work.

I get that its your opinion. But there will always be people that disagree. I'm pretty against it. It will never be a good thing in my eyes.

Oh, don't worry about upvotes or downvotes; as long as you have an opinion, however right or wrong, someone is going to take offense with it.

...that, and asking "please don't downvote" is going to make people dv out of spite, so...

Well I havent asked them not to downvote, but my main problem is people that downvote without actually reading. Which is bullying.

You may be placing too much importance on that system if you think that's bullying.

That's reality for this site. People downvote stories all the time without ever reading them. Most authors are mature enough to not let it get to them. Or they just ignore it.

This is coming across as you're so thin skinned that you can't accept reality. Disabling ratings doesn't make you look good at all. Only an immature child who shouldn't be writing at all, if they can't accept people will hate your story no matter what.

I've read stories on the site for both positions and found valid points for each and enjoyed them. I lean towards the idea of it (being immortal) being a problem, not a curse. Some stories have Twilight as strong and capable of handing the changes while in others she is overwhelmed by the position and succumbs to sorrow or desperation or whatever the writer came up with. I'm neither Pro nor Con on the topic; I'd like to do a story or two in each camp of opinion; one where Twilight goes on for several centuries as a great ruler and one where she fails. It's all a personal choice on the subject.

Yeah you're right. It is a matter of choice. I guess I've just been overwhelmed by the backlash I've received on this. We all have our thresholds of things we can take, and I've taken quite a bit but I'm trying to learn to improve, which is the point of this thread. I guess I'll just have to accept that not everyone will agree with me. But we all have our lines, and mine is when people give my work dislikes without even bothering to read it. But maybe I shouldn't have deleted the last thread. So from now on I guess I'll just keep them up regardless of how many likes/dislikes they received.

Fact is though, some people are overwhelmed and others aren't. I'd say I'm probably the type who gives himself a harder time than it needs to be. Too much pride, I think.

The only determining whether or not if immortality is a curse is whether or not you have to live alone, or if you can have an immortal family.

Watching your loved ones die while you live on is the ultimate form of hell.

Even as I typed this, another factor came to mind: mental maturity. The human brain goes through a great number of chemical changes as it ages, whether if you go through these changes as an immortal could determine what the experience would be like...especially once you exceed your golden years and have nothing left to accomplish.

If these changes are no longer a factor however, and you remain in a set mental capacity, I can see younger people living happily ever after. (I'm in the right age group, but my momma would have to be immortal too)

Comment posted by PhoenixFlambe deleted Sep 3rd, 2020
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